The Rise of the Reckoning

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NeutralThe Rise of the Reckoning

The Reckoning above Livia's Patience
Start Faerin Lothar[38.78, 81.53]
End Faerin[29.39, 42.23]
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 17,000
Reputation +2,500 Hallowfall Arathi

125x [Resonance Crystals]

One of:
70g 20s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] Trapdoor Sprung, N [75-78] Running on Reserves
Next N [78-80] Chasing the Light, N [78-80] Heroes Never Die

The Rise of the Reckoning concludes the primary Hallowfall storyline. The Azj-Kahet storyline starts immediately after with N [78-80] Chasing the Light and N [78-80] Heroes Never Die.


Board The Reckoning and slay 150 nerubian forces.


The Reckoning is ready!

Let's make these spiders pay. Blood for blood.


You will receive one of:

You will also receive:


We will make the nerubians regret ever thinking they could push into our home!


What fools we are.


Before taking off, everyone has gossip:

Anduin Wrynn

We must keep the light of the Arathi alive, at any cost!

Faerin Lothar

We've saved everyone we can.

Alleria Windrunner

These nerubians keep coming.

Normally I would be grateful for my enemies to throw themselves at me in such a blatant manner, but they keep us from my true quarry.

The crew toss down a Rope Ladder. Climb aboard to start a real-time cutscene:

Alleria climbs up the rope ladder and Faerin, already on board, stretches down a hand to help her up.
Alleria Windrunner: We have to get out of here now!
Faerin: ...Where's Anduin?
Alleria looks down to see Anduin fighting a last nerubian on the balcony. He kills it and heads for the ladder, but stops himself when he sees the nerubians preparing a nearby ballista and aiming a Void-infused projectile straight at the Reckoning.
Faerin: Anduin!
Anduin holds up Shalamayne and looks at the empty hollow where the blade used to glow.
Anduin Wrynn: The Light will return...
Anduin Wrynn: Even if someone else carries the torch.
Faerin notices what Anduin is about to do and runs to the edge of the deck to look down at him.
Faerin: Anduin!
Anduin grips Shalamayne and jumps off the balcony down at the ballista.
Anduin Wrynn: <aggressive yell>
Anduin smashes into the ballista with Shalamayne and destroys it, throwing off its aim and causing the fired projectile to miss the deck of the Reckoning by a hair's breadth. Alleria and Faerin watch as the nerubian horde closes in around Anduin next to the ruined ballista.
Alleria Windrunner: No!
The Reckoning flies out, leaving Alleria to look down at Anduin while leaning out from one of the ropes.

After the cutscene, the player is aboard the Reckoning in a vehicle interface, manning a ballista on the port side as the ship circles above Livia's Patience:

Faerin Lothar says: Curse them all! Where did they take him? Do you see Anduin?
Alleria Windrunner says: They dragged him down! I lost track of him!
Faerin Lothar says: Ash! We can't let them reach Mereldar! Blast them apart!

Players have two abilities:

Inv polearm 2h odynspear d 02.png Ballista Strike 250 yd range — Call down a ballista strike. Instant. Ground-targeted AoE. (1 sec cooldown)
Ability vehicle launchplayer.png Leave The Reckoning — Leave The Reckoning.

Use Ballista Strike to blast the Nerubian Frontliners and Crypt Lords swarming in Livia's Patience. At 15 kills, the view switches to Faerin on the starboard side:

Faerin Lothar says: Incoming! I'll show them the Sacred Flame's blaze!
Use Faerin's ability to fill an area with the holy flame!

This provides a second ability:

Spell holy innerfire.png Faerin's Spear Strike 250 yd range — Call Faerin to strike, filling an area with the Sacred Flame, which damages enemies every 2 seconds for 30 seconds. Instant. (12 sec cooldown)

At 45, the camera switches to Alleria at the bow:

Alleria Windrunner says: The darkness hungers. Let's give Xal'atath's forces a taste of their own shadows.
Use Alleria's ability to pull enemies together in an area, then take them out with ballista or sacred flame!

Ability #3 is:

Inv cosmicvoid nova.png Alleria's Hungering Void 250 yd range — Call Alleria to create a well of void magic, which sucks in nearby enemies and stuns them for 15 seconds. Instant. (20 sec cooldown)

At 100:

Move your view around the ship to see more enemies!
Switch Focus 500 yd range — Change your focus to another part of the ship. Instant (1.5 sec cooldown)

At 150:

Alleria Windrunner says: We've beaten them back! Let's get Anduin!
Faerin Lothar says: Hold on! We don't know what's down there! Reinforcements are on the way, we could wait--
Alleria Windrunner says: We'll lose his trail!
Faerin Lothar says: You're right. Let's make those monsters pay for everything they've done!

Another real-time cutscene plays:

The Reckoning quickly flies through the Whispering Chasm down toward the Ruptured Lake in Azj-Kahet. Nerubians on all sides fire ballista web-shots toward the ship but miss. A group of haranir walk away from the area, but one, Orweyna, stops and looks back at the battle.
Faerin Lothar: Flames... they were ready for us.
Faerin Lothar: Brace yourselves!
A series of ballista shots manage to hit the Reckoning, trapping it in webs and bringing it to an abrupt halt. A swarm of nerubian flyers immediately attack it. Meanwhile, on the ground, Orwenya comes running. As Alleria, Faerin, and the player character fight the attackers, a spiderlord rears up behind them, only to be hit by a bolt of nature magic that instantly kills it by causing roots to sprout from its body. Alleria runs to the edge of the deck to look for where the magic came from and sees Orweyna running away.

On the other side, the Reckoning has come to a stop above the Ruptured Lake. Turn in to Faerin.

Alleria has gossip:

I have hunted demons across the great dark. If Xal'atath thinks that she can escape me, then she is more foolish than I thought.


  1. N [75-78] To Mereldar
  2. N [75-78] The Bastion of Hallowfall
  3. N [75-78] Nightwatch
  4. N [75-78] Spar Day
  5. N [75-78] Mereldar's Light
  6. N [75-78] The Bell Tolls
  7. N [75-78] Crossroads of Twilight & N [75-78] The Shadow Rising
  8. N [75-78] A Candle in the Dark
  9. N [75-78] Consecrated Cleanup & N [75-78] The Flame Still Burns
  10. N [75-78] The Final Front
  11. N [75-78] Trapdoor Sprung & N [75-78] Running on Reserves
  12. N [75-78] The Rise of the Reckoning

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.

  • The quest was named The Reckoning in alpha.
  • The description of Faerin's Spear Strike originally read "filling an area with the holy flame".

Patch changes

External links