The Power to Survive

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NeutralThe Power to Survive
Start Altruis the Sufferer / Kayn Sunfury
End Altruis the Sufferer / Kayn Sunfury
Level 10-45
Category Artifact
Class Demon hunter Demon hunter
Experience 1,500
Rewards 1g 54s
Previous N Demon hunter [10-45] Call of the Illidari
Next N Demon hunter [10-45] Making Arrangements or
N Demon hunter [10-45] Asking a Favor


Select an artifact weapon to pursue.

  • Artifact weapon chosen


Illidan and I may have disagreed, but he was unarguably powerful. He was pivotal in vanquishing some of the Legion's most powerful soldiers.

However, that may not matter much longer.

There are two pairs of blades rumored to be more powerful than even Illidan's that may still be within reach.

Regrettably, our numbers are too few to hunt both while maintaining our vigil over the Legion. I fear our window of opportunity is waning quickly.

As the ranking Illidari, that decision falls to you.

We have long relied on Lord Illidan to vanquish the Legion's strongest warriors - many have expressed concern over our efforts without him.

Thankfully, their concerns may not matter much longer.

We know of two pairs of blades rumored to be more powerful than even Lord Illidan's that are not yet out of reach.

If we act quickly we should be able to hunt down one without forsaking our watch over the Legion's movements.

I must defer judgment on which is most worthy of our time to you, <name>.


You will receive:

  • 1g 54s
  • 1,500 XP


You must move quickly - our time is short.

Well chosen. There isn't a moment to spare.


The Power to Survive - artifacts.png

We are indomitable. We are Illidari.

Gossip I would like to review weapons we might pursue.


Let nothing stand in your way!

Gossip I would like to review weapons we might pursue.


Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Illidan may have been a fool, but he was a powerful fool - he was pivotal in vanquishing some of the Legion's most powerful soldiers.

There are two pairs of blades rumored to be more powerful than even Illidan's that you might obtain.

Patch changes

External links

Altruis Kayn

es:Misión:El poder de sobrevivir