Initiate Da-Nel

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NeutralInitiate Da-Nel
Image of Initiate Da-Nel
Title <Messenger>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 1-20
Class Monk
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Order of the Broken Temple
Location Dalaran; Wandering Isle
Status Alive

Initiate Da-Nel is a pandaren briefly appearing in Dalaran, and the Wandering Isle. He is the one introducing the player monk to their Order Hall by delivering a message to them in Dalaran.


Objective of

  • He needs to be spoken with in N Monk [45] Storm Brew.


Main article: Before the Storm (quest)

Hey, I need to deliver this message fast! If I'm late Master Jang is going to have me painting the temple again!


  • If you don't accept his quest immediately he will insist on taking his message, becoming more and more impatient. After a while he gives up with asking and says he'll just follow you around the city until you take his letter.

Patch changes

External links