Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran

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HordeGrizzled Frostwolf Veteran
Image of Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Frostwolf Orcs
Location Stonefang Outpost, Frostfire Ridge [45.4, 50.3]
Status Alive
Dusty Chest

The Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran at [45.4, 50.3] northeast of Stonefang Outpost overlooking The Boneslag starts a vignette: fending off three waves of three Thunderlord Crag-Leapers which climb up the mountainside, coming to claim his hut.

Once they've been fended off, open the Dusty Chest to find the  [Frostwolf Veteran's Keepsake] and the  [Faded Note], which reveals that the veteran has a deceased wife and a son.


"Fall back to the outpost!" they said.
"The Thunderlords will overwhelm you!" they said.
<The old orc spits.>
Pah! This is my hut, and I'm not moving. I'll stand my ground and die with honor!
How about you, pup? Will you run, too? Or stand and fight?!
  • Gossip Stand and fight! Victory or death!
Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran says: Spoken like a true orc! And here comes your chance to prove it. Thunderlords incoming!
Three spawn.
Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran says: Come, fools! Break yourselves upon us!!
Three more spawn.
Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran says: Ah, the thrill of battle! I feel young again!
Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran says: Go on inside my hut - you'll find an old chest in the corner. I want you to have what's inside.
  • Gossip Nothing wrong with a little tactical retreat...
<The old orc spits again. You're pretty sure a tooth came out this time.>
Come back when you grow a spine!

Once the vignette is complete:

I will defend this home with my last breath.
I only hope death finds me in battle, and not in bed.

Tracking quest

To check whether this vignette has been completed, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33011))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, this vignette has been completed; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links