Altar Keeper Biehn

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NeutralAltar Keeper Biehn
Image of Altar Keeper Biehn
Gender Male
Race Highmountain tauren (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Unseen Path
Location Trueshot Lodge, Highmountain
Status Alive

Altar Keeper Biehn is a Highmountain tauren who tends to the Altar of the Eternal Hunt in Trueshot Lodge.




May the eagle spirit guide your hand.

Gossip Where did this altar come from?

The altar acts as a focus for ancient powers... the Wild Gods, the Keepers, even elven wells of magic.
Certain ancient relics can be infused by such powers to become ever more potent. The weapon you carry is such a relic.
Think of this altar as a conduit to those primordial forces. Make use of it whenever you are able, for you'll need every advantage to lead us against the Legion.

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

If you so wish, I can call upon the primordial forces present here and help you to infuse new power entirely into your weapon. Just be cautious: the ancient powers involved are volatile, and some power must return to the wilds in process.

Gossip I'd like to refund the traits in my artifact.

Patch changes

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