Wenren Althal

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NeutralWenren Althal
Image of Wenren Althal
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Beledar's Bounty, Hallowfall
Status Deceased

Wenren Althal is an Arathi quest giver located at Beledar's Bounty in Hallowfall. The last surviving mage of the Hallowfall Arathi, he is working on a way to open a portal back to the Arathi Empire and asks adventurers to assist him in his experiments.[1] With their help, he discovers a way to return his people to their homeland,[2] but Tefferty Ulreth, a member of the Order of Night, assassinates him and destroys his research before he can put it into practice. General Steelstrike subsequently laments Wenren's death and regrets not offering him more protection.[3]


  1. N [75-78] The Last Mage Activequest
  2. N [75-78] Arcane Trickles AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [75-78] Arcane Experiments AvailablequestActivequest
  4. N [75-78] A Murder Most Foul AvailablequestActivequest
  5. N [75-78] Finding Justice Availablequest


Main article: The Last Mage#Notes
Main article: Arcane Trickles#Notes
Main article: Arcane Experiments#Notes

Our people are dying. There's no question we need supplies and reinforcements... desperately.

If I don't open us a portal home... who will?

If only I had learned before we left home.

Gossip <Ask about other mages in the Hallowfall Arathi.>

Sadly, I'm the only mage left of the Hallowfall Expedition. Some conjurers of the Priory toy with the arcane, but none truly wield it.

I was a mere apprentice when we set out, over a decade ago. My masters were core to the mission. They were to set up portals back home whenever we arrived at our destination. That way, we'd have a steady flow of supplies and reinforcements.

It was a stroke of darkest luck that every single one died in the crash.

<Wenren lets out a long, mournful sigh.>

And I never learned how to make a portal home while I had the chance.

Gossip <Ask about something else.>

Gossip <Ask why he can't make a portal right now.>

To tell the truth... I've never been any good at teleportation magic.

But even if I was a genius, teleportation is complicated. Most often, you have to be at the location in order to learn how to make a portal there. Sometimes, a skilled enough master can teach you how to create a portal to somewhere they know, even if you do not.

I wasn't able to master the spell before we left the Empire. We didn't think that would matter, given how many other master mages came with us.

Who could have expected all the others would be lost?

Gossip <Ask about something else.>

Gossip <Ask how a fellow mage could ever be so foolish as to leave home without learning how to make a portal there.> (Mage specific.)

Ah! A fellow mage?

To tell the truth... I've never been any good at teleportation magic.

But even if I was a genius, you know teleportation is complicated. Most often, you have to be at the location in order to learn how to make a portal there. Sometimes, a skilled enough master can teach you how to create a portal to somewhere they know, even if you do not.

I wasn't able to master the spell before we left the Empire. We didn't think that would matter, given how many other master mages came with us.

Who could have expected all the others would be lost?

Gossip <Ask about his research into teleportation magic.

Nobody else thinks it will work. To be honest, I'm scared to get my hopes up, myself.

But, if it does work... think of the possibilities! The reinforcements, the supplies!

People can see their families again.

I have a theory. Every living being holds within themselves a memory of where they were born.

If I can tap into that information, perhaps I can combine that with more traditional teleportation to teleport people home.

I just haven't had the right hook into proper teleportation magic, until these crabs appeared!

If the player character is a mage

Gossip <His theory is interesting. Ask how he plans to handle the stabilization of the spell's fourth quadrant without an established ley line connection.>

<Wenren blinks in surprise.>

I'm so glad you asked! That one had me stumped for a while. But you see that's exactly what I need from these crabs. It's a roundabout way, but with a series of conversions, I can transform the residual crab energy to a trace ley line connection...

<Wenren continues for some time. You are somewhat dubious but it sounds feasible.>

Gossip <Ask about something else.>

If the player character is not a mage

Gossip <Ask about something else.>

Gossip <Ask about the origin of the crabs.>

Strange, isn't it? What could be causing this sudden arcane energy? It only started recently.

Something in the water, perhaps? Something these particular crabs are articularly sensitive to?

But why now?

<Wenren shrugs.>

Magic works in mysterious ways.

Gossip <Tell Wenren about the crash of Dalaran.>


So that's what that quake was? A massive, arcane-infused city crashing into the island above?!

<Wenren ponders this.>

Yes, if... if some magic residue got into the water, then trickled down here from above... that could certainly be what's affecting the crabs.


Gossip <Ask about something else.>
Gossip <Ask about something else.>

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

I'm the only surviving mage of the Hallowfall Expedition. If I don't open us a portal home... Who will?

If only I had learned before we left home.

Gossip <Ask about other mages in the Hallowfall Arathi.>

Sadly, I'm the only mage left of the Hallowfall Expedition.

I was a mere apprentice when we set out, fifteen years ago. My masters were core to the mission. They were to set up portals back home whenever we arrived at our destination. That way, we'd have a steady flow of supplies and reinforcements.

It was a stroke of darkest luck that every single one died in the crash.

<Wenren lets out a long.[sic] mournful sigh>

And I never learned how to make a portal home while I had the chance.

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [75-78] The Last Mage
  2. ^ N [75-78] Arcane Experiments
  3. ^ N [75-78] Finding Justice

External links