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500 Dishes Using Cave Fish and Mushrooms

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500 Dishes Using Cave Fish and Mushrooms.

500 Dishes Using Cave Fish and Mushrooms is found in the home of Kiera Horth in Mereldar in Hallowfall.


500 Dishes Using Cave Fish and Mushrooms

Undersea "Cookies"

Ingredients: - Cave fish fillets, minced - Gigantic mushrooms, stems minced and cap hearts reserved for essence - Cabbage, finely shredded - Fresh herbs, minced - Salt and freshly ground shadow root. - Flour, for binding - Eggs, beaten - Cinderbee honey

Instructions: - In a cauldron, combine the minced cave fish, minced mushroom stems, shredded cabbage, minced herbs, a pinch of salt, and shadow root. - Sprinkle in enough flour to bind the mixture and then fold in the beaten eggs to form a dough.

Shape the cookies: - Take small portions of the mixture and shape them into flat, round patties.

Cook with cinderbee honey: - Place the patties on a stone slab. - Drizzle cinderbee honey over the patties and watch as they sizzle and cook through the honey's elemental heat.

Finish and Serve: - Once cooked, anoint the patties with a few drops of the potent mushroom essence. - Enjoy these enchanted "cookies" during Beledar's Shadow. Let the cinderbee's honey warm you from within.

<A note in a shaky hand accompanies the recipe.>

Ashes! I miss processed sugar. I miss it so much. If the Order of Night showed up with a beignet, I'd give myself to this Harbinger body and soul. Just give me that sweet, sweet, pastry!

Criteria of

  • Biblo Archivist


  • Requires level 73.

Patch changes

External links

Item Object