Shadow Curfew Journal

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Not to be confused with  [Shadow Curfew Guidelines].
Shadow Curfew Journal.

Shadow Curfew Journal[59.77, 22.09] is located in a ruined building in Isaec's Folly in Hallowfall.


Shadow Curfew Journal

Day 1

Shadow curfew was called. I watched Beledar shift before getting into the house. I know we're not supposed to, but it's spectacular to watch. The last shadow lasted only a few days. I'm praying to the Flame this one is shorter. I have crops to harvest.

Day 3

Our weapons have been oiled and sharpened. We canned the vegetables. Mended the clothing. And run through our defense drills. Is it over yet? I'm running out of things to do.

Day 6

This is going to be a long shadow, isn't it? Fynn and Janka are still into their Light's Gambit campaign, but they insist on role playing it. No thank you. The books I borrowed from Bronwyn in Mereldar were not as engaging as I wanted. Three of them I had read, one of them I remember hating.

Day 8

I am going to come up with as many recipes involving cabbage as possible! This will be fun!

Day 9

It was not fun. Alyze asked me to stop. Fynn and Janka won't leave the Light's Gambit board.

Day 11 or 12--Flames I can't tell anymore.

Thinking about what my neighbor Rubaen was saying about how in the absence of a vision of the self, promoted by the state and enforced through the threat of violence, those who deviate from the norms set down by dead men from another time are free to imagine ways of living that does not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. Is a feudal autocracy the best way to live one's life? Does the Sacred Flame speak to all of us and not just to one man with magic blood? Why did I join the army in the first place? Are all the aspects of my life what I want, or just a performative way of engaging in what society tells me I need to be?

Day 13

We're making PICKLES! Flames be praised! Best day ever! I don't care how long this shadow goes on! Kids are thrilled and have taken a break from their game.

Day 15

Something awful has burrowed under the shed. We can see its insectile legs rendering[sic] a shalehorn corpse it dragged in with it. We've barricaded ourselves upstairs with the kids. Surviving on pickles.

Day 18

Still upstairs. I think I've had my fill of pickles. Though now I'm very much into Fynn and Janka's Light's Gambit campaign. I play an Ardent who preaches a reformed vision of the Sacred Flame that gives everyone prophetic visions. Janka home brewed up some rules for me. We're still scared of the thing in the shed, but I'm having fun with the kids.

Day 21

Beledar has shifted, thank the Flame. Won't have much time to write. The crops are a mess. I'm having to till the soil to get the light on the worms so they stop being monstrous. Brother Foreten from the Priory stopped by. He had a rather pointed chat with me. He did not think much of my ideas, said they were "shadowed thoughts," and I should put them aside. He gave me a copy of the book of Mereldar and an approved rulebook for Light's Gambit. He told me to read and reflect on both next Beledar's Shadow. Foreten is probably right, I shouldn't let myself get weird when I'm cooped up.

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