Princess Poobah

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NeutralPrincess Poobah
Image of Princess Poobah
Gender Female
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Princess
Location Jaguero Isle, The Cape of Stranglethorn[59.4, 79.0]
Status Alive
King Mukla and Poobah.
"I'll need my tiara, my scepter, my slippers, and my diary before I'm ready to leave.
What? Stop looking at me like I'm some sort of insane person. You don't know what it's like being a princess."

Princess Poobah is a tauren quest giver located on Jaguero Isle in the Cape of Stranglethorn. She is being held prisoner by Skymane King Mukla. Poobah has a very good throwing arm as she is able to toss many written notes in bottles out to sea.

 [Crumpled Note] informs that she was once held captive by Zanzil the Outcast.


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


Thank you again for your aid. May the wind always be at your back during your travels.


Quest items

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Classic Era.


  • The name Poobah is a reference to the character of the Grand Poobah, the Lord High Everything, from the operetta "The Mikado", and has come to be used as a mocking title for someone self-important or high-ranking and who exhibits an inflated self-regard.
  • Since her captor King Mukla is an analogy to Donkey Kong, it is likely that she is titled "princess" as a reference to Princess Peach as a mistaken reference to the Donkey Kong arcade game, which does not feature a princess of any kind (the woman in that game is Pauline, who is not royalty).

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Princess Poobah now waits for 60 seconds before despawning after the completion of the Message in a Bottle quest.

External links

es:Princesa Poobah