User:Ximothy/AU/Class Orders

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DeathKnight Knights of the Ebon Blade

NeutralKnights of the Ebon Blade
Ebon Blade banner 2.jpg
Main leader IconSmall NewLichKing.gif The Lich King
  Formerly IconSmall Darion.gif Darion Mograine
Race(s) IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Female.gif Human
IconSmall DwarfDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall DwarfDeathKnight Female.gif Dwarf
IconSmall NightElfDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall NightElfDeathKnight Female.gif Night elf
IconSmall GnomeDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall GnomeDeathKnight Female.gif Gnome
IconSmall DraeneiDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall DraeneiDeathKnight Female.gif Draenei
IconSmall WorgenDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall WorgenDeathKnight Female.gif Worgen
IconSmall OrcDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall OrcDeathKnight Female.gif Orc
IconSmall ForsakenDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall ForsakenDeathKnight Female.gif Forsaken
IconSmall TaurenDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall TaurenDeathKnight Female.gif Tauren
IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall TrollDeathKnight Female.gif Troll
IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Female.gif Blood elf
IconSmall GoblinDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall GoblinDeathKnight Female.gif Goblin
Base of operations DeathKnight Acherus: The Ebon Hold
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Scourge
Status Active
Acherus: The Ebon Hold is the mobile hub of the Knights, moved to the Broken Shore and shrouded in a protective mist to hide it from Legion eyes.

After the disastrous Battle for Broken Shore led to the death of many heroes the Ebon Blade had largely withdrawn from the Ashen Verdict to unshackle themselves from the paladins' morality. They formed a partnership with the Lich King to utilize the Scourge against the Legion, though some wonder how much of Fordring still resides in the Helm. Under the hand of the Lich King a new order will be formed as the Four Horsemen will ride again as a new tool against the Burning Legion. Acherus: The Ebon Hold has moved near the Broken Isle to better serve for the war to come as their headquarters and a new generation of Death Knights are being trained.

Mal'Ganis, the original Jailer of the Lich King, seeks to subvert the Scourge once more and bring the undead legions back under control of the Dreadlords. Thus he has become the primary enemy of the Ebon Blade as they seek to avert Mal'Ganis from assuming the Frozen Throne himself, all in the while looking for four champions to take up the mantle of the Four Horsemen. The Lich King had chosen four candidates; General Nazgrim who died in the Siege of Orgrimmar to represent duty; High Inquisitor Whitemane of the Scarlet Crusade to represent zealotry; Vanndar Stormpike who died attempting to annex Alterac Valley to represent tenacity; and finally they sought the body of Bolvar Fordragon to raise him as the new leader of the Four Horsemen. However raising fallen champions has incurred the wrath of the Alliance and Horde who do not condone both the ressurection of the Four Horsemen and the raising of their fallen troops at the Broken Shore, deteriorating relations between them and the Ebon Blade.

After the defeat of Ma'Ganis when he attempted to usurp control over the Frozen Throne and the Second Battle for Broken Shore led to a landfall against the Legion controlled island the Knights sought to increase their aerial might by raising a new brood of dragons. This would ultimately lead them into conflict with the Red Dragonflights after they defiled the burial ground of the Reds to raise the dead dragons against the Legion. The retaliation by the Reds ended up killing Darion Mograine and the ultimate actions of the Ebon Blade would be debated by their 'allies'. When the war came to Argus the Lich King raised Darion from the dead once again, bound more tightly to the Frozen Throne as his greatest champion. Darion had memories of darkness and tormet while dead, which the Lich King confirmed and alluded to the state of the afterlives though that was a conflict for another day. In the aftermath of the invasion's end the Ebon Blade were scorned by the others and they secluded themselves to their necropolis, with debate among their own members on whether they did what had to be done or if they made unnecessary choices.




DemonHunter Illidari

Illidari banner in Fel Hammer.jpg
Main leader  Illidan Stormrage
Race(s) IconSmall NightElfDemonHunter Male.gifIconSmall NightElfDemonHunter Female.gifNight elfNight elf Night elf
IconSmall BloodElfDemonHunter Male.gifIconSmall BloodElfDemonHunter Female.gifBlood elfBlood elf Blood elf
IconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gifIconSmall NagaLord.gifNagaNaga Naga
Fel orcFel orc Fel orc
Broken Broken
Base of operations DemonHunter Fel Hammer
  Formerly Black Temple †
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus, Mardum
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Illidan's Forces
  Formerly Burning Legion
Status Active
After loosing the Black Temple the Fel Hammer has become their new hub of activity, taken from the world of Mardum.

The chosen elite of Illidan, the Demon Hunters were trained to be Illidan's ultimate tool against all of his enemies- Sha'tari, Alliance, Horde or Legion. However the mad tyrant of Outland was struck down and his elite Illidari were imprisoned for years by the Warden Maiev until the renewed Legion invasion across Azeroth. Seeing the Legion as a greater threat Maiev gambled releasing the Demon Hunters to unleash them on the Legion and the Illidari set their sights on restoring their master to life- guided by his spirit that has calmed his mind and is no longer the crazed demon he was before.

Using the Fel Hammer, a captured Legion vessel, as their new base of operations now the Black Temple was liberated by the Sha'tari the remnants of Illidan's Forces were condensed into the Illidari and the demon hunters took command of the broken faction, attempting to reforge it into a weapon to revive their Master and cut deep into the Legion. However Illidan's madness and death had left many Demon Hunters doubting the cause and mass defection occured, most notably the greatest of Illidan's Demon Hunters Varedis Felsoul who would become the Blade of Kil'jaeden and charged with hunting down the Illidari before they can see about the Resurrection of their Lord.

The Legion would launch a retaliationary strike against the Illidari on Mardum and retake it, forcing the Fel Hammer top flee however they only needed to lick their wounds. They would strike back, killing Varedis and helped rescue the soul of their leader, Illidan, who would be revived in Suramar. Illidan had returned saner than before, having spent his death in complentation on his actions and he would try to work with the other factions, deeming his paranoia and drasic actions as the root of his fall. He would take to the field alongside his demon hunters in the hunt. Illidan would open the way to Argus and be one of the forefront leaders in the invasion of the Legion's capital of Antorus. Illidan stayed behind when the Seat of the Pantheon was sealed, leaving the Illidari unsure of their future.




Druid Cenarion Circle

NeutralCenarion Circle
Nighthaven banner in Val'sharah.jpg
Main leader  Malfurion Stormrage
Race(s) DryadKeeper of the grove Children of Cenarius
Night elfNight elf Night elf
TaurenTauren Tauren
TrollTroll Troll
WorgenWorgen Worgen
Green dragon Green dragon
Base of operations Druid Dreamgrove
  Formerly Nighthaven
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Ancient Guardians, Green dragonflight
Status Active
The former grove of Cenarius himself, the Dreamgrove is the current hub of activity for the Circle in combatting the Legion.

In an effort to bring the front closer to the Legion's invasion point the Cenarion Circle have moved their operations from Moonglade to the Dreamgrove in Val'sharah- the ancient grove where Cenarius once taught Malfurion the art of druidism. Working in tandem with the local Dreamweavers the Circle are gathering the best and brightest druids from across their world, veterans of wars such as Ahn'Qiraj, the Firelands and the Nightmare. Yet threats arise as the Nightmare resurges once more and have claimed many Wild Gods. To bring these powerful allies back to the frontlines the druids must save them, especially Cenarius himself.

As the Nightmare spreads across Val'sharah the demigod Cenarius has been taken by the dark forces of Xavius and corrupted into a walking Nightmare. Various other Wild Gods are being targetted, removing them from the war with the Legion. The druids must race to save Goldrinn, Aviana, Agamaggan and The Twin Bear Gods before Xavius can corrupt them, however for some such as Malorne it may already be too late after the Moose God tried to save his corrupted Son from the Nightmare. Even as the Nightmare spreads the Druids cannot ignore the Legion itself and must continue to protect the Dream from the influence of the demons and their fel corruption.




Hunter Unseen Path

NeutralUnseen Path
Unseen Path Banner Legion.png
Main leader Hunter The Huntsmasters
Race(s) Night elfNight elf Night elf
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
OrcOrc Orc
Highmountain taurenHighmountain tauren Highmountain tauren
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
WorgenWorgen Worgen
HumanHuman Human
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
TaurenTauren Tauren
TrollTroll Troll
Base of operations Hunter Trueshot Lodge
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Independent
Status Active
Nestled in the peaks of Highmountain is the ancient hall of the Unseen Path, once more bustling with activity.

An old order of trackers, hunters, pathfinders and trailblazers the Unseen Path existed before the Sundering as an early multi-racial group- night elves, tauren, pandaren and others once worked together to map ancient Kalimdor and discovered many wonderous places. The order went into decline after xenophobia spread in the Kaldorei Empire, with the ensuring War of the Ancients killing many members and they suffered a deathknell in the First War of the Shifting Sands where the bulk of their membership died fighting the forces of C'Thun. Their old headquarters was left forgotten for a thousand years until Emmarel Shadewarden, one of the last survivors of the old order, decided to renewed the ancient order and call upon old debts. Rediscovering ancient paths to their Lodge with the help of local tauren, the renewed Unseen Path hopes to bring unity to Azeroth's hunters once more embracing diversity as any race was accepted as long as they heard the call of the wilds and desired to defend Azeroth.

With the war ahead the skills of the hunters are needed as the many beasts and monsters at the disposal of the Legion are unleashed on Azeroth, most notably is the great demon Hakkar the Houndmaster and his new breed of Felhunters who have proven incredibly dangerous against the various magic users, being mostly immune to magic and masters at hunting them. As such the Unseen Path have been called upon to aid in stopping the Houndmaster and his breeding program before he can unleash even greater beasts on the mortal ranks. The Unseen Path seek to build bonds with elven orders such as the Sentinels and the Farstriders to bolster their number and resources, in addition to trying to work with the local tauren with their problems with drogbar and Bloodtotem tribe traitors.




Mage Leywatchers

Main leader IconSmall Kalecgos.gifIconSmall Kalec.gif Kalecgos
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
HighborneHighborne Highborne
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
WorgenWorgen Worgen
OrcOrc Orc
TrollTroll Troll
UndeadUndead Undead
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
GoblinGoblin Goblin
High elfHigh elf High elf
OgreOgre Ogre
NightborneNightborne Nightborne
Blue dragon Blue dragon
Base of operations Mage Nexus
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Blue dragonflight
Status Active
The great Nexus is the hub of activity for the Leywatchers and Blue Dragonflight alike.

Formed by Kalecgos, the former Aspect of Magic, as a rallying banner for various magi orders across Azeroth to combat the Legion and preserve the vital Leylines of their world. With the support of the Blue Dragonflight the newly former Leywatchers rise to the challenge of the Legion. They seek Independence from worldly politics including the Kirin Tor who they see as mired in it even if they have re-assumed a neutral stance between factions. Still not all are as quick to work alongside the Blue Dragonflight after the events of the Nexus War, a reputation Kalecgos seeks to over come in the face of the Legion and unite magi of various stripes and walks of life. They are based from the Nexi Observatory within the Nexus which once allowed the Blues to watch the mortal magi and now would aid those mortals in defending their world from threats both within and without.

Yet problems arise as an anti-dragon organisation, the Empyrean Society, has begun battling the Leywatchers to attain vengeance for the Nexus War all the while the Dreadlord Kathra'natir has escaped containment and threatens the fledgling Leywatcher order. Clues lead to the conclusion that both threats are related and that despite the stated goal of the Society they are in truth pawns of the Burning Legion working on behast of a possessed Archmage Vargoth who is being puppetted by Kathra'natir to weaken the mortal defenses of Azeroth and distract the Leywatchers from the true goal of defeating the Legion. They must be dealt with first and magi must help the Blues over come sins of the past, rescuing Vargoth and imprisoning Kathra'natir with the Archmage joining them.

Following the Second Battle of Broken Shore the Leywatchers investigate the Legion's attempt to undermine the Leylines, possibly shattering them. Agents of the Legion, reporting to the Antoran High Council, are attempting to corrupt the Leylines by shattering the Nexus. A fierce battle is fought over the Coldarra as the Legion attempted their plan of detonation however the Blue Dragonflight, Leywatchers and Kirin Tor were able to work together, reinforced by Alextrasza and the Reds, to save the Nexus. After the campaign on Argus many members of the Leywatchers leave to go their own way, while others remain dedicated to working with the Blues in preserving the Leylines.




IconSmall DragonBlue.gifIconSmall HighElf Female.gif Haleh (Archivist)
IconSmall DragonBlue.gifIconSmall Gnome Female.gif Andorgos (Artefact Reforger)
IconSmall DragonBlue.gifIconSmall Troll Male.gif Narygos (Class Hall Upgrades)
IconSmall DrakeBlue.gifIconSmall Draenei Male.gif Awbee (Quartermaster)

Monk Order of the Broken Temple

NeutralTemple of the Broken Temple
Banner of the Broken Temple 2.png
Main leader IconSmall Shaohao.gif Spirit of the Emperor
Race(s) PandarenPandaren Pandaren
HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
OrcOrc Orc
TaurenTauren Tauren
TrollTroll Troll
UndeadUndead Undead
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
Hozen Hozen
Jinyu Jinyu
Base of operations Monk Temple of Five Dawns
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Pandaria
Status Active
The Temple of Five Dawns on the Wandering Isle serves as the new center of Monk training after the loss of the Peak of Serenity.

Following the destruction of the Peak of Serenity at the hands of the Burning Legion and the death of Master Hight, the head of the monk order, the surviving monks reconvened on the Wandering Isle. Reorganizing themselves as the Order of the Broken Temple the monks find themselves faced with a powerful eredar warlock who wants to see the monks utterly destroyed finding their beliefs revolting and delights in crushing hope. Under a new Grandmaster however the monks are preparing for a counter attack to attain justice not just for their former headquarters but for all those the Legion had killed.

The order has no official leader however the Spirit of the Emperor has appeared on the Isle, having been the one to guide the Turtle to Pandaria to save the Monks after the Legions' attack in the beginning. He serves as a type of guide for the Monks, the teachers deferring to him when at an impass and he provides wisdom he's accrued in the ten thousand years since he died wandering the world as a spirit. The August Celestial are also present in spirit and will provide wisdom and aid to the Order when needed, though they are also leading the defence of Pandaria itself as various Legion hotspots across the continent have appeared. Monks of Pandaria unit to defend the various temples of the mainland, such as the Temple of the Jade Serpent, Temple of the White Tiger, Tian Monastery and the Terrace of Endless Spring from the Legion, avoiding the fate that befell the Peak of Serenity.

After defeating Lady Keletress the monks worked to provide aid to the Armies of Legionfall by producing the Stormbrew that would empower their soldiers using recipes from Pandaria and Stormheim, as well as providing ground aid to the forces on the Broken Isle. Once the Tomb was sealed and the portal to Argus opened the monks provided aid on the ground, working to keep morale up and tending to the wounded. They also worked to deal with a soul harvester that was stealing the souls of their fallen comrades. After Antorus was raided and Sargeras sealed the monks returned, remaining united in their future goal of training future generations of monks from across Azeroth at their new temple on the Wandering Isle.




Paladin Ashen Verdict

NeutralAshen Verdict
Argent Crusade.jpg
Main leader The Twelvesword
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
TaurenTauren Tauren
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
Base of operations Paladin Light's Hope Chapel
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Argent Crusade
Status Active
The Sanctum of Light, under the Light's Hope Chapel, is a nexus of Light energy and a secret long protected by the caretakers of the Chapel.

The Ashen Verdict was formed between the Argents and the Ebon Blade however following Broken Shore the Death Knights withdrew from the union. While the Argent Crusade fights across the world many paladins have rallied under the banner of the Ashen Verdict to once more deliver retribution against the great enemies of all that is good; the Legion. Yet many within the Burning Legion delight at nothing less than bringing a painful end to the paladins, with Balnazzar personally seeking to eradicate the Ashen Verdict. With Tirion Fordring gone the leadership of the Ashen Verdict, and by extension the Argent Crusade, largely fell on Maxwell Tyrosus who formed the Twelvesword, twelve knights who help run things behind the scene which include members such as Eligar Dawnbringer, Mariel Trueheart, Paletress and Eadric the Pure.

To fortify their numbers they've tried to reach out to various organisations such as the Hand of Argus who proved quite willing to work with them; the Blood Knights who had were always eager to continue their path of redemption in the Light; and perhaps most controversal of all the Sunwalkers of Mulgore despite the fact they worship the Sun and not the Light itself, still the tauren proved willing to work for a greater whole. Using the Light's Hope Chapel as their current headquarters many of the Argent Crusade's brightest and greatests have come to work with them, as well as maintaining a line to the Crusade's headquarters of Hearthglen. Below the Chapel is the Sanctum of Light, a nexus of Light energy long guarded by the priests of the Chapel that will aid champions in empowering their weapons with the Light.




Priest Conclave

NeutralThe Conclave
Main leader  Archbishop Alonsus Faol
IconSmall Naaru.gif K'ara
Race(s) Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron dwarf
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
GnomeGnome Gnome
GoblinGoblin Goblin
HumanHuman Human
Night elfNight elf Night elf
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
TaurenTauren Tauren
TrollTroll Troll
UndeadUndead Undead
Naaru Naaru
Base of operations Priest Hidden Cathedral
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Independent
Status Active
The ancient Hidden Cathedral appears to be of Naaru origin despite bieng located on Azeroth.

The Conclave is a highly ambitious union of various faiths by the undead Alonsus Faol who believes that whether Light or Shadows the faiths of Azeroth can stand together and provide support and aid across the war torn world. He was supported in this goal by both the Prophet Velen and the Warchief Vol'jin, who were masters of Light and Dark respectively, and various religious figures would come together to support this strange new union at the Hidden Cathedral, a sacred and secret location.

Their headquarters is a great, ancient Cathedral of indetermint origins, some believing it might be Vrykul in origin, others that its older with some of the more farfetched theories involving an ancient race that worshipped the Light and Dark who were wiped out by the Old Gods. Regardless of the origin it is a nexus of both Light and Dark and thus was chosen by Alonsus Faol as the site of the Conclave, though the means of getting there are secret and he himself swore not to reveal how he came about this great Cathedral. Members of the Conclave ultize a special stone to find their way back to the Cathedral. The Cathedral itself is seperated into segments, one great hall where the redeemed K'ara resides while two wings, one devoted to faiths of Light such as the Church of Holy Light and the Seers worship; and one of those that walk the dark paths such as the Cult of Forgotten Shadows and Witch Doctors practice.

After the Legion locate the Hidden Cathedral and launch an attack on it the Conclave is able to fight off the siege and destroy the demon Prince Malchezaar who had been hunting the priests, permanently destroying his soul in a ritual of Light and Shadow. Once their immediate threat was dealt with the return to Broken Shore was the next goal and the Conclave served valiantly, with many of their priests serving in leadership roles such as Velen himself. After Broken Shore was reclaimed and the Tomb sealed the Conclave headed to Argus with Velen and would provide support to their allies. They aided Velen in freeing the soul of his wife who had been tortured for thousands of years, as well as freeing the souls of countless eredar from Eredath. After Argus many priests went their seperate ways with some remaining with Alonsus in the Cathedral.




Rogue The Black Talon

NeutralThe Black Talon
Uncrowned Banner.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Wrathion.gif Wrathion
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarfDark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
WorgenWorgen Worgen
OrcOrcMag'har orcMag'har orc Orc
TrollTroll Troll
TaurenTauren Tauren
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
GoblinGoblin Goblin
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
IconSmall Hobgoblin.gif Hobgoblin
IconSmall OgreEye.gif Ogre
Base of operations Rogue Ravenholdt Manor
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Independent
Status Active
Nestled in the mountains of Alterac is the Black Talons' current hub of activity; the Ravenholdt Manor.

The 'Underworld of Azeroth is not a collective group, however in the wake of the Legion Wrathion has sought to use the criminal elements of Azeroth against the invading demons, hoping to put those who would normally flee from the Legion against them. However pirates, bandits, thieves, murderers and rogues do not make for likely allies towards one another and so Wrathion is putting his crafted Black Talon network to use as buy out the loyalty of these gangs, or gangpress those who will not be bought out. Yet as he made his campaign in the Underworld so too are the Syndicate, working for the Legion, have quickly proven a thorn in his side as they seek to destablise the criminals and use them to sow chaos across Azeroth, distracting the armies from the Legion.

Thanks to connections made during the Cataclysm Wrathion managed to secure Ravenholdt Manor as the base of operations for this work. He already managed to strike deals with several influential roguish organiasions including the Alliance's SI:7 and the Horde's Shattered Hand, getting them to work in tandem with the Black Talon. Ravenholdt has become a densely populated place of Azeroth's roughest elements, kept inline by agents of the factions and a healthy mix of fear and awe of those champions, including the newly promoted Shadow, recruited to herd them. While Jorach Ravenholdt has already agreed to work with the Black Talon and allow their headquarters for the operation the other groups that Wrathion has targetted to bring into the war are the Defias Brotherhood, Bloodsail Buccaneers, Venture Company and the Thorium Brotherhood.




Shaman Earthen Ring

NeutralEarthen Ring
Earthen Ring Standard.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Thrall.gif Thrall
Race(s) OrcOrc Orc
TaurenTauren Tauren
TrollTroll Troll
GoblinGoblin Goblin
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
IconSmall Water.gifIconSmall Earth.gifIconSmall Fire.gifIconSmall Air.gif Elementals
Base of operations Shaman Heart of Azeroth
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Independent
Status Active
Over the raging Maelstrom is the headquarters of the Ring, the Heart of Azeroth.




Warlock Order of the Black Harvest

NeutralOrder of the Black Harvest
Black Harvest Banner.png
Main leader Six Daggers
Race(s) Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
GnomeGnome Gnome
GoblinGoblin Goblin
HumanHuman Human
OrcOrc Orc
TrollTroll Troll
WorgenWorgen Worgen
DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
Base of operations Warlock Dreadscar Rift
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall, Independent
Status Active
Taken from the Legion the Black Harvest have established their domain in the Dreadscar Rift.



Warrior Might of Azeroth

NeutralMight of Azeroth
Banner in Skyhold.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Jarod.gif Jarod Shadowsong
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
WorgenWorgen Worgen
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
OrcOrc Orc
TaurenTauren Tauren
TrollTroll Troll
UndeadUndead Undead
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
GoblinGoblin Goblin
VrykulVrykul Vrykul
Base of operations Warrior Starkgarde
Theater of operations Twisting Nether, Azeroth, Argus
Affiliation Armies of Legionfall
Status Active
The Starkgarde citadel sits off shore of the Broken Isles, wrested from Helarjar.



Hidden Champions

Champions that are mostly made for a challenge or for fun. Some are more serious than others.

DeathKnight IconSmall GnomeDeathKnight Female.gif Darkrider Arly
DemonHunter IconSmall MurlocDemonHunter.gif Murgulis
Druid IconSmall Troll Male.gif Zen'Kiki
Hunter IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Johnny Awesome
Mage IconSmall Millhouse.gif Millhouse Manastorm
Monk IconSmall Pandaren Female.gif Lin Tenderpaw
Paladin IconSmall Human Male.gif Maximillian of Northshire
Priest IconSmall Worgen Female.gif Fiona
Rogue IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Dagg'um Ty'gor
Shaman IconSmall Murloc.gif Morgl the Oracle
Warlock IconSmall Imp.gif Impsy
Warrior IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Gamon


DeathKnight IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Mal'Ganis
DemonHunter IconSmall BloodElfDemonHunter Male.gif Varedis Felsoul
Druid IconSmall Xavius.gif Xavius
Hunter IconSmall HakkarHoundmaster.gif Hakkar the Houndmaster
Mage IconSmall Dreadlord.gif Kathra'natir
Monk IconSmall Eredar Female.gif Lady Keletress
Paladin IconSmall Nathrezim2.gif Balnazzar
Priest IconSmall Eredar Male.gif Prince Malchezaar
Rogue IconSmall Cultist Female.gif Beve Perenolde
Shaman IconSmall WaterWrath.gif Wrath of Azshara
Warlock IconSmall FelOrc2 Male.gif Neeru Fireblade
Warrior IconSmall Annihilan.gif Brutalis

City Sieges

After the Second Battle for Broken Shore ended in a landfall for the Armies of Legionfall the Legion attempted to break the spear head by wrecking havoc on the homefronts by assaulting the capital cities of the Alliance and Horde respectively. From Deliverance Point, the Class Hall or Dalaran heroes will be called forth into an instance version of each city coming under attack, the second time for the Exodar. The various racial leaders have rallied to defend the cities from the Legion threat.

Alliance Cities


Stormwind City




Horde Cities



Thunder Bluff


Silvermoon City