Alard Schmied

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NeutralAlard Schmied
Image of Alard Schmied
Title <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Location Magus Commerce Exchange, Dalaran
Status Unknown
Alard Schmied.jpg
Alard in Legion expansion.

Alard Schmied is a human blacksmithing trainer located in the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran and owner of the Tanks for Everything shop there.

It is currently unknown if he survived Dalaran's destruction.



Objective of


Dalaran above Deadwind Pass
  • Sorry, <name>. Come back and see me when things have calmed.
  • I'm afraid I cannot help you right now, <name>. We have been asked to remain alert at all times.
  • Training will resume shortly, <name>. You have my word.
  • Be on your guard, <name>. We've been asked to put the safety of our visitors above all else until things settle down.
  • No need to worry, <name>. Training will continue. But for now, we must focus the matters at hand.
  • In due time, <name>. For now, we must remain vigilant.
  • I do wish I could assist you in your training, but now is not the time, <name>. My apologies.

How may I hep you?

Trainer Train me.

To blacksmiths

<Name>! Welcome back! Don't you just love the smell of hot steel in the morning?

Trainer Train me.

Paladins wielding the  [Ashbringer]
Well I'll be... the Ashbringer. They say King Magni worked for three days straight to forge that blade.


  • "Schmied" means "blacksmith" in German.

Patch changes

See also

External links