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Image of Narygos
Gender Male
Race Blue dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Blue dragonflight
Location Azure Archives, Azure Span
Status Alive

Narygos is a usually calm and open-minded blue dragon of the blue dragonflight.


Twilight of the Aspects

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When Thrall came to the Nexus during the war against Deathwing, Narygos announced him, but he was only given an order to kill him by Arygos. However, Kalec convinced them to let Thrall come in. Later, he found Thrall after he collapsed from the newly-chosen Aspect's back, and transported him to Alexstrasza. He was among the dragons who were waiting for Alexstrasza and Thrall for their battle against the Twilight's Hammer and the Twilight dragonflight in Dragonblight.[1]

Charge of the Aspects

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At some point, he was contacted Kalecgos, who needed info about how the Dragon Soul had been used by mortal hands in the past.[2]

Tides of War

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When it was discovered that the Focusing Iris had been stolen, Narygos informed Kalecgos. Later on, after the fall of Theramore, Kalecgos returned to the Nexus and told Narygos and a few others about what had happened.[3]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Years later, Narygos traveled to the Azure Archives in the Azure Span after Kalecgos called the blue dragonflight back using the Azure Oathstone. He is seen speaking with Andorgos.

Patch changes


External links