Traversing Torghast (quest)

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NeutralTraversing Torghast
Start Ve'nish[35.4, 37.0]
End Ve'nish[35.4, 37.0]
Level 10-60
Type Daily
Category Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Experience 11,550
Rewards  [Bonus Experience]
150x [Soul Ash]
70g 20s
Previous N [10-60] Tower of the Damned
Next N [10-60] Return to Oribos


Aid Ve'nish's exploration of Torghast by completing a wing within Torghast. Use the wayfinder within Torghast to access different wings.


I've heard of you, the Maw Walker! You must know of me, the legendary Ve'nish.

I am here to find great treasures within Torghast with the aid of my box. I can see you admiring it.

Perhaps we can work together. Why don't you go into Torghast ahead of me to scout ahead?

I shall even reward you for anything you discover within.


You will receive:


How goes exploring the darkness of Torghast?


Ah, the place is filled to the brink with all sorts of terrible creatures... and also plenty of powers!

Perfect! Did you hear that, box? We'll find plenty in this place... perhaps even more than that coward Ve'nari out in the Maw.

Ahem, thank you, Maw Walker. You've done your part well. I shall have more questions later.


  1. N [60] The Threads of Fate
  2. N [60] Re-Introductions
  3. N [60] Choosing Your Purpose
  4. N [10-60] Aiding the Shadowlands
  5. Choose a path:
  6. Additional breadcrumbs after Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, or Revendreth:
    1. N [10-60] The Next Step (choose a second zone)
    2. N [10-60] Furthering the Purpose (choose a third zone)
    3. N [10-60] The Last Step (the remaining zone)

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