Emerald Dragonshrine

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Emerald Dragonshrine.
Emerald Dragonshrine2.jpg
Seen from above.

The Emerald Dragonshrine is a green valley to the west of New Hearthglen, along the southern coast of Dragonblight. The green dragonflight's dragonshrine is the only dragonshrine to not be ravaged or under attack by the Scourge, this is due to the powerful seeds held by the Emerald Lashers.

Due to a misunderstanding by Ysera, when Nishera the Garden Keeper requested that she aid the other dragons against the Scourge, all the shrine's defenders attacked anyone not of the green dragonflight. Perched at the southern end of the dragonshrine lies Alystros the Verdant Keeper, it is he who is in charge of the dragonshrine's aerial defenses. By killing the skytalons, adventurers would have angered him and will then have to deal with him as well so that he may be reborn, hopefully without the confusion the Emerald Nightmare has caused.

In the center of the shrine once lied a transparent Ysera, the Emerald Queen, quietly sleeping. Like other dragonshrines, the ancient bodies of the green dragonflight's ancestors can be found here.


The main entrance

End Time

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

The Emerald Dragonshrine seen from above during End Time.
The Emerald Dragonshrine

During the events depicted in the End Time instance, the dragonshrine is shrouded in a darkness of night, and time-twisted apparitions of night elves wander the shrine, including Echo of Tyrande.

The Deaths of Chromie

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

At an undisclosed point in the future, the Emerald Dragonshrine comes under attack by the Emerald Nightmare. The satyr Thalas Vylethorn plots the death of Chronormu.

Notes and trivia

Patch changes

  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.3.3 (2010-03-23): Tailors no longer need to be here to create Moonshroud.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.


External links

Dragonblight End Time Dragon Soul Deaths of Chromie