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Valenta Thuridale

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NeutralValenta Thuridale
Image of Valenta Thuridale
Title <Airship Engineer>
Gender Female
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Mereldar, Hallowfall
Status Alive

Valenta Thuridale is an Arathi located in Mereldar in Hallowfall.



Mereldar is turning out to be an even bigger project than we planned. Our people deserve to feel safe and protected, and to live comfortably in the light of Beledar.

Nothing makes that dream closer to reality than our airships. They're a marvel of magic and technology, held together by the lynchpin that is the Sacred Flame. The heat from our sacred magic keeps the balloons filled and our vessels aloft.

I've been designing airships for more than fifty years now. To see them decorate our skyline fills me with satisfaction and hope for our civilization.

Patch changes

External links