Izaeh Strongiron

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NeutralIzaeh Strongiron
Image of Izaeh Strongiron
Title <Teacher>
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Lorel's Crossing, Hallowfall[48.17, 39.56]
Status Alive

Izaeh Strongiron is an Arathi teacher holding a lesson for a group of five Arathi Children inside a house in Lorel's Crossing, Hallowfall.  [The Big Book of Arathi Idioms] is lying on a crate next to the group.


The following dialogue loops continuously.

Arathi Child (1) says: Tell us about The Arrival again, teacher?
Arathi Child (2) says: Oh, yes please!
Arathi Child (3) says: I like the bit with the explosions! KRRRSHHHH-POW!
Izaeh Strongiron says: Do you want to tell this or shall I?
Arathi Child (4) says: You tell it!
Izaeh Strongiron says: Our emperor received a holy vision of battle and of Light. He gathered together the bravest and strongest of his nation into an expedition.
Izaeh Strongiron says: We ventured across the storming seas. never[sic] before had I seen waves so high or winds so strong! Many times I thought our ships would drown in the tempest!
Izaeh Strongiron says: Then, in a flash of Holy Light, we no longer found ourselves in the storm! Chaos reigned as we fought to regain control of our air ships. Many souls lost their lives beneath the light of the star we would name Beledar.
Arathi Child (5) says: And that's when Faerin saved the Sacred Flame!
Izaeh Strongiron says: Yes, she did. The Stowaway proved her worth that day. With no way to contact our home, we settled beneath the light of Beledar.
Izaeh Strongiron says: Okay kids, what are the rules of curfew?
Arathi Child (1) says: Get inside!
Izaeh Strongiron says: Very good! What else?
Arathi Child (2) says: Lock the doors!
Izaeh Strongiron says: That's another good one. But what is most important?
Arathi Child (5) says: Stay near the light of the Sacred Flame!
Izaeh Strongiron says: That's right! No matter where we are or what happens, we have to stay within the light of the Sacred Flame.

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