The Song of Renilash

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The Song of Renilash.

The Song of Renilash[70.2, 56.85] is located at the back of a tent at the Aegis Wall in Hallowfall, just west of the dawntower.


The Song of Renilash

The Song of Renilash
Chapter 11

15. The Arathi, guardians of the Sacred Flame, formed the Aegis shield, a constellation of courage against the encroaching darkness. Their resolve, a beacon in the night, as stars began to fade into shadow.

16. The Harbinger's forces, nightmares of legs and claws, spun from the loom of oblivion, skittered across the battlefield. Their movements, a grotesque dance, echoed the discordant rhythm of a world teetering on the brink.

17. The wall, built with the living rock of titans, bore the weight of the conflict. Each stone, a silent witness to the struggle, whispering tales of valor to the wind, stirring the spirits of warriors long gone.

18. The remains of gods, scattered across the battlefield, pulsed with an unseen light. Their echoes, a clarion call, stirred the Arathi, compelling them to fight, to kill for the world's dawn.

19. Amidst the chaos, the forgotten one cried, "When the last star fades, the emperor's crown will weigh heavy with the sins of a thousand years." The stalwart soldiers threw down their spears and wept tears of blood and burning anger.

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Ryfus Sacredpyr refers to the book as the Prophecies of Renilash and comments that it's unknown what the term "gods" in verse 18 refers to.

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