Spayed by the Spade

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NeutralSpayed by the Spade
Start Kuhuine Tenderstride
End Kuhuine Tenderstride
Level 10-45
Category Herbalism
Experience 14,800
Rewards Herbalism Technique: Aethril (Rank 1)
19g 40s
Previous N Herbalism [10-45] Aethril Sample


Obtain a Pristine Pistil and a Stainless Stamen.


The stem, leaves, and petals are dazzling, to be certain... but look at the pollination filaments, here, and the reproductive organs in the center of the bloom. They contain more energy than the rest of the plant put together.

I suspect that we can more responsibly and efficiently harvest aethril by focusing on these parts.

Still, it looks like this bloom has been damaged. I need undamaged parts if I'm to be sure.


You will learn: Herbalism Technique: Aethril (Rank 1)

You will also receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 14,800 XP


It may seem wrong to remove these most... "intimate" flower parts, but do not fret. They will grow back.

Much like the parts of a troll.


<Your trainer looks over the pistil and stamen, clearly impressed.>

The Earthmother must have been feeling generous when she created the aethril.

Continue to focus on this part of the flower, <name>.


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