The Big Book of Arathi Idioms

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The Big Book of Arathi Idioms.

The Big Book of Arathi Idioms[48.11, 39.56] is lying on a crate in Izaeh Strongiron's house in Lorel's Crossing, Hallowfall.


The Big Book of Arathi Idioms

Lothar's Landing

Duke Lothar annexed the island of New Light, sparking an economic boom in the empire. "Lothar's Landing" became an idiom for hopeful but uncertain trade or diplomatic initiatives by the empire. Often said with dripping sarcasm when the venture fails to find success.

Dunelle's Kindness

From Mereldar's Letters, "Dunelle's Kindness" is an idiom for a kind merchant. Dunelle's generosity symbolized a prosperous town.

"A table of fruit awaited all travelers, not for sale but to relieve their woes. Dunelle's kindness was genuine, a gentle tide that lifted all spirits and ships in the city."

Tenir's Ascent

Tenir, a character in an otherwise unremarkable play, became a common trope and then an idiom for victory, especially in risky adventures. Tenir's Ascent is a saying that has come to mean victory, specifically an armada victory, or one that involves a risky and perilous adventure.

"My heart was buoyed with joy as I witnessed Tenir's ascent into the light streaked sky. I knew my love would return to me, and the emperor's armies would prove victorious."

The Aegis Wall

This is a term referring to a magic shield from the old world, and to a sword and pike military maneuver named after it. Popularized from a manual of warfare from the reign of Emperor Laenz IV that described and promoted this tactic. Only after the Air Navy shifted combat to the skies was this tactic abandoned.

"The spears broke from the weight of the bodies, but the Aegis Wall, like the shield of Thoradin, held."


The Church of the Sacred Flame is one that reveres the radiant glow that is a merger of light and fire. "Lightspark" is one of many words found in Arathi speech and literature that are used to indicate a positive or desirable occurrence. A portmanteau of that means something akin to "The beginning of our victory".

Lorel's Crossing

This is based on an old Arathi fairy tale about a young woman whose town on the frontier fell to raiders. Lorel is a young craftsperson who uses her skills to outwit various dangers as much as she uses her military training. This specific idiom refers to crossing a natural barrier to find a place of safety where one could settle and work.

"Lorel's crossing of the river Aelrea left the wolves snapping not at her heels, but at each other's tails."

Lorel has become a popular name among Arathi in the northwest provinces.

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