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Finding Justice

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NeutralFinding Justice
Start Wenren Althal
End General Steelstrike
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 1,400
Rewards 2g 34s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] A Murder Most Foul
Follow the yellow-brick road!

Finding Justice concludes the The Last Mage of Hallowfall optional chapter of the Hallowfall storyline. General Steelstrike starts the first quest in the chain, N [75-78] The Last Mage, inside the church of Mereldar.


Track down Wenren's killer.

  • Trail followed (Optional)
  • Wenren's killer found


<The pieces fit together to form a simple, but dark picture.

The Order of Night did not want Wenren to create a portal back to the Empire. No doubt reinforcements and supplies would hinder their mission.

So, someone stabbed him, burned his research, and smashed his tools.

But with this Arcane Focus in hand, you can see a faint trail of arcane residue. Did some arcane dust get on the perpetrator?

Follow the trail and find out.>


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,400 XP


<Steelstrike listens to your story with growing concern.>

No! Dead?!


Follow the trail hither and yon to the west side of Beledar's Bounty to spot none other than Tefferty Ulreth:

<Tefferty glances around.>

Can I help you?

Gossip <Ask he did to Wenren Althal.>

Tefferty Ulreth says: Tracked me, have you? You won't live to tell the tale!

Defeat him:

Tefferty Ulreth says: The Order of Night... will prevail...

Head to the church in the northwest corner of Mereldar to turn in to General Steelstrike.

On complete:

General Steelstrike says: Oh, Wenren... I'm such a fool. We should have had faith in you. We should have offered you the protection due your cause.
General Steelstrike says: The Order of Nighfs cruelty is beyond words. And how many others hide in our midst? We must be more cautious.
General Steelstrike says: Thank you, <name>, for your help. I'm sorry for this tragedy. I will see to it that Wenren's memory is honored.


  1. N [75-78] The Last Mage (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [75-78] Arcane Trickles
  3. N [75-78] Arcane Experiments
  4. N [75-78] A Murder Most Foul
  5. N [75-78] Finding Justice

Patch changes

External links