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Captain's Chest (Hallowfall)

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Captain's Chest.

The Captain's Chest is found at the wreck of the Soundness in the Undersea in Hallowfall.


Captain's Chest

<Within this chest is a journal that belonged to Arathi Sky-Captain Roed. captain of the Soundness. The journal is now ruined by the ocean water, but several pages remain legible.>

It is day nine of our grand sky fleet's deployment over the island of Khaz Algar.

While the Soundness' crew is always vigilant and ready for anything, some voice concerns regarding the mission and the emperor's vision. I am fast to quell these ideas, and have sent both Mariners Smite and Solace to the brig for speaking against the emperor's guidance.

I am no expert on visions; I am here to do my job. I hope we Will find whatever the emperor saw and go home. Until then, I will tolerate no disloyalty.

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