Tower of the Damned (quest)

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NeutralTower of the Damned
Start Tal-Inara[39.2, 69.4]
End Ve'nish[35.4, 47.0]
Level 10-60
Category Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Experience 970
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous N [10-60] Torghast
Next N [10-60 Daily] Traversing Torghast


Travel to Torghast by jumping into the Ring of Transference, then find any entity there that needs your aid.


We know little of Torghast. However, Fatescribe Roh-Tahl claims there is work that must be done there.

He believes there is a path for you to reach this place... and that someone there requires your aid.

Do what you must to reach Torghast and aid anyone who is within.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 970 XP


Stay back!

Wait... you're not one of the Jailer's forces.

Box! We have a visitor, play the nice music would you?


  1. N [60] The Threads of Fate
  2. N [60] Re-Introductions
  3. N [60] Choosing Your Purpose
  4. N [10-60] Aiding the Shadowlands
  5. Choose a path:
  6. Additional breadcrumbs after Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, or Revendreth:
    1. N [10-60] The Next Step (choose a second zone)
    2. N [10-60] Furthering the Purpose (choose a third zone)
    3. N [10-60] The Last Step (the remaining zone)

Patch changes

External links