Midsummer Fire Festival

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Midsummer Fire Festival
Midsummer Fire Festival.jpg
Duration June 21 – July 5
Currency  [Burning Blossom]
Boss Lord Ahune
Other events
Preceded by Children's Week
Followed by Pirates' Day

The Midsummer Fire Festival is a seasonal event that celebrates the hottest season of the year. It starts on the (earthly) northern summer solstice and lasts about two weeks (June 21 - July 4). It is similar to the Lunar Festival and other holidays, featuring some useful buffs and vanity items.

Across Azeroth and Outland, brilliant bonfires have been lit to rekindle peoples’ spirits and ward off ancient evils. Each year, new guardians are chosen to watch over the sacred flames and ensure that they are never extinguished.[1]

The ending of the Festival seems to have been merged with the Engineers' Explosive Extravaganza holiday:

The lengthy Midsummer Fire Festival traditionally ends with the sky itself being set alight. The goblins of Undermine have lent their considerable skill (and copious amounts of gunpowder) to the task, resulting in a tremendous fireworks show! Take up a festival mug and raise a toast to the season as the multicolored explosions dance across the sky above you!

It is an important tradition in Kalimdor a beyond, dating back centuries. Guardians of the bonfires are chosen each year to watch over the sacred flames and ensure they never go out.[2]

New in 2024

The manuscript, found in the  [Satchel of Chilled Goods] from the first Ahune kill each day, has a new form of bad luck protection:

We're changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single Battle.net account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single Battle.net account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continues to accumulate for each failed attempt. This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.

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One mount customization has a slim once-daily chance to appear in Ahune's  [Satchel of Chilled Goods]:


Three pets are available for 350x  [Burning Blossom] each:

One pet has a slim once-daily chance to appear in Ahune's  [Satchel of Chilled Goods]:


Nine toys are available from 50–500x  [Burning Blossom] each:


Six cosmetic items are available for 100–350x  [Burning Blossom] each:

Three appearances are quest rewards:

Two appearances or illusions have a slim once-daily chance to appear in Ahune's  [Satchel of Chilled Goods]:

Five cloaks can be found in the Ice Chest that appears after defeating Ahune. The cloaks share an appearance, do not have a daily lockout, and can be farmed repeatedly:

Event boss: Ahune

Level 10-70 players may queue for an encounter with The Frost Lord Ahune in Dungeon Finder, set in a special version of the Slave Pens.

Once per day, characters will be awarded the  [Satchel of Chilled Goods], which contains 5-15x  [Burning Blossom] and has a slim chance of containing:

Additionally, the Ice Chest appears with Ahune's defeat, which can be farmed repeatedly and may contain:

Ahune Ice Chest loot
Item Slot Focus
 [Cloak of the Frigid Winds] Back Healer
 [Icebound Cloak] Back Tank
 [Shroud of Winter's Chill] Back Intellect DPS
 [The Frost Lord's Battle Shroud] Back Strength DPS
 [The Frost Lord's War Cloak] Back Agility DPS
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost] Enchant
 [Huge Snowball] Throwable
 [Lord of Frost's Private Label] Alcohol
 [Shards of Ahune] Quest

Vendor rewards

 [Burning Blossoms] are the currency of the event, and can be traded with Midsummer Suppliers and Midsummer Merchants in capital cities. Daily quests award 20, and individual bonfires out in the world can be interacted once per holiday for 5-15 each. Furthermore, kill Ahune once-daily in the special "The Frost Lord Ahune" dungeon finder instance to pick up another 5-15 from the  [Satchel of Chilled Goods].

Midsummer Merchant / Midsummer Supplier
Item Price Note
 [Midsummer Safeguard] 350 Burning Blossom Cosmetic shield
 [Mantle of Midsummer] 350 Burning Blossom Cosmetic back
 [Juggling Torch] x5 5 Burning Blossom Used for  [Torch Juggler]
 [Handful of Summer Petals] 2 Burning Blossom
 [Summer Cranial Skillet] 150 Burning Blossom Toy; Campfire
 [Helm of the Fire Festival] 350 Burning Blossom Cosmetic helm
 [Mantle of the Fire Festival] 100 Burning Blossom Cosmetic;  [Burning Hot Pole Dance]
 [Vestment of Summer] 100 Burning Blossom Cosmetic;  [Burning Hot Pole Dance]
 [Fire Festival Batons] 50 Burning Blossom Toy
 [Sandals of Summer] 200 Burning Blossom Cosmetic;  [Burning Hot Pole Dance]
 [Insulated Dancing Insoles] 100 Burning Blossom Toy
 [Cozy Bonfire] 350 Burning Blossom Toy; Cooking Fire
 [Blazing Cindercrawler] 350 Burning Blossom Companion
 [Burning Defender's Medallion] 500 Burning Blossom Toy; Disguise
 [Brazier of Dancing Flames] 350 Burning Blossom Toy; Summon
 [Captured Flame] 350 Burning Blossom Companion
 [Set of Matches] 500 Burning Blossom Toy; Costume
 [Flamin' Ring of Flashiness] 500 Burning Blossom Toy
 [Igneous Flameling] 350 Burning Blossom Companion
 [Fire Eater's Hearthstone] 300 Burning Blossom Toy; flavored hearthstone
 [Elderberry Pie] x5 5 Burning Blossom +Dodge
 [Fire-Toasted Bun] x5 5 Burning Blossom +Crit
 [Midsummer Sausage] x5 5 Burning Blossom +Haste
 [Toasted Smorc] x5 5 Burning Blossom +Spell power
 [Bag of Smorc Ingredients] 5 Burning Blossom 5x Toasted Smorc
 [Fiery Festival Brew] x5 2 Burning Blossom Firebreathing
 [Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing] 350 Burning Blossom Heirloom to level 35
 [Timeworn Heirloom Armor Casing] 600 Burning Blossom Heirloom to level 40
 [Weathered Heirloom Armor Casing] 600 Burning Blossom Heirloom to level 45
 [Battle-Hardened Heirloom Armor Casing] 600 Burning Blossom Heirloom to level 50
 [Eternal Heirloom Armor Casing] 600 Burning Blossom Heirloom to level 60
 [Awakened Heirloom Armor Casing] 600 Burning Blossom Heirloom to level 70


The symbol of the Midsummer Fire Festival.
Midsummer decorations

 [Burning Blossoms] can be earned through a variety of quests. The blossoms can be consumed for a small buff or used as currency for a variety of items including the  [Brazier of Dancing Flames] or the  [Captured Flame].

Daily quests:

  1. B [1-80] Torch Tossing
  2. B [1-80] Torch Catching

Lord Ahune

To gain access to the holiday boss, Lord Ahune, you must first complete a chain of quests beginning at an Earthen Ring Elder near the flame in a friendly capital city.

  1. N [1-80] Unusual Activity
  2. N [1-80] An Innocent Disguise
  3. N [1-80] Inform the Elder

Players are then given access to Ahune if level 10 or higher, and a daily quest is made available based on their level:


See also: Alliance BonfireHorde BonfireEarthen Ring BonfireMidsummer Bonfire

The Flame Wardens and Flame Keepers at each of the player's faction's bonfires offers B [1-80] Honor the Flame.

Right-clicking a bonfire of the opposite faction offers B [1-80] Desecrate this Fire!. The act of dousing a bonfire does not pull guards (though they will aggro as normal based on range and level - Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley requires a flying mount or stealth to avoid aggro), making this a fast and easy way to generate money and Burning Blossoms. Be warned that dousing the opposite faction's bonfire will flag for PvP combat, even with War Mode off.

The bonfires of capital cities have separate quests and it is not possible to Honor the Flame of the character's own faction's capitals.

Stealing the Cities' Flames

Each faction can loot the Flames of the opposing faction's cities, each of which starts a quest. Stealing all four cities' flames will offer the quest B [1-80] A Thief's Reward.


Sortable list of bonfires

All Midsummer bonfires
Continent Zone Region Coords
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Arathi Highlands Hammerfall [69, 42]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Arathi Highlands Refuge Pointe [44, 46]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Badlands New Kargath [24, 37]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Badlands Dragon's Mouth [19, 56]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Blasted Lands Nethergarde Keep [55, 15]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Blasted Lands Dreadmaul Hold [46, 14]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Burning Steppes Flame Crest [51, 29]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Burning Steppes Morgan's Vigil [68, 60]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Dun Morogh Kharanos [54, 45]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Ironforge Hall of Explorers [64, 25]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Duskwood Darkshire [73, 55]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Elwynn Forest Goldshire [43, 63]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Stormwind The Canals [49, 72]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Eversong Woods North Sanctum [46, 50]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Silvermoon City Court of the Sun [70, 43]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Ghostlands Tranquillien [46, 26]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Hillsbrad Foothills Tarren Mill [55, 50]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Hinterlands Aerie Peak [14, 50]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Hinterlands Revantusk Village [76, 74]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Loch Modan Thelsamar [32, 40]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Northern Stranglethorn Grom'gol Base Camp [40, 51]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Northern Stranglethorn Fort Livingston [51, 63]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Mountains Lakeshire [24, 53]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Silverpine Forest The Sepulcher [50, 39]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Cape of Stranglethorn East of Booty Bay [51, 67]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Cape of Stranglethorn East of Booty Bay [50, 70]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Swamp of Sorrows Bogpaddle [76, 14]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Swamp of Sorrows Bogpaddle [70, 14]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Tirisfal Glades Brill [57, 52]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Twilight Highlands Bloodgulch [53, 46]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Twilight Highlands Thundermar [47, 23]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Undercity Ruins of Lordaeron [68, 9]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Western Plaguelands Chillwind Camp [43, 82]
HHorde Eastern Kingdoms Western Plaguelands The Bulwark [29, 57]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Westfall Moonbrook [45, 62]
AAlliance Eastern Kingdoms Wetlands Menethil Harbor [13, 47]
Neutral Eastern Kingdoms Vashj'ir Silver Tide Hollow [49, 42]
Neutral Maelstrom Deepholm Temple of Earth [49, 51]
AAlliance Kalimdor Ashenvale Forest Song [87, 42]
HHorde Kalimdor Ashenvale Silverwind Refuge [51, 66]
HHorde Kalimdor Azshara Bilgewater Harbor [60, 53]
AAlliance Kalimdor Azuremyst Isle Azure Watch [44, 53]
AAlliance Kalimdor Exodar, The The Crystal Hall [41, 26]
HHorde Kalimdor Northern Barrens Crossroads [50, 54]
HHorde Kalimdor Southern Barrens Desolation Hold [41, 67]
AAlliance Kalimdor Southern Barrens Fort Triumph [48, 72]
AAlliance Kalimdor Bloodmyst Isle Blood Watch [55, 69]
AAlliance Kalimdor Darkshore Lor'danel [49, 23]
AAlliance Kalimdor Desolace Nijel's Point [65, 17]
HHorde Kalimdor Desolace Shadowprey Village [26, 76]
HHorde Kalimdor Durotar Razor Hill [52, 47]
HHorde Kalimdor Orgrimmar Valley of Wisdom [47, 38]
AAlliance Kalimdor Dustwallow Marsh Theramore Isle [62, 40]
HHorde Kalimdor Dustwallow Marsh Brackenwall Village [33, 30]
AAlliance Kalimdor Feralas Feathermoon Stronghold [46, 43]
HHorde Kalimdor Feralas Camp Mojache [72, 47]
HHorde Kalimdor Mulgore Bloodhoof Village [51, 60]
Neutral Kalimdor Mount Hyjal Nordrassil [63, 23]
HHorde Kalimdor Thunder Bluff Spirit Rise [21, 26]
AAlliance Kalimdor Silithus Cenarion Hold [57, 34]
HHorde Kalimdor Silithus Cenarion Hold [46, 44]
HHorde Kalimdor Stonetalon Mountains Sun Rock Retreat [53, 62]
AAlliance Kalimdor Stonetalon Mountains Mirkfallon Post [49, 51]
AAlliance Kalimdor Tanaris Gadgetzan [52, 29]
HHorde Kalimdor Tanaris Gadgetzan [49, 27]
AAlliance Kalimdor Teldrassil Darnassus [63, 47]
AAlliance Kalimdor Teldrassil Dolanaar [55, 60]
AAlliance Kalimdor Uldum Ramkahen [53, 32]
HHorde Kalimdor Uldum Ramkahen [53, 35]
AAlliance Kalimdor Un'Goro Crater Marshal's Stand [60, 63]
HHorde Kalimdor Un'Goro Crater Marshal's Stand [56, 66]
AAlliance Kalimdor Winterspring Everlook [61, 47]
HHorde Kalimdor Winterspring Everlook [58, 47]
AAlliance Outland Blade's Edge Mountains Sylvanaar [42, 66]
HHorde Outland Blade's Edge Mountains Thunderlord Stronghold [50, 59]
AAlliance Outland Hellfire Peninsula Honor Hold [62, 58]
HHorde Outland Hellfire Peninsula Thrallmar [57, 42]
AAlliance Outland Nagrand Telaar [50, 70]
HHorde Outland Nagrand Garadar [51, 34]
AAlliance Outland Netherstorm Area 52 [31, 63]
HHorde Outland Netherstorm Area 52 [32, 68]
AAlliance Outland Shadowmoon Valley Wildhammer Stronghold [40, 55]
HHorde Outland Shadowmoon Valley Shadowmoon Village [33, 30]
AAlliance Outland Terokkar Forest Allerian Stronghold [55, 55]
HHorde Outland Terokkar Forest Stonebreaker Hold [52, 43]
AAlliance Outland Zangarmarsh Telredor [69, 52]
HHorde Outland Zangarmarsh Zabra'Jin [36, 52]
AAlliance Northrend Borean Tundra Fizzcrank Airstrip [55, 20]
HHorde Northrend Borean Tundra Bor'gorok Outpost [51, 12]
AAlliance Northrend Crystalsong Forest Windrunner's Overlook [78, 75]
HHorde Northrend Crystalsong Forest Sunreaver's Command [80, 53]
AAlliance Northrend Dragonblight Wintergarde Keep [75, 44]
HHorde Northrend Dragonblight Agmar's Hammer [39, 48]
AAlliance Northrend Howling Fjord Fort Wildervar [58, 16]
HHorde Northrend Howling Fjord Camp Winterhoof [48, 13]
AAlliance Northrend Grizzly Hills Amberpine Lodge [34, 61]
HHorde Northrend Grizzly Hills Conquest Hold [19, 61]
AAlliance Northrend Sholazar Basin River's Heart [47, 66]
HHorde Northrend Sholazar Basin River's Heart [47, 62]
AAlliance Northrend Storm Peaks K3 [42, 87]
HHorde Northrend Storm Peaks K3 [40, 86]
AAlliance Northrend Zul'Drak The Argent Stand [41, 61]
HHorde Northrend Zul'Drak The Argent Stand [43, 71]
NNeutral Pandaria Jade Forest Dawn's Blossom [47, 47]
NNeutral Pandaria Valley of the Four Winds Halfhill Market [51, 51]
NNeutral Pandaria Krasarang Wilds Zhu's Watch [74, 9]
NNeutral Pandaria Kun-Lai Summit Binan Village [71, 91]
NNeutral Pandaria Townlong Steppes Longying Outpost [71, 56]
NNeutral Pandaria Dread Wastes Soggy's Gamble [56, 69]
AAlliance Pandaria Vale of Eternal Blossoms Mogu'shan Palace [79, 37]
HHorde Pandaria Vale of Eternal Blossoms Mogu'shan Palace [77, 34]
AAlliance Draenor Shadowmoon Valley Embaari Village [42, 36]
HHorde Draenor Frostfire Ridge Grom'gar [72, 65]
NNeutral Draenor Gorgrond Bastion Rise [43, 93]
NNeutral Draenor Talador Retribution Point [43, 71]
NNeutral Draenor Spires of Arak Veil Terokk [48, 44]
NNeutral Draenor Nagrand Ring of Trials [80, 47]
NNeutral Broken Isles Azsuna Azurewing Repose [48, 29]
NNeutral Broken Isles Val'sharah Howling Dale [44, 57]
NNeutral Broken Isles Highmountain Ironhorn Enclave [55, 84]
NNeutral Broken Isles Stormheim Road to Highmountain [32, 42]
AAlliance Broken Isles Suramar Bridge by Azsuna [23, 58]
HHorde Broken Isles Suramar Path by Meredil [30, 45]
AAlliance Kul Tiras Tiragarde Sound Bridgeport [76, 49]
AAlliance Kul Tiras Stormsong Valley Fort Daelin [35, 51]
AAlliance Kul Tiras Drustvar Arom's Stand [40, 47]
HHorde Zandalar Zuldazar Village in the Vines [53, 48]
HHorde Zandalar Nazmir Zul'jan Ruins [40, 74]
HHorde Zandalar Vol'dun Vulpera Hideaway [56, 47]
NNeutral Dragon Isles Waking Shores Dragonscale Basecamp [46.0, 82.9]
NNeutral Dragon Isles Ohn'ahran Plains Maruukai [63.9, 35.0]
NNeutral Dragon Isles Azure Span Iskaara [12.2, 47.6]
NNeutral Dragon Isles Thaldraszus Valdrakken [53.4, 62.3]
NNeutral Dragon Isles Forbidden Reach Morqut Village [35.0, 60.9]
NNeutral Dragon Isles Zaralek Cavern Loamm [55.2, 55.4]
See also: Alliance BonfireHorde BonfireEarthen Ring BonfireMidsummer Bonfire


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 11.0.2


Touching the Ribbon Pole gives a 3 minute buff increasing earned experience by 10%. Up to 60 minutes can be stacked.
  • Using Ribbon Poles causes a colorful streamer of energy to go to your hand and causes you to dance. This gives a 3-minute [Ribbon Dance] buff increasing earned experience by 10%. This buff stacks up to 20 times (60 minutes), increasing its duration by 3 minutes for every 3 seconds you keep dancing around the pole.
  • When thrown into a festival fire, Burning Blossoms give you a buff [Fire Festival Fury], 3% critical strike and spell critical strike rating for sixty minutes as well as causing fire damage to attackers.
  • If a bonfire has gone out, tossing a Burning Blossom in it will provide a zone-wide buff, [Bonfire's Blessing], that gives you a 30% chance to inflict (<your level> x 10) Fire damage on any melee, ranged, or spell attack. Bonfire's Blessing is capable of delivering a critical hit with 100% additional damage and is affected by bonus spell damage. This buff goes away if the opposite faction desecrates the bonfire.
  • Special flame samples can be collected from the bonfires in each of the four main cities of the opposing faction. Each sample will begin a quest called "Stealing the [City]'s Flame." Upon completing each quest, everyone in the capital city will receive [Fire Festival Fortitude], a +30 stamina buff. Once all 4 have been collected and returned to a Festival representative, you receive the quest B [1-80] A Thief's Reward and are rewarded with the  [Crown of the Fire Festival].


When the Midsummer event started in year 2009, flags for completion of the quests in 2008 had not been reset, preventing those who had completed one-time quests in 2008 from getting those quests and gathering Burning Blossoms. Further, characters above level 70 did not have a version of the quest Striking Back.

Recent In-Game Fixes - 6/22/09 | 2009-06-22 22:59 | Blizzard Entertainment Bornakk

We are in the process of applying an in-game fix that will restart all of the quests associated with the Midsummer Fire Festival event and allow players to complete them once again. If you are in the process of completing an achievement such as Extinguishing Kalimdor, this fix will reset your progress and you will need start over. This fix will require realms to be restarted.

View original post

This fix allowed anyone who had already completed any bonfire quests in 2009 before the fix was applied to gather more Blossoms that year than are usually available. Completed achievements were not revoked, but partially completed ones lost all progress. The N [1-80 Daily] Striking Back quest for 67-70 characters was extended to 67-80, once again allowing 20 Blossoms per day from daily quests.

While the initial patch was to have reset all event quests, it proved incomplete in many cases. Many reported being unable to complete the "city flames" quests for Exodar and Silvermoon despite being able to repeat those for other cities. At least one realm was not reset properly the first time, and further issues were found. A number of players have continued to have problems with the Exodar and Silvermoon city flame quests.

Patch changes

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Achievements added for Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
  • Legion Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Achievements added for Draenor and Broken Isles.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Achievements added for Pandaria.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.3.0 (2011-11-29): Achievements added for Northrend and the Cataclysm zones.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.4.0 (2008-03-25): Event reworked with daily quests and additional bonfires. Lord Ahune added.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.11.0 (2006-06-19): Added.


External links