Light's Gambit Playbook

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Light's Gambit Playbook.

Light's Gambit Playbook[68.7, 41.5] is lying on the center of the bridge leading north out of Dunelle's Kindness in Hallowfall.


Light's Gambit Playbook

<The cover of this book has an elaborate drawing of a large shadowy creature on it, with a group of ferocious Holy Flame[sic] wielders driving it back.

This particular tome has many annotations, marks, and notes indicating significant use, and frequent referral to certain sections of rules. You flip to the first one.>

Character Classes

The noble Cleric, valiant Knight, and stalwart Castle represent the classes available to you for Light's Gambit (more classes coming in a future supplement!).

<An annotation reads "Unlikely to get supplements from the Empire, maybe we should create our own classes?>

You must combine these against the Light's Gambit master to overcome any challenge they throw at you!

<You flip to the next section.>

Enhancing Light's Gambit

While combat is very important in Light's Gambit, the game is significantly improved by putting yourself in the shoes of your pieces and playing their role.

While this isn't comfortable for everyone on their first go, we recommend at least trying it. if[sic] it's not for you though, don't worry. You can enjoy Light's Gambit the way you want to enjoy it!

<You flip to the next section.>

Obscure Rule Interactions

The "For the Flame!" feat allows you to replace your move action with another attack action. If your piece becomes rooted in place for any reason, you cannot replace it's[sic] move action with an attack action.

<An annotation reads: This is dumb! Rooting just stops you from moving, it doesn't stop you from being able to act, we're house ruling it that you can still replace the move action.

The book is filled with similar rules commentary, and annotations which seem to agree or disagree with the rules to varying degrees. It seems like the version of Light's Gambit played in Hallowfall is a heavily modified version of regular Light's Gambit.>

Criteria of

Patch changes

See also

External links

Item Object