Blue Sky Logging Grounds

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NeutralBlue Sky Logging Grounds
Blue Sky Logging Grounds.jpg
Type Logging Camp
Leader(s) Unknown
  Formerly Alliance  Sergeant Hartsman
Horde  Commander Bargok
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
OrcOrc Orc
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
TaurenTauren Tauren
GnomeGnome Gnome
Language(s) Goblin, Common, Orcish
Affiliation(s) Venture Company
  Formerly Valiance Expedition (Alliance), Warsong Offensive (Horde)
Location Grizzly Hills, Northrend[37.36, 38.32]
Status Contested

Blue Sky Logging Grounds is a logging camp located in the Grizzly Hills in the continent of Northrend. It is located around the northern-western part of Grizzly Hills, on the lake where the two biggest rivers of the region originate from. It used to be operated by the Venture Company until the War against the Lich King when the Alliance and Horde chased them off, fighting each other for control over it. Following the war against the Jailer, however, the nearby Venture Bay was reported to once again be under the control of the Venture Company, and thus it is likely that they have reclaimed the Blue Sky Logging Grounds as well.[1]

Notable inhabitants




Patch changes

External links