Arathi Empire

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This article is about the extant Arathi civilization. For the ancient human empire from which it splintered, see Arathor. For other uses, see Arathi (disambiguation).
NeutralArathi Empire
An Arathi symbol, used to represent the Empire's Hallowfall Expedition.
Main leader IconSmall Arathi Male.gif Emperor of the Arathi
Secondary leaders IconSmall Arathi Female.gif General Vaelisia Steelstrike
Race(s) ArathiArathiArathiArathi Arathi
Theater of operations Landmass beyond the Storming Sea;[1][2][3][4]
Hallowfall, Khaz Algar
Government Feudal autocracy[5]
Sub-group(s) Arathi Army (Air Navy, Hallowfall Expedition), Church of the Sacred Flame
Status Active

“Vast, powerful, and bathed in the Light... the Empire is a force to be reckoned with.”

Faerin Lothar[6]

The Arathi Empire (sometimes called Arathor)[1][7][8][9] is a major civilization located on an unspecified Azerothian landmass beyond the Storming Sea.[1][2][3][4] Its people, the Arathi, are mixed-race descendants of humans from the ancient Empire of Arathor and high elves from Quel'Thalas.[10][11] The Empire worships the Holy Light in the form of the Sacred Flame and is ruled by a divine emperor, who interprets the Flame's prophetic visions.[2]

More than a decade before the events of The War Within,[12] the Hallowfall Expedition left the Empire in pursuit of a prophetic vision seen by the current emperor. The expedition became stranded in Hallowfall, an underground region in Khaz Algar. Although cut off from the mainland, they remain loyal to the Empire.



The original Empire of Arathor (which, too, is sometimes referred to as the "Arathi Empire")[13] was the first human civilization[14] and existed in the Eastern Kingdoms between 2,800[15] and 1,200 BDP before collapsing into the modern Seven Kingdoms.[16][17] At an unknown point in time, humans from Arathor and high elves from Quel'Thalas, who had allied with humanity and taught them magic during the Troll Wars,[10][11] left the Eastern Kingdoms and traveled across the sea[18][19] to a landmass where they founded a new Arathi Empire together. The two peoples became one and have remained united ever since. As such, modern-day Arathi are all of mixed human and elven descent and do not call themselves humans, elves, or half-elves, only Arathi.[10][20] They refer to the Eastern Kingdoms as the "old world"[21][22] and to Arathor as "old Arathor".[23] Since its inception, the Empire has thrived under the prophetic guidance of the Sacred Flame. A succession of emperors interpret visions from the Flame and command their subjects to fulfill or forestall prophesied events, allowing the Empire to flourish.[2]

The War Within

A giant tome in the Church of the Sacred Flame in Mereldar depicting the journey of the Hallowfall Expedition.

More than a decade before the events of The War Within,[12] the current emperor received a vision of Light, battle, and victory for the Arathi.[1][2][3] He saw a holy land, Hallowfall, and a source of radiant light, the "Emperor's Vision",[1][2] in the form of a falling[18] or fallen star.[24] He assembled the bravest and strongest of the Empire into an expedition[3] to seek out Hallowfall,[2] fight in Renilash (the final battle between light and dark),[11] secure the Emperor's Vision, and return victorious to the Empire.[10][25] General Vaelisia Steelstrike was placed in charge of the expedition,[1] which consisted of the airships of the Third Fleet and members of the Army and the Church of the Sacred Flame.[2][26] Several mages accompanied the expedition so they could set up portals back to the Empire for supplies and reinforcements when they arrived at their destination.[12] Those who signed up for the expedition expected to only be away from their homeland for a few years at worst.[27] The emperor knew the expedition might not return, but trusted that they would enact his will should they find his vision.[26]

The expedition traveled past Titan's Isle and the Storming Sea. The armada was nearly destroyed by a storm but were miraculously transported by the Emperor's Vision to Hallowfall in Khaz Algar, beneath the surface of Azeroth.[1][2][3][11] The resulting crash killed all of the expedition's mages except for an apprentice, Wenren Althal, who had never learned how to open a portal back to the Empire.[12] With no way to contact home, the surviving Arathi settled in Hallowfall under the light of the Emperor's Vision, revealed to be a crystal they named Beledar.[1][2][3] The Hallowfall Arathi have since come under constant assault from the nerubians, kobyss, and more recently the Harbinger. Although they remain loyal subjects of the Empire, they believe that they must stay in Hallowfall to defend Beledar and their new home, and furthermore that they can't send for help since the journey back to the Empire is too perilous.[2] Due to their desperate situation, the Hallowfall Arathi welcome aid from outsiders. However, according to Faerin Lothar, the mainland Empire is not so open-minded or desperate, and may not take kindly to the variety of peoples in the Alliance and Horde.[6] Anduin Wrynn noted that the Hallowfall Arathi, although friendly, are only a small portion of the Empire, and he wondered if the rest of Azeroth should be worried.[28]

With help from adventurers, the mage Wenren Althal found a way to open a portal from Hallowfall back to the Empire,[29] but the Order of Night assassinated him and destroyed his research before he could put his discovery into practice.[30][31] Meanwhile, Prioress Murrpray of the Priory of the Sacred Flame discovered a way to use Beledar's light for necromancy. Believing this would bring the Arathi victory over their enemies in both Hallowfall and at home in the Empire, she intended to create an undead army to allow the Arathi to conquer Khaz Algar and the rest of Azeroth, but she was defeated by adventurers.[32]

Society and culture

We are seekers of light,
We are the holders of the eternal brazier of our emperor,
The Flame's light guides us wherever we stride,
We are the stars that guide through the never-ending night.
My life for the Empire.
My life for the emperor.

— Journal of Elvaen, an Arathi paladin[33]

In the years since their ancestors left the Eastern Kingdoms, the Arathi have developed their own culture unique from that of the Seven Kingdoms.[18] The Arathi Empire is a feudal autocracy[5] founded on faith in both their emperor and the Light,[34] which they worship in the form of the Sacred Flame. The emperor receives and interprets prophetic visions from the Flame, allowing the Empire to flourish.[2] The emperor is said to have "magic blood" and is believed to be the only one the Sacred Flame speaks to in this way.[5] The Empire also has nobility, such as the Lothar family,[21] including dukes[35][36] and barons.[37]

The Empire is militarily and technologically advanced. The Arathi Army commands the skies through airships,[38] a marvel of magic and technology powered by the Sacred Flame.[39][40][41] Arathi farmers use harvest bots to assist in manual labor.[42][43] The Arathi domesticate imperial lynxes, who serve as fierce and loyal companions and mounts for citizens.[44] All Arathi soldiers are encouraged to foster a bond with a lynx that will accompany them on the battlefield.[45] Society within Hallowfall is highly regimented and militarized; whether this extends to Arathi society at large or is simply a product of the colony's martial origins and precarious existence remains unclear, though Faerin Lothar has memories of military parades through city streets, where citizens would be out and cheering as the army passed by on lynxes in ceremonial armor.[28] The Arathi also domesticate silkie chickens.[46] The Hallowfall Expedition brought both lynxes and chickens with them to Hallowfall.[44][46]

Arathi mages have a complex understanding of the cosmic forces. They envision the cosmos as a multidimensional "hexateron", and dismiss simpler cosmologies as outdated and "rooted in ancient myths from old Arathor".[23]

A popular game in the Empire is Light's Gambit, a board game which teaches military strategy,[47] and whose pieces include ones named after castles, clerics, and knights.[48][49]


The Priory of the Sacred Flame in Hallowfall.

The Church of the Sacred Flame reveres the Sacred Flame, a merger of Light and fire,[22] though they refer to the "Light" and "Holy Light" by name as well.[3] All Arathi are consecrated in the Flame, and every soldier carries a tinderbox which represents their devotion and can be used as a focus to call forth the Flame's light.[50] Some Arathi wield the Light as priests[51] or paladins.[33][52][n 1] Mereldar, one of the first human priests, is of major cultural significance to the Arathi. Their holy texts include her letters[22][26] and the "book of Mereldar",[5] and the Hallowfall Arathi named their capital Mereldar in her honor.

The Arathi believe in an upcoming final battle between light and dark called Renilash[11] in which they themselves will have a major role to play. This battle is the subject of The Song of Renilash, a prophetic text.[26]

Funerary practices

The Arathi cremate their dead on pyres of Sacred Flame.[53][54] It is customary to burn written memories of the deceased during the cremation ceremony. By committing them to the flames, the bereaved let go of their heartache and allow the "warmth of memory" to heal them.[55] All of the effects of the dead are burned as well.[56] The service involves memory wine, a beverage created by the Church from herbs, spices, and water through a sacred process.[57] If an Arathi dies in battle and it is not possible to recover their body for a proper funeral, their brethren will try recover their tinderbox so they can venerate their sacrifice, then burn the body with a torch.[50]

The Arathi believe that every life deserves to be remembered in the Sacred Flame. The dead are said to "seek the light of the Sacred Flame".[50] The Arathi honor the memory of the fallen by lighting candles.[58]

Literature and expressions

Concept art of Arathi armor.

The Empire has an extensive body of literature.[22] Arathi folklore describes dragons as legendary beasts who scour lands and grant wishes.[6] They also have stories of monsters called "kaiju".[59] The Arathi use a number of unique expressions of both religious and profane origin.

  • Phrases used as interjections include "ash",[60] "ashes",[61] "firecrackers",[47] "flames",[1][5] "flames be praised",[5] "flames help me",[1] "light of the Empire",[62] "light of the Flame",[63] and "thank the Flame".[5][27]
  • "Aegis Wall" is a term referring to a "magic shield from the old world", and to a sword and pike military maneuver named after it that was popularized during the reign of Emperor Laenz IV. The tactic fell out of favor after the Air Navy shifted combat to the sky.[22] Hallowfall's Aegis Wall is named after the term.
  • "Dunelle's Kindness" is an idiom for a kind merchant, derived from a merchant described in Mereldar's letters.[22] The town of Dunelle's Kindness is named after the idiom.
  • "Lightspark" is one of many words in Arathi speech and literature that indicates a positive event. A portmanteau using it means something like "The beginning of our victory".[22] The Lightspark Academy is named after it.
  • "Lorel's Crossing" is an idiom that means crossing a natural barrier to find a safe place where one can settle and work. Based on an old Arathi fairy tale about Lorel, a young craftswoman whose town on the frontier falls to raiders and who uses her skills to outwit various dangers. Lorel is a popular name among Arathi in the Empire's northwest provinces,[22] and the town of Lorel's Crossing is named after the expression.
  • "Lothar's Landing" is an idiom for hopeful or uncertain trade or diplomatic initiatives by the Empire, often used sarcastically when the venture is unsuccessful. Derives from Duke Lothar's annexing of the island of New Light, which sparked an economic boom in the Empire.[22] The location Lothar's Landing in Hallowfall is named after it.
  • Tenir, a character from an otherwise unremarkable play, became a common trope and then an idiom for victory, especially in risky adventures. The saying "Tenir's Ascent" has come to mean victory, especially an armada victory or one that involves a risky adventure.[22] The town of Tenir's Ascent is named after it.


  1. ^ At BlizzCon 2023 the Arathi were only described as having "paladin-like" abilities,[41] but in-game they explicitly use the term "paladin".


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j N [75-78] Spar Day
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l  [Beledar- The Emperor's Vision]
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Izaeh Strongiron quotes
  4. ^ a b World of Warcraft on X (2024-05-04).​ “As a child, Faerin stowed away on the Hallowfall Expedition's dangerous trek across the Storming Seas.”
  5. ^ a b c d e f g  [Shadow Curfew Journal]
  6. ^ a b c N [80] Light's Gambit
  7. ^  [Arathi Demolition Charge] use effect: "Deploy an explosive barrel to bring righteous flame to the enemies of Arathor ..."
  8. ^ Arathor Courier's Satchel
  9. ^ World of Warcraft 2024-04-17. Devs Reveal The War Within Alpha | WoWCast (10:00). YouTube.​ “So it's called the Priory of the Sacred Flame, and it's this Arathor monastery.”
  10. ^ a b c d Lerrenai Fayn quotes
  11. ^ a b c d e N [75-78] Where the Light Touches
  12. ^ a b c d Wenren Althal quotes
  13. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 5: "Then I hereby declare the founding of the Alliance of Lordaeron! We shall stand together as one, as our ancestors did long ago, in the Arathi Empire."
  14. ^ H [10-30] Sigil of Strom: "In ancient times, Lord Ignaeus of Strom, named Trollbane, led the first human civilization of Arathor in war against the trolls."
  15. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 126
  16. ^  [The Seven Kingdoms]
  17. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 141 - 142
  18. ^ a b c Discordiankitty 2023-11-04. Wowhead's Exclusive Blizzcon 2023 Interview with Anne Stickney & Tina Wang. Wowhead. Archived from the original on 2023-11-05.
  19. ^ The Art of World of Warcraft: The War Within, pg. 102
  20. ^ United Arathi's Jerkin flavor text: "Being an Arathi is what matters, not race."
  21. ^ a b N [75-78] Blades of the Arathi
  22. ^ a b c d e f g h i j  [The Big Book of Arathi Idioms]
  23. ^ a b  [Palawltar's Codex of Dimensional Structure]
  24. ^ The Art of World of Warcraft: The War Within, pg. 107
  25. ^ Captain's Chest
  26. ^ a b c d Ryfus Sacredpyr quotes
  27. ^ a b N [75-78] For Morale
  28. ^ a b N [75-78] The Bastion of Hallowfall
  29. ^ N [75-78] Arcane Experiments
  30. ^ N [75-78] A Murder Most Foul
  31. ^ N [75-78] Finding Justice
  32. ^ Prioress Murrpray Adventure Guide and quotes
  33. ^ a b A Weathered Tome
  34. ^ N [75-78] Suspicious Minds
  35. ^ Duke Lothar
  36. ^ Duke Velhan
  37. ^ Baron Sybaestan Braunpyke
  38. ^ N [75-78] Status Report
  39. ^ Valenta Thuridale quotes
  40. ^ Engineering Instructor Morgaen quotes
  41. ^ a b World of Warcraft 2023-11-03. BlizzCon | The War Within: What's Next Panel | World of Warcraft (13:00). YouTube. Retrieved on 2024-08-05.
  42. ^ Disabled Harvestbot
  43. ^ Regularly Scheduled Maintenance
  44. ^ a b Tiberius
  45. ^  [Care and Feeding of the Imperial Lynx]
  46. ^ a b Arathi Chicken
  47. ^ a b N [80] Crowdsourcing
  48. ^  [Light's Gambit Playbook]
  49. ^ Light's Gambit Challenger's Handbook
  50. ^ a b c N [75-78] Rekindled Memories
  51. ^ N [78-80] That Airspace is Mine(d)!
  52. ^ Ardent Paladin
  53. ^ N [75-78] Missing Somebody
  54. ^ N [75-78] Sacred Flame Inquisition
  55. ^ N [75-78] Burning Reflections
  56. ^ N [75-78] A Final Goodbye
  57. ^ N [75-78] Memorial Wine
  58. ^  [Holy Candle]
  59. ^ N [75-78] Mereldar's Light
  60. ^ N [75-78] The Rise of the Reckoning
  61. ^  [500 Dishes Using Cave Fish and Mushrooms]
  62. ^ N [75-78] Crossroads of Twilight
  63. ^ N [75-78] The Bell Tolls