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Duke Velhan

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NeutralDuke Velhan
Image of Duke Velhan
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Mereldar, Hallowfall
Status Alive
Relative(s) Gaeret Velhan, Maximillian Velhan

Duke Velhan is an Arathi located in Mereldar in Hallowfall.



Thank you for your assistance, <name>. The people know I'm keeping them safe, but we can drive the kobyss back faster with your help.

Gossip What can you tell me about this place?

Well, after I was decorated for my leadership surrounding the crash of the Indomitable, I decided to retire from military life.
I wanted to build something. To lead people into a calmer, safer life, outside of Mereldar, and closer to the light of Beledar.
I found several like-minded families, and we founded Velhan's Claim together several years back.
We were really beginning to thrive, before this kobyss attack. We've been waiting them out for several weeks. They'll leave soon, I'm sure, perhaps even sooner with your help.

Patch changes

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