Beledar- The Emperor's Vision

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Beledar- The Emperor's Vision.

Beledar- The Emperor's Vision[56.57, 65.16] is located on a table in the captain's cabin aboard the Dawnbreaker in Tenir's Ascent, Hallowfall.


Beledar- The Emperor's Vision

"Brave souls, heed the Sacred Flame's call to voyage beyond the Storming Sea and Titan's Isle. A radiant light shall beckon. Face the trials of Hallowfall; let the Sacred Flame's unwavering faith be your anchor."

The Arathi Empire, since its inception, has thrived under the Sacred Flame's prophetic guidance. Our emperor, interpreting these divine visions, commands us to fulfill or forestall events of prophecy. Thus, our empire has flourished.

The quest for Hallowfall, a perilous journey across the Storming Sea, was no different. Our military, driven by prophecy and the church's fiery heart, sought this sacred land. The journey was perilous, and we lost many faithful Arathi on that journey, but we persevered, and revealed the Emperor's Vision.

Beledar's embrace, the first of our trials, ravaged our Third Fleet. Dashing it upon the cliffs. Yet, those who endured sanctified the land beneath the light of the star we named Beledar. The land in the cavern proved fertile, and we settled, founding Mereldar, our holy city. We honor the fallen and celebrate our new Arathi society.

Years later, the Day of Darkness tested us anew. Beledar faltered, casting horrors from the depths upon us. We battled the nerubians, the kobyss, and shadowy apparitions. Through the Sacred Flame's strength, we withstood the darkness, bolstering the star Beledar with our faith.

Now we face the unknown third tribulation. Will it be the Harbinger's final onslaught of Renilash? Our faith remains steadfast. We are the empire's resilient children, yet the future looms ominously. What fate befalls our sacred star, and can we endure this ordeal? We cannot leave, lest the shadow consume Beledar. We cannot send for help, for the journey home is too perilous. Our only choice is to defend our new home, and our star, from the shadows that would devour us.

Sacred Flame grant us strength. The emperor never foresaw our survival.

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