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Where the Light Touches

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NeutralWhere the Light Touches
Start Faerin
End Great Kyron
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 1,400
Rewards 2g 34s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] The Hallowed Path
Next N [75-78] Tunnel Trouble, N [75-78] Igniting Hope


Meet with Faerin's ally near the Aegis Wall.

  • Ride with Faerin to the Aegis Wall (Optional)
  • Arrive at the Aegis Wall


Many in Hallowfall will call you "outsider". I would call you friend. I would also ask for your help, if you are no stranger to combat. Desperate times forge strong friendships.

General Steelstrike ordered the army to fall back from the nerubian onslaught. In doing so, she abandoned a lamplighter and many troops to the darkness. I may not be able to save them on my own, but with your help I may succeed. If you're willing, ride with me or meet me there.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,400 XP


Outsider! The nerubians took us by surprise. The army went into retreat when the wall was breached. I've been keeping them away from this tower, but I could certainly use your help.


On accept:

Faerin says: I'm Faerin, lamplighter of Hallowfall. I have a relief cart prepped for the wall. Will you join me?
Anduin Wrynn says: Anduin. I'm... an adventurer exploring Khaz Algar with my friend.

Before leaving, characters have gossip:

Anduin Wrynn

We'll find out if the people of Hallowfall will stand with us as allies, <name>.

General Steelstrike

Greetings, outsider. I am General Steelstrike, in command of the army of Hallowfall.

We would never turn away a blade or staff, but we have survived by following the rules of the shadow curfew.

A careless soldier endangers everyone.

Hop in the Relief Cart that lights up for story:

Anduin Wrynn says: That crystal—
Faerin says: Star. We call it a star. Beledar, the "Emperor's Vision" of holy light.
Anduin Wrynn says: A vision of light... Deep under the ground.
Faerin says: We're the Hallowfall expedition of the Arathi Empire.
Faerin says: We followed our Emperor's sacred vision across the sea to fight in Renilash, the final battle between light and dark.
Faerin says: As we crossed the sea, we were caught in a storm. The fleet was... enveloped in golden radiance.
Faerin says: In a flash, our entire armada was transported down here.
Anduin Wrynn says: You've been down here fighting the nerubians ever since?
Faerin says: I was just a child, the only child, we were marooned. The nerubians have never ceased their hostility.
Faerin says: They crawl up from their kingdom seeking a fight and try to drag us down into the darkness.
Faerin says: Steelstrike's army does well beneath Beledar's light. Those bugs are good at extinguishing hope.
Faerin says: We lamplighters have trained to charge into the darkness. We save those who are lost and keep the dawntowers lit.
Faerin says: We're here.
Faerin says: Great Kyron! You're alive!
Great Kyron says: Faerin! Your courage aquits you well, young lamplighter.

At the Aegis Wall, characters have new gossip:

Anduin Wrynn

I'm glad to be back with Alleria. She blames herself for what happened to Dalaran, but not as much as she blames the nerubians.

She wants to get vengeance, especially against their leaders, but I worry about the risks she might take to do so.


It's hard to see the destruction here, knowing how well the wall has served us for so long. Hard to think about the soldiers who died defending it, and those that will die because we don't have this defensive advantage.

Great Kyron

A lamplighter will always accept an ally, <name>.

Gossip Who are you, Kyron?

I served the empire for many years before coming to Hallowfall, as a warden in our military.

When we first arrived in Hallowfall, I volunteered to lead a group in scouting the land. We found what areas were defensible, what was overrun by nerubians and the kobyss, and laid a foundation for the defense of Mereldar.

I found my calling late in life. Bound to a star of prophecy, in an unlikely land beneath the ground.

And I would see all those that walk in the light of the Sacred Flame survive another day.

Gossip Tell me about the Lamplighters.

It's not easy to face a darkness you know is dangerous. That's even more true in a cave, <name>.

We lamplighters are the ones who brave the darkness, to make sure Arathi dawntowers are lit and our people are safe.

We frequently have... strong disagreements with the military, but we're free to do what we believe we must.

We're few in number, to be sure, and our willingness to face the darkness in spite of our fears is seen as unusual.

But when a lamplighter arrives, the Arathi's hopes grow brighter.


  1. N [75-78] The Hallowed Path
  2. N [75-78] Where the Light Touches
  3. N [75-78] Tunnel Trouble & N [75-78] Igniting Hope
  4. N [75-78] The Only Good Spider & N [75-78] Rekindled Memories
  5. N [75-78] Rally on the Dawnbreaker
  6. N [75-78] Siege Weapon Sabotage & N [75-78] For Their Eyes Only
  7. N [75-78] Zero out Xerosh
  8. N [75-78] The Light of the Dawntower

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