Secrets of Azeroth

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Secrets of Azeroth
Secrets of Azeroth.jpg
Duration August 31 - September 13, 2023
Highlights  [Mimiron's Jumpjets],  [Pattie's Cap],  [Tobias' Leash]
The map marker in Valdrakken
Secrets of Azeroth
The subject of this article or section is part of Secrets of Azeroth, a one-time event that unlocked over two weeks. The secrets revealed during the event are not time-limited and will remain permanently.

“The lands are crawling with secrets! Rarities hidden, treasures stolen, clues discovered... Who is behind it all? Seek the Preservationists and help them find out!”

Secrets of Azeroth is a one-time event with daily updates running from 31 August to 13 September 2023 at the Roasted Ram inn in Valdrakken. However, the clues are not time-limited and will be available to be found long after the event concludes.

While the event is running, the "event horn" icon will be visible on the Valdrakken map and will show how long until the next clue unlocks.



The Roasted Ram inn

The primary activity of the event is the  [Whodunnit?] series of quests revolving around recovering (or stealing!) a number of artifacts on behalf of the Preservationists. Quests start at the Roasted Ram inn of Valdrakken each day at 3 PM PDT, 2200 UTC, or midnight CEST.

Speak with the Holiday Enthusiasts anywhere in Valdrakken (like the one outside the bank) to start N [60-70] The Preservationists, which breadcrumbs to Preservationist Kathos at the Roasted Ram inn.

Optional breadcrumb: N [60-70] The Preservationists

  1. N [60-70] Preserving RaritiesN [60-70] Rise in Relic Theft
  2. N [60-70] A Secretive ContactN [60-70] Unfinished Thinking CapN [60-70] The Tricked-Out Thinking Cap
  3. N [60-70] An Inside Job?N [60-70] Preservationist Cleared
  4. N [60-70] Securing an ArtifactN [60-70] Artifact SecuredN [60-70] The Torch of Pyrreth
  5. N [60-70] A Chilling AscentN [60-70] A Knowledgeable Descent
  6. N [60-70] Idol SearchingN [60-70] An Idol in HandN [60-70] Using the Idol
  7. N [60-70] Into the SandsN [60-70] Out of the Sands
  8. N [60-70] A Key StoryN [60-70] A Titanic Mold
  9. N [60-70] Reforging a LegendN [60-70] A Key To Reforg(ing)
  10. N [60-70] A Proper Burial
  11. N [60-70] A Special BookN [60-70] A Legacy of Secrets
  12. N [60-70] They Are Always ListeningN [60-70] A Complete Inventory
  13. N [60-70] A Sphere in DangerN [60-70] A Curious Orb
  14. N [60-70] A Treacherous RaceN [60-70] An Ominous Artifact
Event-related NPCs are marked with a magnifying glass above their heads.

There are fifteen secrets in all. The first two are available on day one, then the rest are made available day-by-day, and tracked in the  [Whodunnit?] achievement.

  1.  [Golden Chalice] (A Preservationist) &  [Shomko's Undying Spear] (Ceremonial Spear)
  2.  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] (Thinking Cap)
  3.  [Maruuk Burial Banner] (An Inside Job?)
  4.  [Torch of Pyrreth] (Torch of Pyrreth)
  5.  [Unveiled Tablet Rubbing] (A Chilling Ascent)
  6.  [Idol of Ohn'ahra] (The Idol of Ohn'ahra)
  7.  [Incomplete Tablet] (Shifting Sands)
  8.  [Titan Key Mold] (What's in a Mold?)
  9.  [Tyr's Titan Key] (Forging is Key)
  10.  [Ishtaar Rethon's Burial Banner] (A Proper Burial)
  11.  [Tyr's Legacy] (Kirin Tor Knowledge)
  12.  [Compiled Report] (Under Suspicion)
  13.  [Orb of Rathmus] (A Curious Orb)
  14.  [Cache of Cosmic Curiosities] (The Race)

Buried Satchels

Clues to  [Buried Satchel] locations buried in Loose Dirt Mounds were posted by Blizzard on their various social media channels or were hidden inside images in news posts at around 9-10 AM PDT each day. Finding these satchels is the objective of the  [Community Rumors] and  [Community Rumor Mill] achievements.

Each satchel contains roughly 250g and items from the Disturbed Dirt and Expedition Scout's Pack loot pools, including various Dragonflight potions, poor-quality items, and rarely some cosmetic weapons.

Satchel locations on Warcraft Wiki are listed in order of clue posting times. The community solved the Eastern Plaguelands rumor first, backtracked to solve Felwood and Thousand Needles, then solved most of the rest in clue release order. Players found the Highmountain and Western Plaguelands satchels on 10 September before their clues were posted. Click on the dates in the table below to view more details for that satchel's clue.

Loose Dirt Mound locations
# Date Coords Location QuestID ObjectID
1 8-31 [42.2, 48.1] Bloodvenom Falls, Felwood 77288 405525
2 9-01 [42.8, 30.6] Splithoof Hold, Thousand Needles 77291 405530
3 9-02 [55.3, 59.5] Corin's Crossing, Eastern Plaguelands 77289 405526
4 9-03 [35.3, 49.0] Moonwillow Peak, Shadowmoon Valley, Draenor 77292 405531
5 9-04 [26.2, 68.5] Manaforge B'naar, Netherstorm 77290 405529
6 9-05 [56.8, 21.4] Gilded Fan, Valley of the Four Winds 77293 405532
7 9-06 [25.2, 71.5] West of the Azure Archives, Azure Span 77296 405535
8 9-07 [63.9, 72.6] Emerald Dragonshrine, Dragonblight 77294 405533
9 9-08 [46.0, 50.7] Northwest of the Crossroads, Northern Barrens 77297 405536
10 9-09 [64.7, 55.4] East of the Dark Portal, Blasted Lands 77298 405537
11 9-10 [57.9, 26.4] Above Skysong Lake, Nagrand, Outland 77299 405538
12 9-11 [36.8, 35.7] Alliance
[35.1, 34.7] Horde
Venture Bay, Grizzly Hills 77300 405539 Alliance
409835 Horde
13 9-11 [73.2, 39.5] Bronze Dragonshrine, Dragonblight 77302 405541
14 9-11 [53.4, 87.5] Highmountain Peak, Highmountain 78208 410181
15 9-12 [38.7, 55.0] Celestial Court, Timeless Isle 77301 405540
16 9-12 [68.8, 73.3] Caer Darrow, Western Plaguelands 78207 410179
17 9-13 [74.6, 86.1] Freehold, Tiragarde Sound 77295 405534

To check which mounds (listed in order of the table above) were looted, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run local i,v;for i,v in ipairs({88,91,89,92,90,93,96,94,97,98,99,100,102,1008,101,1007,95}) do print("Satchel "..i..":",C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(77200+v)) end

For a colored list using the quest IDs above in order, as well as showing any possible new quest IDs:

/run local s,q=0 for c=1,99999 do q=({GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID(18643,c)})[8] if q then s=s+1 print(q,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and "\124cff00ff00looted\124r" or "\124cffff0000missing\124r") end if c==99999 then print(s,"total") end end


On 31 August at 10 AM PDT Blizzard posted the September news article for the Trading Post that included multiple images showing a location in Felwood in the water east of Bloodvenom Post. Head there, and at [42.2, 48.1] at the bottom of the lake above Bloodvenom Falls is the loose dirt mound.

The quickest way there is via the portal to Mount Hyjal from the Eastern Earthshrine in Stormwind or the Western Earthshrine in Orgrimmar. Druids can also use their [Teleport: Moonglade] spell.

Thousand Needles

On 1 September at 10 AM PDT Blizzard posted the Blues News round-up that faintly overlays a map of the Thousand Needles in the header image (look under the blue dragon's chin).

In the underwater cave of Splithoof Hold in Thousand Needles (cave mouth at [44.0, 37.3]), swim to the north end of the cave at [42.8, 30.6] to find the Loose Dirt Mound.

The quickest way there is the portal to the Caverns of Time, the Alliance mage [Teleport: Theramore] spell, or flying southwest from Orgrimmar. Druids with [Dreamwalk] can use the portal to Dream Bough in Feralas from the Emerald Dreamway.

Eastern Plaguelands

On 2 September at 10:51 AM PDT, Blizzard posted a clue to a satchel location on the official forums:

What's going on in Eastern Plaguelands today?

Posted on 2023-09-02 10:51 AM PDT by Kaivax. View original post.

A few minutes later at 11 AM, they posted an image on Instagram, showing a bridge before Corin's Crossing in the Eastern Plaguelands. North of the road at [51.6, 65.0] on the stump of a tree is a Plague Plaque that reads:

From here:

15 cogs, -15 bolts

Interacting with the plaque equips and/or resets the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] to (0, 0). Note that the plaque has a typo, as the Loose Dirt Mound location is actually at (15, 15), or [55.3, 59.5] on the north side of a house.

The quickest way there is using [Ancient Teleport: Dalaran] (bring [Slow Fall]!), flying out of the Undercity, or the portals to the Twilight Highlands at the Earthshrines in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Players with  [Scholomance: Gold] from Mists of Pandaria can use their teleport to the dungeon. Druids with [Dreamwalk] can use the Seradane, Hinterlands portal from the Emerald Dreamway.

Shadowmoon Valley

On 3 September at midnight PDT, Blizzard reposted their usual The Darkmoon Faire Returns article. Some time before 10:15 AM PDT, the image of the roller-coaster had a magnifying glass overlaid on it with the alt text of "Rumor has it Shadowmoon is the place to be." Click on the image to reveal a screenshot of the large tree at Moonwillow Peak in Shadowmoon Valley of Draenor. The Loose Dirt Mound is at [35.3, 49.0] inside the tree.

The quickest way there is via the  [Garrison Hearthstone], or the portals to Warspear and Stormshield in Ashran from Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Alternately, Alliance players can use the  [Relic of Karabor] and players from both factions can use the  [Blessed Medallion of Karabor] to teleport to Black Temple, then the  [Ever-Shifting Mirror] toy to shift to Karabor. Lastly, players who earned  [Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Gold] can use the Teleport: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds spell award.


On 4 September at 9 AM PDT, Blizzard made their standard Mog Monday post on Twitter with the message "Ensure you'll nether look better. #MogMonday is no secret. Or is it? 👇". The image shows a location at [26.2, 68.5] outside Manaforge B'naar in southwestern Netherstorm.

Nearly an hour later, they also made posts on the official forums to reinforce the clue:

The office is closed for holiday. Hope you’re having a good time in Netherstorm.

Posted by Kaivax at 2023-09-04 9:49 AM PDT. View original post

Three players must have their  [Torch of Pyrreth] equipped and stand near the smaller crystals to spawn the Loose Dirt Mound in the center under the large crystal for one minute.

The quickest way to the area is the standard portals to Shattrath from Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Engineers can use their  [Dimensional Ripper - Area 52]!

Valley of the Four Winds

On 5 September at 11 AM PDT (right as the Americas region servers came up from maintenance), Blizzard posted their usual This Week in WoW news article. The header image is a screenshot of the Heartland in Valley of the Four Winds looking northeast to the big dam with a mogu face with water pouring out of it above the Gilded Fan. Inside the mouth at [56.8, 21.4] is the Loose Dirt Mound.

The quickest way there are the portals to the Jade Forest from Stormwind and Orgrimmar or the mage's [Teleport: Vale of Eternal Blossoms].

Azure Span

West of the Azure Archives in southern Azure Span on the unnamed tuskarr children island, Kal'uvin is building a bunch of snowmen. The snowman at [25.2, 71.5] will melt when exposed to the  [Torch of Pyrreth], revealing the loose dirt mound underneath, but leaving the snowman's hat behind.

A user on the official forums mentioned on 6 September at 10:50 AM PDT that they found it randomly after getting dropped off on the island after using the  [Wyrmhole Generator: Dragon Isles]. At 1:19 PM PDT, Blizzard posted on Twitter: "Those are some nice snowmen you got there... It would be a shame if something happened to them...", showing the snowmen in question.

Even later, at 1:58 PM PDT, Blizzard made this post on the official forums:

Do you want to find a snowman?

Posted by Kaivax at 2023-09-06 13:58 PDT. View original post

Emerald Dragonshrine

On 7 September at 10:05 AM PDT, Blizzard posted their In Development: Guardians of the Dream article, previewing patch 10.2. Clicking the image in the "New outdoor zone: The Emerald Dream" section reveals another image, that of the Emerald Dragonshrine in southern Dragonblight. Find the Lost Dirt Mound at [63.9, 72.6], which was hotfixed in several hours later around 12:45 PM PDT.

The quickest way there is the portals to Dalaran above Crystalsong Forest from Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Northern Barrens

On 8 September at 10 AM PDT, Blizzard posted their usual Blues News roundup for the week. The location this time was hidden in the column above the dragon's snout, indicating a spot northwest of the Crossroads in Northern Barrens. At [46.0, 50.7] on top of the large hill between the Crossroads and the Forgotten Pools is the Loose Dirt Mound.

Five hours later, at 3 PM PDT, Blizzard made this post on the official forums:

Meet me at the Crossroads?

Posted by Kaivax at 2023-09-08 15:01 PDT. View original post

The quickest way there is to fly from Orgrimmar, using a mage's [Teleport: Theramore], connecting from Ratchet, or the portal to Mount Hyjal from Stormwind.

The arrow shown on the map of Northern Barrens is actually on top of a shortcut for the  [Second Booster Part], also revealed on 8 September, that sends players to Thunder Peak in Ashenvale. See the Tanaris section for more information.

Blasted Lands

On 9 September at 7 AM PDT, Blizzard reposted their Haunted Azeroth: The Frightening and Bizarre article from 2015, showing several locations around Azeroth. The last image shows a group of skeletons around a crystal in the Blasted Lands. Head to [64.7, 55.4] atop the peak east of the Dark Portal to find the location in question, and use the  [Torch of Pyrreth] to channel into the crystal to reveal the tenth Loose Dirt Mound.

The fastest way there is to fly out of Stormwind, [Teleport: Stonard] for Horde players, or connecting through Grom'gol Base Camp or Booty Bay. Druids with [Dreamwalk] can use the Twilight Grove, Duskwood portal in the Emerald Dreamway.


Nagrand clue

On 10 September at 8 AM PDT, Blizzard reposted their The Six Best Romantic Picnic Spots article, showing several "romantic" locatations. The first image, showing the skeleton with an axe buried in it's skull on a floating island above Nagrand in Outland, is this day's clue. Head to [57.9, 26.4] above Skysong Lake, between the Throne of the Elements and Garadar in northeast Nagrand to find the floating island and the loose dirt mound.

The fastest way there is the portal to Shattrath from Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

Grizzly Hills

At 11 AM PDT on 11 September, Blizzard posted their usual This Week in WoW: September 11, 2023 article. The header image shows the Blue Sky Logging Grounds in northern Grizzly Hills. There, Alliance players can speak with Gordun at [36.8, 35.7] and Horde players can speak with Darrok at [35.1, 34.7] to start a log flume ride down to Venture Bay.

Riding the log grants the WHEE! buff, and at the end of the ride with the buff active, players will spot the Loose Dirt Mound at [20.2, 81.3] on the east bank of the river for Alliance players, or [10.8, 74.9] on the west bank of the river for Horde players.

Spell misc emotionhappy.png WHEE! — Experiencing the rush of an exhilarating log ride.

The quickest way there is the portals to Dalaran above Crystalsong Forest from Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Druids with [Dreamwalk] can take the Ursoc's Den portal from the Emerald Dreamway.

Bronze Dragonshrine

At 2 PM PDT on 11 September, Blizzard made a post on Twitter talking with the developers of Secrets of Azeroth. One of the developers had a QR code on her shirt that reads "I heard a rumor...", and another on her water bottle that reads "Shrine (52, 123)"

Head to the Emerald Dragonshrine loose dirt mound at [63.9, 72.6], reset the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] to (0, 0), then navigate to (52, 123) or [73.2, 39.5] in the Bronze Dragonshrine to find another Loose Dirt Mound.

The quickest way there is the portals to Dalaran above Crystalsong Forest from Stormwind and Orgrimmar.


On 10 September at 11:30 AM PDT, a user on the Secret Finding Discord found a Loose Dirt Mound at [53.4, 87.5] atop Highmountain Peak in Highmountain on the Broken Isles.

Over a day later, on 11 September at 3:15 PM PDT, Blizzard made a post on Twitter that leads to the satchel:

How’s It Going, Heroes?

Many Of you have been Uncovering New secrets every day and Testing out theories!

As Intriguing New secrets Pop up Everywhere and Anywhere, Keep up the good work 🔎

The capitalized letters spell out "HIGHMOUNTAIN PEAK".

The fastest way there is the portal to the Dalaran above the Broken Isles from Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

Timeless Isle

On 12 September at 9 AM PDT, Blizzard posted The Pet Battle Bonus Event Has Begun, with a header image of Yu'lon at the Celestial Court on Timeless Isle. Find the Loose Dirt Mound at [38.7, 55.0] dead center of the court.

The fastest way there is the the portals to Jade Forest from Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Players at honored standing with Emperor Shaohao can use their  [Time-Lost Artifact] trinket. Players who have not previously visited Timeless Isle should visit Chromie at the Seat of Knowledge in Vale of Eternal Blossoms and pick up B [30-35] A Flash of Bronze... to receive a  [Curious Bronze Timepiece] that will send them directly to their faction's flight path on the island.

Western Plaguelands

Western Plaguelands Loose Dirt Mound

On 10 September around 3:30 PM PDT, a user commented that they found a Loose Dirt Mound at [68.7, 73.3] outside Scholomance on Caer Darrow in Western Plaguelands between the wagon and the wall. This was very quickly hotfixed out and by 4 PM on 10 September it was not available to players. On 11 September around 10 AM PDT the satchel was hotfixed back in.

On 12 September at 11:41 AM PDT, Blizzard finally made an official clue to the Western Plaguelands:

Something has been plaguing me for days, and now I can finally point my thinking cap to the right place (-198, -84).

Posted by Kaivax at 2023-09-12 11:41 AM PDT. View original post

Start from the Eastern Plaguelands satchel location at [55.3, 59.5] in Corin's Crossing, reset the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap], and navigate southwest to the satchel on Caer Darrow.

The quickest way there is using [Ancient Teleport: Dalaran] (bring [Slow Fall]!), flying out of the Undercity, or the portals to the Twilight Highlands at the Earthshrines in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Rogues can use  [Scroll of Teleport: Ravenholdt]. Players with  [Scholomance: Gold] from Mists of Pandaria can use their teleport to the dungeon.

Tiragarde Sound

On 13 September at 9 AM PDT, Blizzard reposted their Battle for Azeroth: Tiragarde Sound Visitor's Guide article. One of the included images shows the open-world version of Freehold in southern Tiragarde Sound at sunset with a pirate ship in the harbor and the mountain in the background top-right. On the peak of that mountain at [74.6, 86.1] is the loose dirt mound.

The quickest way there is the portal to Boralus from Stormwind for Alliance players, the portal to Dazar'alor from Orgrimmar for Horde players and then taking the boat to Plunder Harbor, or using the Teleport to Freehold spell from  [Keystone Hero: Freehold]. While Freehold is in the Mythic+ rotation, the portal to Freehold from Valdrakken will also work.

Mimiron's Jumpjets

Revealed on 7 September, a new mount was added to the Mount Journal:  [Mimiron's Jumpjets].

Clues from content creators around the community start each day's activities to acquire the parts needed to craft the flying mount.

Players can skip directly to the locations below without having to solve puzzles. Note that in order to loot each part, multiple players are required. Click on the dates in the table to view the relevant section with more information.

Mimiron's Jumpjets parts
Date Coords Location Part # Players
9-07 [59.5, 79.1] Jaguero Isle, Cape of Stranglethorn  [First Booster Part] 3
9-08 [50.0, 26.4] Irontree Woods, Felwood  [Second Booster Part] 4
9-09 [54.8, 52.2] Dark Portal, Blasted Lands  [Third Booster Part] >1
9-10 [36.5, 62.0] Artisan's Market, Valdrakken Empowered Arcane Forge n/a


The image posted by content creators, showing the enchanting area of the Artisan's Market

On 7 September around 10 AM PDT, various content creators posted an image of the enchanting area of Artisan's Market in Valdrakken with the message "The day’s hunt begins at 10 AM in The Artisan’s Market, Valdrakken. You will need the Torch of Pyrreth." There, at [31.2, 62.0] is The First Clue, which reads: "Hold the Torch of Pyrreth in the Enclave with no stones."

The enclave with no stones is the Bronze Enclave. Stand close to the bonfire at [81.6, 47.5] to reveal The Second Clue, which reads: "The Alliance strives against Kurzen's Bad Medicine."

Colonel Kurzen had his compound in Northern Stranglethorn. At [57.6, 21.3] in one of the tents are three letters - two titled Clue? that emit fireworks when touched and make the character run. The central letter is The Third Clue, which reads "In Zul'Gurub: the coil and cache, the temple and terrace."

At [72.1, 32.9] in front of the instance line for Zul'Gurub are two "To the Fourth Clue" arrows that read: "Into the dungeon."

Inside the instance, follow the path east to the first crossroads by the two bridges just past Tiki Lord Mu'Loa. On the ground at [44, 51] is another "To the Fourth Clue" arrow that points to the east bridge which reads: "Getting closer..."

Head into the Coil and defeat High Priest Venoxis. At the base of the statue to the left of his stairs is A Partial Fourth Clue which reads "Princess...". Next to them are more Clues? letters. These briefly enlarge the character. Head back to the road and follow the arrows to the Cache of Madness. Before entering the encounter area, another Partial Fourth Clue reads "...needs..."

Keep traveling counterclockwise on the road around the lake to get to the Temple of Bethekk to the north. Inside the temple on the ground, just after getting inside is another Partial Fourth Clue which reads "...a light." Return to the main loop road and head west up the hill to the Devil's Terrace. On the northeastern wall of the arena next to the entrance is another Partial Fourth Clue that reads "...Poohbah..."

Put together, the clues read "Princess Poobah needs a light". Princess Poobah is found at [59.5, 79.1] on Jaguero Isle off the Cape of Stranglethorn. Three players must concurrently interact with the three braziers below her using their  [Torch of Pyrreth] to summon the Enigma Ward, a rare elite. It drops the  [First Booster Part]. Note that players can skip directly to this step - no trips to Zul'Gurub are necessary!


The clue posted by content creators, showing the crashed rocketship at the Deserted Workshop in Tanaris

At 4 PM PDT on 8 September, content creators posted the message "The hunt starts now near Gadgetzan. You will need allies on your journey." showing the crashed rocketship just outside Gadgetzan in northern Tanaris. At [48.2, 26.5] is the Deserted Workshop, and The First Clue, which reads: "Torn into scraps atop many, many needles."

Follow the trail over the mountains to the north to cross into Thousand Needles. On top of the needles themselves, for example the one at [65.5, 58.6], look for Arrows that all say "Not quite..." and point toward Freewind Post and Darkcloud Pinnacle. Follow the arrows (whether using the Barrels of Fun or not...) to hop, skip, and jump to [47.1, 57.0] south of Freewind Post to spot a Clue Scrap which reads "3 - E".

The next needle west at [43.0, 56.3] is another clue scrap that reads "16 - E". Other clues read "21 - R", "12 - N", "14 - T", "8 - W", "20 - R", "4 - P", and so on.

All together, the clues read:


There are three places considered "deep down in the Barrens", but if players did not notice the "deep down" part of the clue, they may spot a Clue Scrap at [49.8, 59.1] by the sign at the Crossroads that reads:

No clues here!

Look UNDERGROUND where dwarves keep, razors kraul, and caves scream.

One deep location is the instance line to Razorfen Kraul, where at [41.1, 94.6] in Southern Barrens is a Clue Scrap that reads:

"Top of..."

Find two more clues where caves scream and dwarves keep.

Another deep location, and the nearest place dwarves occupy a keep is Bael Modan in the Southern Barrens, not far from Razorfen Kraul. Deep down in the bottom of Bael'dun Keep at [50.1, 86.7] is a Clue Scrap that reads:


Find two more clues where caves scream and razors kraul.

The third is the Great Divide between the Southern and Northern Barrens. Immediately outside the Wailing Caverns instance line at [56.8, 65.6] in the Cavern of Mists (or [42.2, 66.5] in the Northern Barrens coordinates) is a Clue Scrap that reads:


Find two more clues where razors kraul and dwarves keep.

All together, the clues read "Top of Thunder Peak", which is in Ashenvale. There is a built-in shortcut to this point, as at [41.7, 39.4] atop Dreadmist Peak (the location of the ninth  [Buried Satchel] clue from the website) is a Clue Scrap that reads:

How did you find this?? What a short cut! The complete Barrens clue is:

"Top of Thunder Peak."

Go to Lord Magmathar, and behind him at [47.9, 38.4] atop Thunder Peak is a Barrel of Fun, a The Fourth Clue note, and a The Fourth Clue arrow, pointing north. The note and the arrow both read:

From Here: -31 Cogs, 218 Bolts.

Bloodvenom ____.

Re-equip the  [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] and take the Barrel of Fun (or fly, which is faster...) northwest to Bloodvenom Falls in Felwood. At (-31, 218) or [42.0, 46.0] is a The Fifth Clue arrow that reads "13, 71". Continue heading north-northeast to Whisperwind Grove, where at (13, 71) or [44.1, 28.4] on the eastern side of the moonwell is The Sixth Clue, which reads "Mimiron's second piece at 35, 8."

Travel east-northeast to [50.0, 26.4] in the Irontree Woods, where an Enigmamental spawns. As with the first part, players can skip directly here without visiting the previous sites. Interact with the ghost Mimiron's Booster Part to aggro the enigmamental. The aggroing player will have the vehicle interface with one key ability (bound to 2 by default):

Trade archaeology insect in amber.png Envelope

Use this to suck up other nearby players. Once four have been acquired, the elemental will explode, leaving the finished Mimiron's Booster Part on the ground. Interact with it to pick up the  [Second Booster Part].

Burning Steppes

A graveyard in the Burning Steppes

At 10 AM PDT on 9 September, content creators posted the message "The hunt begins now somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms. How to decipher the attached hidden clue will be revealed on your journey" with an image of the graveyard in the Valley of Ashes in the Burning Steppes, west of Dreadmaul Rock. On top of the crypt at [60.2, 47.7] is The First Clue, which reads "By the road without a breeze, seek the mound of immorality." The clue may also give the Infectious Whirl buff.

The "road without a breeze" is Deadwind Pass, and the "mound of immorality" is the Vice, an ogre mound northeast of Karazhan. Enter the small cave marked on the map closest to the tower to find a pile of Clue? letters and The Second Clue at [52.5, 65.1] on a rock which reads "Concealed within Ello's domain."

Lord Ello Ebonlocke is a quest giver at Darkshire Town Hall in Duskwood. Content creators were also given an encrypted Word document that uses the password 'Darkshire', and opens to show the interior of the house just east of Town Hall and the message "This picture may not be worth a thousand words, but...". At [75.9, 44.6] tucked behind the painting is The Third Clue, that reads "With your WINGED EFFIGY, scour the dead of Raven Hill."

Head to Raven Hill Cemetery and the Dawning Wood Catacombs. Equip the  [Idol of Ohn'ahra], enter the northeastern [23.64, 34.81] or western catacomb entrance at [15.9, 38.7], destroy the Decoy Skulls so that the idol leads to the correct way, or simply push north past Morbent Fel (if coming from the western catacomb) to the hidden tunnel between the two crypt sections. At [19.0, 25.3] in that cave is The Fourth Clue, which reads "For the final piece, approach the Dark Portal."

In either phase of the Blasted Lands (speak with Zidormi at [48.0, 7.4] to switch), head to the Dark Portal at [54.8, 52.2] and have other players fend off attackers coming through the portal to interact with the Mimiron's Booster Part, which after a ∼12-second cast time reveals the  [Third Booster Part]. It is easier to use the Cataclysm version of the zone instead of the WoD version, as the only enemy that can disrupt looting in the Cataclysm version is the pair of Legion Flak Cannons on the sides of the portal. it is possible to destroy the cannons and then loot the part. It can also be looted while mounted.

Empowered Arcane Forge

The Valdrakken clue, showing Artisan's Market

At 10 AM PDT on 10 September, content creators posted the final community secret clue, showing Artisan's Market in Valdrakken with the message "The hunt concludes today in Valdrakken."

At the same time, the first Arcane Forge activation took place at [36.7, 62.0] next to the profession weekly quest givers. Subsequent events took place every four hours, and players who participated in one of the initial days' activations earned a Feat of Strength:  [Arcane Influence].

10 AM 1900
2 PM 2300
6 PM 0300
10 PM 0700
2 AM 1100
6 AM 1500

With a hotfix and Blizzard post on 11 September, the Feat of Strength was extended until 2 PM PDT / 2300 CEST on 13 September after previously ending at 6 AM PDT / 1500 CEST on 11 September. After the final activation the forge will be empowered permanently and players will no longer be able to earn the Feat of Strength, but will still be able to make their mount.

It is taking a little while to stabilize the Arcane Forge permanently.

This will result in more arcane disturbances in Valdrakken, with the last one projected to be at 2:00 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, September 13, which means more time to get the limited time Feat of Strength Arcane Influence.

Thereafter, the forge will be permanently empowered for you to continue crafting your Mimiron’s Jumpjets.

Posted by Kaivax at 2023-09-11 11:12 AM PDT. View original post

It was later extended again until 3 PM PDT / 2359 CEST on 14 September:

Okay hear me out–

It looks like it’s actually, really, definitely going to be available until 3:00 p.m. PDT tomorrow, Thursday, September 14.

Posted by Kaivax at 2023-09-13 15:01 PDT. View original post

When the forge activates, players need to collectively return 150 energy sources from Power Sources and Massive Power Sources to empower the forge. These sources are visible on the map and are all over Valdrakken. Small sources are worth one point of energy and massive sources are worth five. Carrying an orb will force players to walk, on foot, and with reduced movement speed. Empty Rocket Barrels turn to Barrels of Fun to provide their usual buff. Much like with the Loamm bonus objective N [70B] Smelly Scramble, players should toss their orb to waiting players along the way to vastly speed up the process.

While hop-scotching orbs to the forge, watch out for Lightning Thief elementals, who will steal the orbs away! Defeat them to steal them back.

With the forge active, click on any of the three Booster Parts to combine into the  [Mimiron's Jumpjets] mount!


Trading Post activities

Starting 1 September, players can complete these Traveler's Log activities to earn points to acquire [Trader's Tender] for the Trading Post by completing the day's secret, or finding a  [Buried Satchel]:

  • Complete a Secrets of Azeroth activity - 50 points
  • Complete 3 Secrets of Azeroth activities - 100 points
  • Complete 7 Secrets of Azeroth activities - 150 points

Patch changes

  • Dragonflight Hotfix (2023-09-13):
    • On the secret day starting with "N [60-70] They Are Always Listening", you should now get the quest "N [60-70] A Complete Inventory" from Fangli Hoot if you do not get it automatically by investigating all 6 notes.
    • Updated some of the quests to address issues where players could fail to receive a clue because secrets had been started on different characters.
  • Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5 (2023-07-11): Added.

External links