Report to Draven

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VenthyrReport to Draven
Start Tal-Inara [38.9, 70.0]
End General Draven [44.8, 68.9]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Venthyr Campaign
Experience 1,000
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] Choosing Your Purpose
Next N [60] Sinfall


Report to General Draven.


You have chosen well.

The Venthyr must return to their duty helping souls atone for their sins, saving them from an eternity in the Maw.

Denathrius's treachery must be righted. Speak with General Draven and begin your future with your covenant.


You will receive:

  • 2g 57s 40c
  • 1,000 XP


A wise choice.


  1. N [60] Report to Draven
  2. N [60] Sinfall
  3. N [60] The Court of Harvesters
  4. N [60] Sacred Covenant
  5. N [60] Anima Awakening
  6. N [60] Building Your Renown
  7. N [60] The Court's Bounty
  8. N [60] A Call to Service
  9. N [60] Anima is Power
  10. N [60] Into the Reservoir
  11. N [60] The Souls Plight
  12. N [60] Back into the Darkness
  13. N [60] Setting the Ground Rules
  14. N [60] Rule 1: Have an Escape Plan
  15. N [60] Rule 2: Keep a Low Profile
  16. N [60] Rule 3: Trust is Earned
  17. N [60] Hopeful News
  18. N [60] Souls for Sinfall
  19. N [60] A Coalition of the Willing (optional breadcrumb)
  20. N [60] Home Improvement
  21. N [60] Binding Power
  22. N [60] Strengthening the Bond
  23. N [60] A Conduit For Change
  24. N [60] Our True Purpose

Patch changes

External links