Battleground Observers

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NeutralBattleground Observers
Start Tal-Inara[38.9, 70.0]
End Strategist Zo'rak[34.3, 55.9]
Level 10-60
Category Oribos
Experience 970
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous N [10-60] Battlegrounds
Next N [10-60 Daily] Observing Victory


Speak with Strategist Zo'rak in Oribos.


Zo'sorg and the other brokers of Cartel Zo can be found just down the hall.

They will certainly be eager to hear that large-scale battles are included in the Purpose.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 970 XP


Cartel Zo is a reliable partner. You have chosen well.


  1. N [60] The Threads of Fate
  2. N [60] Re-Introductions
  3. N [60] Choosing Your Purpose
  4. N [10-60] Aiding the Shadowlands
  5. Choose a path:
  6. Additional breadcrumbs after Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, or Revendreth:
    1. N [10-60] The Next Step (choose a second zone)
    2. N [10-60] Furthering the Purpose (choose a third zone)
    3. N [10-60] The Last Step (the remaining zone)

Patch changes

External links