Lio the Lioness

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AllianceLio the Lioness
Image of Lio the Lioness
Title <Battle Pet Master>
Gender Female
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 98 / 105
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Unknown

Lio the Lioness is a worgen that runs the Menagerie in Lunarfall. She revives dead pets.

She is also found in Magical Menagerie in Dalaran.

It is currently unknown if she survived Dalaran's destruction.


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Item Cost
 [Mystery Bag] 2 Polished Pet Charm
 [Flawless Battle-Training Stone] 3 Polished Pet Charm
 [Ultimate Battle-Training Stone] 35 Polished Pet Charm
 [Marked Flawless Battle-Stone] 15 Polished Pet Charm
25x  [Battle Pet Bandage] 5 Polished Pet Charm
 [Lesser Pet Treat] 5 Polished Pet Charm
 [Pet Treat] 10 Polished Pet Charm
25x  [Magical Mini-Treat] 5 Polished Pet Charm
25x  [Magical Pet Biscuit] 5 Polished Pet Charm
5x  ["Dapper Gentleman" Costume] 1 Polished Pet Charm
5x  ["Dread Pirate" Costume] 1 Polished Pet Charm
5x  ["Little Princess" Costume] 1 Polished Pet Charm
5x  [Big Pink Bow] 1 Polished Pet Charm


No matter how much I feed them, your pets keep wandering into the town hall and begging for scraps.

Gossip I'd like to heal and revive my battle pets.
Gossip Any pet stuff for sale?

Gossip Why are you called the Lioness?

  • Do you like scars?
  • <Lio narrows her eyes>
  • Kid, don't start with me.
  • Someone else asked me that once... just once.
  • You sure you want an answer?
  • Oh, what a great question. Let me write that one down.
  • <Lio narrows her eyes.>

Gossip Nevermind!

Gossip Heard any battle news out of Tanaan Jungle?

I've heard rumors of no less than 15 very powerful pets, corrupted by the fel energies unleashed by Gul'dan. Find and defeat them and you'll surely find some rewards of value!

Patch changes

External links

Lunarfall Dalaran