The Spade's Blade

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NeutralThe Spade's Blade
Start Kuhuine Tenderstride
End Kuhuine Tenderstride
Level 10-45
Category Herbalism
Experience 14,800
Rewards Herbalism Technique: Starlight Rose (Rank 2)
19g 40s
Previous N Herbalism [10-45] Jeweled Spade Handle


Find the Broken Herbalist's Blade.


Did you notice the script along the base of the handle, <name>? It says "Herbalist Tharillon," in the writing of the nightborne.

The handle does little for us, but perhaps the blade of this spade will give us some information on how to harvest the starlight rose without failing quite so often.

I would start my search for it in Suramar.


You will learn: Herbalism Technique: Starlight Rose (Rank 2)

You will also receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 14,800 XP


How goes your search?


The blade is enchanted - of course it would be. I'm certain that we can replicate this enchantment here in Dalaran.

Shame that that herbalist wasn't more agreeable. There may have been more that we could have learned from him. At least he's still alive out there, somewhere...


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