Fel Hammer

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NeutralFel Hammer
Fel Hammer loading screen.jpg
Type Legion ship, Class Hall
Races DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
IconSmall NightElfDemonHunter Male.gifIconSmall NightElfDemonHunter Female.gif NightElf
IconSmall BloodElfDemonHunter Male.gifIconSmall BloodElfDemonHunter Female.gif BloodElf
Broken Broken
NagaNaga Naga
Ruler(s) Alliance & Horde Demonhunter The Slayer
Former ruler(s) IconSmall Illidan.gif Illidan Stormrage
 Brood Queen Tyranna †
Affiliation Illidari
Former affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Inferno Peak, Mardum
PvP status Sanctuary
The Fel Hammer's upper floor.

The Fel Hammer is a large Legion ship located on Mardum that serves as the Illidari's headquarters. It acts as the Order Hall for demon hunters. Once one of the Burning Legion's most valuable assets, this citadel was created to spearhead Legion invasions on other worlds. It was occupied by Brood Queen Tyranna and her forces, who were tasked by Sargeras himself with the safeguarding of the  [Sargerite Keystone]. When the Illidari invaded Mardum to retrieve the Keystone, they defeated the Fel Hammer's demonic inhabitants and conquered it in the name of their master, Illidan Stormrage.


The Fel Hammer.

Illidari assault on Mardum

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

After retrieving the Sargerite Keystone, the demon hunters returned to the Black Temple while the rest of the Illidari stayed behind. These left behind Illidari have dutifully held this citadel since the Slayer's departure, but they have been unable to access most of its resources - the Fel Hammer could only be activated by those bearing the mark of a Legion lord. Thankfully, the blades of the Slayer carried that very mark, and as they activate the Fel Hammer, all the Illidari forces appear and bow down again before the Slayer.

Legion reinforcements arrived soon after the main Illidari forces and the Slayer returned to the Black Temple with the Sargerite Keystone in year 26, and destroyed the portal behind them. A glorious battle then ensued. In the aftermath, the Illidari uncovered an ancient Cursed Nathrezim Forge used to create many of the Legion's most powerful weapons. They've guarded it carefully ever since.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

The Slayer assumes control of the ship.

The Fel Hammer also houses a nether crucible - more powerful than any the Illidari had crafted before. The souls of the hundreds of slain demons in Mardum have provided the nether crucible with enough power to directly observe the Legion on Azeroth. The fel blood inside froths violently, with a swirl of obfuscated shapes bubbling just below the surface.


The Fel Hammer fires on invading Legion ships.

The Fel Hammer comes under attack by the Burning Legion, who bombard it with more ships and board it. The first thing the demons did was disable the Fel Hammer's weapons, allowing them to board unhindered. After the Illidari fight them off, Lady S'theno and Kor'vas Bloodthorn agree to use the ship's damaged weapons to blast the Legion out of the sky, even if it risks the Fel Hammer.[1] Afterward, S'theno travels to the Broken Shore to lead the team searching for materials to repair the ship.[2] It is eventually fixed.[3]


Points of interest

Illidari Redoubt A portal to the Fel Hammer resides on a floating island off of Krasus' Landing in Dalaran. Demon hunters can glide to the island. If the glide is interrupted or the jump is too short, a felbat will catch the demon hunter and drop them on the island.

Upper level

  • Mission Table: contains the scouting map for zone quests, available missions, and champions
  • Training Dummies: various demon prisoners
  • Portal to Dalaran
  • Control Console

Lower level

  • Tome of Fel Secrets: contains artifact research
  • Cursed Forge of the Nathrezim: use to upgrade artifact traits and change artifact appearances
  • Sanctum Crystal: teleports the user to a lower deck, if the order hall upgrade 'Twisting Nether' is purchased from Loramus Thalipedes
  • Helm: Tylos Darksight is the Helmsman

Top deck Only accessible in a scenario as part of the demon hunter class campaign. The top deck has battle stations that fire down upon enemies.

Notable characters




Main article: Template:Demon hunter artifact and class hall


Mission Level/Type Duration Followers Bonus Chest Reward
Campaign Additional Accoutrements 100 1 hr 3  [Mardum-Calibrated Balancer]
Campaign Loramus, Is That You? 100 1 hr 3 Loramus Thalipedes
Campaign Things Gaardoun Needs 100 2 min 1  [Used Felblades]
Campaign Back in Black 102 30 min 3  [Broken Medallion of Karabor]
Campaign Securing Mardum 102 1 hr 3 Ariana Fireheart
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Fathnyr 102 1 hr 3  [Glowing Cave Mushroom]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Isle of the Watchers 102 1 hr 3  [Broken Warden Glaive Blade]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Mal'Dreth the Corruptor 102 1 hr 3  [Legion Pamphlet]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Mellok, Son of Torok 102 1 hr 3  [Tiny War Drum]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Skul'vrax 102 1 hr 3  [Swiftflight's Tail Feather]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Scouting their Hold 108 1 hr 3  [Bracer Gemstone]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Ship-Shape 108 1 hr 3  [Safety Valve]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Snatch and Grab 108 1 hr 3  [Argussian Diamond]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Weapon Improvements 108 1 hr 3  [Petrified Flame]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Where Are the Felsouls?! 108 1 hr 3  [Repentia's Whip]

Order Hall Advancement

Loramus Thalipedes handles Order Hall advancement upgrades. There are 8 tiers with each tier having two available upgrades to choose from, except two tiers which only have one upgrade. Each upgrade will require [Order Resources] and a research time before their buff will be available. Once upgraded, a player can change to the other upgrade by paying another Order Resources cost and waiting the required research time.

Tier Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Level Required Research Time Cost Research Time (changing) Cost (changing)
I The Hunt (advancement) Well Prepared 10 2 Hours 50 Order Resources 1 Day 500 Order Resources
II Vengeful Retreat (advancement) Twisting Nether (advancement) 10 4 Hours 100 Order Resources 1 Day 2000 Order Resources
III Fel Armaments (advancement) Training Grounds (advancement) 45 6 Hours 500 Order Resources 1 Day 2000 Order Resources
IV Naga Myrmidons (advancement) Demonic Power (advancement) 45 12 Hours 2000 Order Resources 1 Day 2000 Order Resources
V Fel Hammer's Wrath Focused War Effort 45 18 Hours 4000 Order Resources 1 Day 2000 Order Resources
VI Demonic Fate 45 1 Day 8000 Order Resources -
VII Blades of Death Roster of Champions (demon hunter) 45 and
 [Champions of Legionfall]
1 Day 10000 Order Resources 1 Day 5000 Order Resources
VIII Legionfall United (removed in Battle for Azeroth) 110 5 Days 15000 Order Resources -


  • A personal sanctum for the player named the Master's Sanctum, accessed through a Sanctum Crystal, was planned during early Legion development.[4]

Patch changes



External links

Mardum Mardum Niskara

es:Martillo Vil