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Image of Segacedi
Title <Sewer Shark>
Race Shark (Beast)
Level 10-30 / 35 / 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location The Underbelly, Dalaran
Status Killable

Segacedi is a sewer shark that can be found under the Black Market in the Underbelly of Dalaran. One could, if so desired, "jump the shark". Oddly, you cannot loot this shark.

During the Purge of Dalaran, Sorin Magehand is levitating a Sunreaver citizen over Segacedi, and when engaged drops him onto the shark to be devoured.


  • Sha ability rogue bloodyeye nightmare.png Blood Frenzy — Increases the caster's damage dealt by 10% and attack and casting speed by 10% for 20 sec.
  • Spell druid bloodythrash.png Blood in the Water — Gnaws the target Inflicting Physical damage and additional damage over 6 sec.


  • This seemingly random shark in Dalaran's sewers is a reference to the game Sewer Shark for the Sega CD.

Patch changes

External links

Northrend Purge of Dalaran Broken Isles