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Mereldar's Light

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NeutralMereldar's Light
Start General Steelstrike
End Faerin Lothar
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 11,150
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] Spar Day
Next N [75-78] The Bell Tolls


Play with 3 Arathi Orphans.

  • Play with orphan (3)


I still need more time with Alleria to learn about Xal'atath. What I have learned is very worrying.

Faerin sent word that she was going to the Orphanage, and asked you to meet her there.

She often entertains the children while she is in Mereldar, I don't doubt she would appreciate you doing the same.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,150 XP


I love coming here whenever I visit Mereldar. The kids always bring a smile to my face, and I hope I do to them as well.

After everything they have been though, they deserve happiness.


On accept:

General Steelstrike says: Faerin's at the orphanage. She was the first child to call it home. She visits whenever she can.

Inside the orphanage, Alyza Bowblaze starts N [75-78] An Orphan's Request.

Outside the orphanage, speak with any the set of three Arathi Orphans holding swords:

We're looking for a big grown up to pretend to be a monster.

Can we slay you?

Gossip I can play.

Arathi Orphan says: No monster can stand the might of the Arathi!
Arathi Orphan says: Arathi Army! Take that monster down!
Arathi Orphan says: We're not scared of you, monster!
Arathi Orphan says: Hah! We are too scary even for monsters!
Arathi Orphan says: Great play acting, <name>!

Another set are looking at a target dummy. Interact with one then throw a rock at it:

Arathi Orphan says: Wow! That was a great throw!

Speak with the lone orphan by the fence:

We're playing Floor is Undersea. You can't touch the floor or else the tentacles will get you! You have to run along the fence and get to the other side.

Do you want to play?

Gossip I can play.

This puts the player on the fence and ghostly tentacles spawn on the ground. Run along the fence, jump around the corners and on the barrel to get to the other end.

Arathi Orphan says: Nearly there! Tag me to finish the course!
Arathi Orphan says: Yay you made it. Well done!

One orphan is playing by the sand box:

We're playing hide and seek. One of us is hiding, and you need to find them!

Do you want to play?

Gossip I can play.

Follow the orb to the oprhan to the southeast, who is seated in stealth between a building and a fence:

Arathi Orphan says: Wow. You're pretty good at hide and seek!

Two are playing tag near the sand box:

Arathi Orphan says: You can't tag me! You weren't it in the first place!

Inside, Faerin is reading a book to two more orphans. She has gossip:

Welcome to our orphanage!

When we arrived ten years ago, I was the only child. They founded this for me. I'm not quite sure how Sygfraed put up with me, I was quite rambunctious.

I love coming here when I'm in town. Despite everything, the kids are so bright and happy.

They are our future, and we fight for them.

On complete, bells ring:

Faerin Lothar says: That's the warning bells of the main gate.
Sygfraed Siegepyr says: Children! Inside!
They all run in.


  1. N [75-78] To Mereldar
  2. N [75-78] The Bastion of Hallowfall
  3. N [75-78] Nightwatch
  4. N [75-78] Spar Day
  5. N [75-78] Mereldar's Light
  6. N [75-78] The Bell Tolls
  7. N [75-78] Crossroads of Twilight & N [75-78] The Shadow Rising
  8. N [75-78] A Candle in the Dark
  9. N [75-78] Consecrated Cleanup & N [75-78] The Flame Still Burns
  10. N [75-78] The Final Front
  11. N [75-78] Trapdoor Sprung & N [75-78] Running on Reserves
  12. N [75-78] The Reckoning

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