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A Murder Most Foul

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NeutralA Murder Most Foul
Start Wenren Althal
End Wenren Althal
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 1,400
Rewards 2g 34s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] Arcane Experiments
Next N [75-78] Finding Justice
Wenren Althal and some Burnt Research


Investigate Wenren's murder.

  • Burnt Research investigated
  • Body investigated
  • Smashed Accoutrements investigated


<Somebody didn't want Wenren to finish his spell.

Find out who.>


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,400 XP


<The body is still warm.>


<You carefully consider the clues you have gathered.>


Interact with Wenren's corpse:

<The silence in the room is suffocating.>

Gossip (Quest) <Examine the body.>

<Warm blood pools underneath the body. Wenren hasn't been dead long.

A knife handle sticks out near Wenren's abdoment[sic]. The hilt bears a symbol etched into the wood and painted in black and purple. It's a symbol reminiscent of the Order of Night.>

Interact with the pile of Burnt Research:

<Books and papers have been piled together and burned.

You shuffle some pages around, but none of Wenren's research survived.>

In the other corner of the room are some Smashed Accoutrements:

<Various arcane tools have been smashed along with Wenren's research.

You spot a glint within some pieces of glass. The wand Wenren gave you to track the arcane traces from the crabs lays bent but not broken.>


  1. N [75-78] The Last Mage (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [75-78] Arcane Trickles
  3. N [75-78] Arcane Experiments
  4. N [75-78] A Murder Most Foul
  5. N [75-78] Finding Justice

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