Tournament Announcer

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NeutralTournament Announcer
Image of Tournament Announcer
Title <Dalaran Pet Tournament Employee>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Magocracy of Dalaran
Location Dalaran
Status Alive

The Tournament Announcer is a human businessman located in Dalaran. He is in charge of the Dalaran Pet Tournament, a series of world quests. He constantly alternates between celebrating alongside, berating, and firing his employee, Greg.


  • Greg! Dance harder! People actually showed up to this scam... I mean event!
  • Greg. You're fired.
  • I pay you to dance Greg, not mope! So put some boogie into it!
  • This is it Greg! We finally hit the big time! People from all over Azeroth are here at OUR event!


  • At some point, he was given the Kul Tiran noble on-click voice.
  • He originally also had a brown beard and wore a cape and glasses.

Patch changes

External links