Uda the Beast

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HordeUda the Beast
Image of Uda the Beast
Title <Innkeeper>
Gender Female
Race Mag'har orc (Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Sunreavers, Sunreaver Onslaught
Occupation Innkeeper, Vendor
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Rhukah, Nargut

Uda the Beast is a Mag'har orc innkeeper for the Filthy Animal inn located in the Sunreaver's Sanctuary within Dalaran. She does not want fighting within her inn or she will feed the culpable to her wolves, Nargut and Rhukah.


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During the Purge of Dalaran, Uda and her wolves were surrounded by the Silver Covenant in her inn. She seemed to have put up a fight as Nargut and Rhukah were feasting on Silver Covenant corpses before her. On Rommath's orders, Uda and her wolves were freed by a Horde adventurer and were said to go to Silvermoon City.

She later accompanies the Sunreaver Onslaught to the Isle of Thunder. She is first seen aboard the blood elven destroyer, Salabria, and later in Battlefront Provisions at Dawnseeker Promontory.

Uda also appears to collect the  [Scallions] the adventurer has grown at Sunsong Ranch as part of a work order, thanking them on behalf of the Sunreavers.

Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

Uda and her wolves are seen at their old spot in Dalaran.

TheWarWithin-Petopia-Logo.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

When the Azj-Kahet nerubians attacked the city, Uda quickly went to fight them. She managed to kill two before being grabbed.[1] After Dalaran's crash, Abohba took care of Uda's wolves, while she was taken to the Siegehold of Azj-Kahet. High Arcanist Savor was able to keep her out of imprisonment through invisibility and mirror image.[2] In time, Uda and her companions were liberated from the Siegehold and led to the safety of Faerin's Advance.[3]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Filthy Animal, Dalaran 10-30 Alliance Horde Wrath-Logo-Small.png
Dalaran 35 Horde During the Purge of Dalaran, part of the Landfall storyline.
Salabria & Battlefront Provisions, Isle of Thunder 32-35 Alliance Horde
Sunsong Ranch, Valley of the Four Winds 35 Horde During H [15-35 Daily] Work Order: Sunreaver Onslaught II.
Filthy Animal, Dalaran 10-45 Alliance Horde Legion-Logo-Small.png
Azj-Kahet 78-80 Alliance Horde


Isle of Thunder
Broken Isles


Objective of



You! COME! Drink, feast, rest for the next battle.

But do not fight! Or I will feed you to my wolves.

  • Inn Make this inn your home.
  • Buy Let me browse your goods.

During the Purge of Dalaran.

  • Come on, girls. You've had your share of meat for the day.

After completing H [15-35 Daily] Work Order: Sunreaver Onslaught II.

  • I’ve come for our order of scallions.
  • This is more than I expected, <class>. The Sunreaver Onslaught thanks you.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Given the facts that she has a higher height than the regular Mag'har orcs and that she is accompanied by wolves, she may be a mok'nathal.

Patch changes


External links