Choosing Your Purpose

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For the achievement, see  [Choosing Your Purpose].
NeutralChoosing Your Purpose
Start Tal-Inara [38.9, 70.0]
End Tal-Inara [38.9, 70.0]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Oribos
Experience 4,750
Rewards  [Choosing Your Purpose]
12g 87s
Previous N [60] The Looming Dark or N [60] Re-Introductions
Next N [60] Report to Adrestes,
N [60] Report to Draven,
N [60] Report to Mevix, or
N [60] Report to Moonberry;
N [50-60] Aiding the Shadowlands (Threads of Fate)

Choosing Your Purpose ends the level-up portion of the Shadowlands campaign. To reach this point, players must have had made it to max level and completed the four zone storylines. After this is max-level content, starting with the  [Covenant Campaign] and access to the Maw and Torghast.

For alts, this can be the beginning of their leveling experience had they chosen to twist N [60] The Threads of Fate.


Which Covenant will you join?

Speak to the Covenants. Decide how your path is entwined with the Purpose.


The covenant map between Tal-Inara and Bolvar
First character
Each covenant is vital to the Shadowlands. Though they often seem at odds with one another, this too is part of the Purpose.
All the covenants need to grow strong to face the threat of the Jailer. But your efforts cannot be divided. They must be focused upon a single path. Other mortals may make a different choice.
The time has come for you to take a side.
Speak to your allies. Then make your choice at the map of the Shadowlands before me.
Each covenant is vital to the Shadowlands. Though they have been isolated and divided as of late, the Purpose depends on the success of their efforts.
All of the covenants must bolster their strength to face the threat of the Banished One. But your contributions cannot be divided. They must be focused upon a single path. Other mortals may make a different choice.
Speak to your potential allies. Then make your choice at the map of the Shadowlands before me.


You will receive:


Have you made your decision yet?


All is as expected. Trust always in the Arbiter's plan.


There are two versions of this quest. The first is available to level 60 players who have completed the first four zone storylines. The second is offered to alts at level 50 if they chose to twist N [60] The Threads of Fate.

In the area are four characters representing the four covenants, and a number of training dummies. All of the representatives can provide players the covenant signature and class ability to test with.

After speaking with the four representatives, interact with the Shadowlands Covenant Map between Tal-Inara and Bolvar to make a decision.

Tal-Inara will offer the next quest, continuing the Shadowlands campaign:

Make sure to actually pick up the quest before heading to the covenant sanctum!

For alts on the Threads of Fate, Tal-Inara will instead offer N [50-60] Aiding the Shadowlands, which grants a choice to one of the four zones to level through first.

Covenant representatives

Polemarch Adrestes

Kyrian Covenant offerings, as shown on a dwarf hunter.
How may I assist you?
  • Gossip Tell me again of the virtues of the Kyrian.
<An interface window pops up:>
The Kyrian are steadfast guardians of the afterlife who bear the souls of the dead into the Shadowlands. Eternally devoted to duty and service, only the worthy may enter their ranks.
Abilities: <Class ability>, [Summon Steward]
Soulbinds: Kleia, Pelagos, Mikanikos
Sanctum Feature: Path of Ascension
  • Gossip What adventures await me if I join your covenant?
Our noble kyrian face the dire consequences of the betrayals you witnessed in Bastion. The Forsworn forces threaten to unravel our realm entirely. Your aid will be invaluable if we are to reclaim Bastion and save the Shadowlands.

General Draven

Venthyr Covenant offerings, as shown on a draenei priest.
How can I help you Maw Walker?
  • Gossip How could the Venthyr benefit me?
<An interface window pops up:>
The Venthyr are aristocratic overseers of souls burdened with excessive pride and wickedness. They guide troubled souls upon the rigorous path to atonement, harvesting anima to keep their realm strong.
Abilities: <Class ability>, [Door of Shadows]
Soulbinds: General Draven, Theotar, Nadjia the Mistblade
Sanctum Feature: Ember Court
  • Gossip What adventures await me if I join your covenant?
The road to redemption for Revendreth is a long one, but the Dark Prince of Sinfall is ready to walk it. You have already helped us take the first steps on this journey. Now we must endeavor to wrest control of Revendreth from the clutches of the Master and his loyalists.

Lady Moonberry

Night Fae Covenant offerings.
How can I help you Maw Walker?
  • Gossip Remind me of the Night Fae
<An interface window pops up:>
The Night Fae tend to fallen nature spirits who slumber within the tranquil forest. Those with a deep bond to nature may join their cause, ensuring that the rejuvenated spirits can one day rejoin the eternal cycle.
Abilities: <Class ability>, [Soulshape]
Soulbinds: Dreamweaver, Korayn, Niya
Sanctum Feature: Queen's Conservatory
  • Gossip What adventures await me if I join your covenant?
As you have seen with your own eyes, the groves of Ardenweald are dying. As each great celestial tree falls, our Queen's desperation grows. The queen and her Court of Night know your strength. Help us restore balance to Ardenweald.

Secutor Mevix

Necrolord Covenant offerings.
How can I help you Maw Walker?
  • Gossip What are the strengths of the Necrolords?
<An interface window pops up:>
Among the Necrolords, strength is rewarded and weakness cast aside. The souls of the ambitious and contentious are forged into an immortal army charged with the defense of the Shadowlands.
Abilities: <Class ability>, [Fleshcraft]
Soulbinds: Plague Deviser Marileth, Emeni, Bonesmith Heirmir
Sanctum Feature: Abomination Factory
  • Gossip What adventures await me if I join your covenant?
The ambitions of the Necrolords face a threat of extinction at our own hand. Should you once again join your strength to ours, we will fight together to forge the disparate fragments into an army capable of challenging fate itself.


Patch changes

External links

First Alts