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No. Name Location Reaction
0485 IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Lump East of Telaar, Nagrand Hostile
0486 IconSmall Orc Female.gifIconSmall Shivarra.gif Giselda the Crone Kil'sorrow Fortress, Nagrand Hostile
0487 IconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Chief Researcher Amereldine Halaa, Nagrand Hostile
0488 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe Halaa, Nagrand Hostile
0489 IconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Coreiel Halaa, Nagrand Hostile
0490 IconSmall OgreMage.gif Zorbo the Advisor Laughing Skull Ruins, Nagrand Hostile
0491 IconSmall Clefthoof.gif Brokentoe The Ring of Blood, Nagrand Hostile
0492 IconSmall Colossus.gif Rokdar the Sundered Lord The Ring of Blood, Nagrand Hostile
0493 IconSmall Voidcaller.gif Skra'gath The Ring of Blood, Nagrand Hostile
0494 IconSmall OgreMage.gif Mogor The Ring of Blood, Nagrand Hostile
0495 IconSmall Owl.gif Windroc Matriarch South of Clan Watch, Nagrand Hostile
0496 IconSmall Mo'arg.gif Mo'arg Master Planner Forge Camp: Hate, Nagrand Hostile
0501 IconSmall Man'ari Male.gif Demos, Overseer of Hate Forge Camp: Hate, Nagrand Hostile
0502 IconSmall PitLord.gif Xirkos, Overseer of Fear Forge Camp: Fear, Nagrand Hostile
0503 IconSmall OgreMage.gif Bro'Gaz the Clanless Between Forge Camp and Post, Nagrand Hostile
0504 IconSmall Owl.gif Gutripper North of Sunspring Post, Nagrand Hostile
0505 IconSmall Talbuk.gif Bach'lor East of Forge Camp: Fear, Nagrand Hostile
0506 IconSmall Clefthoof.gif Banthar North of Oshu'gun, Nagrand Hostile
0507 IconSmall Gronn.gif Durn the Hungerer Between Oshu'gun and Telaar, Nagrand Hostile
0508 IconSmall Elekk.gif Tusker East of Oshu'gun, Nagrand Hostile


No. Name Location Reaction
1302 IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Instructor Razuvious The Military Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1303 IconSmall Necromancer.gif Gothik the Harvester The Military Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1304 IconSmall Korth'azz.gif Thane Korth'azz The Horsemen's Assembly, Naxxramas Hostile
1305 IconSmall DeathKnight.gif Baron Rivendare The Horsemen's Assembly, Naxxramas Hostile
1306 IconSmall Zeliek.gif Sir Zeliek The Horsemen's Assembly, Naxxramas Hostile
1307 IconSmall Blaumeux.gif Lady Blaumeux The Horsemen's Assembly, Naxxramas Hostile
1308 IconSmall CryptLord.gif Anub'Rekhan The Arachnid Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1309 IconSmall Human Female.gif Grand Widow Faerlina The Arachnid Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1310 IconSmall SpiderGiant.gif Maexxna Maexxna's Nest, Naxxramas Hostile
1311 IconSmall Abomination.gif Patchwerk The Construct Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1312 IconSmall Cyborg.gif Grobbulus The Construct Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1313 IconSmall Plague-dog.gif Gluth The Construct Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1314 IconSmall Wight.gif Feugen The Halls of Reanimation, Naxxramas Hostile
1315 IconSmall Wight.gif Stalagg The Halls of Reanimation, Naxxramas Hostile
1316 IconSmall FleshTitan.gif Thaddius The Halls of Reanimation, Naxxramas Hostile
1317 IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Noth the Plaguebringer The Plague Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1318 IconSmall Necromancer.gif Heigan the Unclean The Plague Quarter, Naxxramas Hostile
1319 IconSmall FungalMonster.gif Loatheb The Necrotic Vault, Naxxramas Hostile
1320 IconSmall FrostWyrm.gif Sapphiron Sapphiron's Lair, Naxxramas Hostile
1321 IconSmall Kel'Thuzad.gif Kel'Thuzad Kel'Thuzad's Chamber, Naxxramas Hostile


No. Name Location Reaction
0567 IconSmall Colossus.gif Netherock The Crumbling Waste, Netherstorm Hostile
0568 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Captain Arathyn Northeast from B'naar, Netherstorm Hostile
0569 IconSmall Hawkstrider.gif Azurebeak Northeast from B'naar, Netherstorm Hostile
0570 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Overseer Theredis Manaforge B'naar, Netherstorm Hostile
0571 IconSmall Dreadlord.gif Pentatharon Arklon Ruins, Netherstorm Hostile
0572 IconSmall Shivarra.gif Ekkorash the Inquisitor Arklon Ruins, Netherstorm Hostile
0573 IconSmall Ethereal.gif Warp-Raider Nesaad The Heap, Netherstorm Hostile
0574 IconSmall FelReaver.gif Scrapped Fel Reaver The Heap, Netherstorm Hostile
0575 IconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Overseer Seylanna Manaforge Coruu, Netherstorm Hostile
0576 IconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Spellbinder Maryana Manaforge Coruu, Netherstorm Hostile
0577 IconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Spellreaver Marathelle Sunfury Hold, Netherstorm Hostile
0578 IconSmall ArcaneGolem.gif Ar'kelos The Violet Tower, Netherstorm Hostile
0579 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall HighElf Male.gif Conjurer Luminrath Town Square, Netherstorm Hostile
0580 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Gnome Male.gif Cohlien Frostweaver Town Square, Netherstorm Hostile
0581 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif Abjurist Belmara Town Square, Netherstorm Hostile
0582 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Battle-Mage Dathric Town Square, Netherstorm Hostile
0583 IconSmall OutlandChimaera.gif Nuramoc Crumbling Waste, Netherstorm Hostile
0584 IconSmall Mo'arg.gif Doomclaw The Scrap Field, Netherstorm Hostile
0585 IconSmall Water.gif Glacius Manaforge Duro, Netherstorm Hostile
0586 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Summoner Kanthin Manaforge Duro, Netherstorm Hostile
0587 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Master Daellis Dawnstrike Manaforge Duro, Netherstorm Hostile
0588 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Overseer Athanel Manaforge Duro, Netherstorm Hostile
0589 IconSmall Ethereal.gif Captain Zovax Ethereum Staging Grounds, Netherstorm Hostile
0590 IconSmall Ethereal.gif Warden Icoshock Ethereum Staging Grounds, Netherstorm Hostile
0591 IconSmall VoidLord.gif Arconus the Insatiable Access Shaft Zeon, Netherstorm Hostile
0592 IconSmall Unknown.gif Void Conduit Manaforge Ultris, Netherstorm Hostile
0593 IconSmall OutlandHydra.gif Markaru Eco-Dome Sutheron, Netherstorm Hostile
0594 IconSmall Mo'arg.gif Forgemaster Morug Forge Base: Oblivion, Netherstorm Hostile
0595 IconSmall PitLord.gif Silroth Forge Base: Gehenna, Netherstorm Hostile
0596 IconSmall Man'ari Male.gif Socrethar Socrethar's Seat, Netherstorm Hostile
0597 IconSmall Colossus.gif Cragskaar Netherstone, Netherstorm Hostile
0598 IconSmall Devilsaur.gif Tyrantus Eco-Dome Farfield, Netherstorm Hostile
0599 IconSmall Dreadlord.gif Culuthas Ruins of Farahlon, Netherstorm Hostile
0600 IconSmall Wrathguard.gif Overseer Azarad Manaforge Ara, Netherstorm Hostile
0774 IconSmall Lich Male.gif Naberius Chapel Yard, Netherstorm Hostile
1544 IconSmall Mo'arg.gif Armbreaker Huffaz Ethereum Staging Grounds, Netherstorm Hostile
1790 IconSmall Ethereal.gif Nexus-King Salhadaar Ethereum Staging Grounds, Netherstorm Hostile

The Nexus

No. Name Location Reaction
0838 IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Grand Magus Telestra The Librarium, The Nexus Hostile
0839 IconSmall Arcane.gif Anomalus The Rift, The Nexus Hostile
0840 IconSmall Colossus.gif Ormorok the Tree-Shaper Singing Grove, The Nexus Hostile
0841 IconSmall Keristrasza.gif Keristrasza Axis of Alignment, The Nexus Hostile
1789 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Commander Kolurg Hall of Stasis, The Nexus Hostile

Northern Barrens

No. Name Location Reaction
1125 IconSmall Ooze.gif Sludge Anomaly The Sludge Fen, Northern Barrens Hostile
1126 IconSmall Harpy.gif Serena Bloodfeather The Dry Hills, Northern Barrens Hostile
2132 IconSmall Orc Female.gif Wavebinder Se'sha Between Road and Caverns, Northern Barrens Hostile
2133 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Commander To'karg South of Grol'dom Farm, Northern Barrens Hostile

Northern Stranglethorn

No. Name Location Reaction
1083 IconSmall Human Male.gif Chief Anders The Stockpile, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1084 IconSmall Human Male.gif Chief Gaulus The Stockpile, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1085 IconSmall Human Female.gif Chief Miranda The Stockpile, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1086 IconSmall Human Male.gif Chief Esquivel The Stockpile, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1087 IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Foreman Cozzle Venture Co. Operations Center, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1088 IconSmall OgreMage.gif Mai'Zoth Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1089 IconSmall Panther.gif Bhag'thera Balia'mah Ruins, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1099 IconSmall Troll Male.gif Ana'thek the Cruel Ruins of Zul'Mamwe, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1100 IconSmall Troll Male.gif Yenniku Ruins of Zul'Mamwe, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1101 IconSmall Troll Male.gif Gan'zulah Ruins of Zul'Kunda, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1102 IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Roloch Mizjah Ruins, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1103 IconSmall SnowLeopard.gif King Bangalash South of Mizjah Ruins, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1509 IconSmall Panther.gif Mauti? Kurzen's Compound, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1510 IconSmall Panther.gif Mauti Mauti's Lair, Northern Stranglethorn Hostile
1689 IconSmall Monkey.gif Nanners East of Kal'ai Ruins, Northern Stranglethorn Friendly
1690 IconSmall SaberCub.gif Moonstalker East of Kal'ai Ruins, Northern Stranglethorn Friendly
1691 IconSmall GemstoneCat.gif Esmeralda East of Kal'ai Ruins, Northern Stranglethorn Friendly

The Obsidian Sanctum

No. Name Location Reaction
1128 IconSmall DrakeTwilight.gif Vesperon Southern Area, The Obsidian Sanctum Hostile
1781 IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Sartharion Center Area, The Obsidian Sanctum Hostile
1782 IconSmall DrakeTwilight.gif Shadron Northern Area, The Obsidian Sanctum Hostile
1783 IconSmall DrakeTwilight.gif Tenebron Western Area, The Obsidian Sanctum Hostile

The Oculus

No. Name Location Reaction
1033 IconSmall SpawnBlue.gif Drakos the Interrogator Band of Variance, The Oculus Hostile
1034 IconSmall DrakonidBlue.gif Varos Cloudstrider Band of Acceleration, The Oculus Hostile
1035 IconSmall Human Male.gif Mage-Lord Urom Band of Transmutation, The Oculus Hostile
1036 IconSmall DragonBlue.gif Ley-Guardian Eregos Band of Alignment, The Oculus Hostile

Old Hillsbrad Foothills

No. Name Location Reaction
0475 IconSmall Human Male.gif Lieutenant Drake Durnholde Keep, Old Hillsbrad Foothills Hostile
0476 IconSmall Human Male.gif Captain Skarloc Durnholde Keep, Old Hillsbrad Foothills Hostile
0477 IconSmall DrakeInfinite.gif Epoch Hunter Tarren Mill, Old Hillsbrad Foothills Hostile
0659 IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Horse.gif Don Carlos Center Tower, Old Hillsbrad Foothills Neutral
0660 IconSmall Wolf.gif Guerrero Center Tower, Old Hillsbrad Foothills Neutral

Old Stratholme

No. Name Location Reaction
1024 IconSmall Abomination.gif Meathook King's Square, Old Stratholme Hostile
1025 IconSmall Necromancer.gif Salramm the Fleshcrafter King's Square, Old Stratholme Hostile
1026 IconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Chrono-Lord Epoch Town Hall, Old Stratholme Hostile
1027 IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Mal'Ganis Crusaders' Square, Old Stratholme Hostile

Onyxia's Lair

No. Name Location Reaction
1389 IconSmall Onyxia.gif Onyxia End of Tunnel, Onyxia's Lair Hostile


No. Name Location Reaction
0003 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Lv.UI-Skull-16x16.pngPlayer The Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
0004 IconSmall Troll Male.gif Lv. 14 Player The Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar Neutral
2174 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overseer Komak Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
2175 IconSmall Orc Female.gif Shimra Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Neutral
2176 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Trak'gen Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Neutral
2177 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Sarok Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Neutral
2178 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Zazo Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Neutral
2179 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Gomak Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Neutral
2180 IconSmall Orc Female.gif Overseer Mojka Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
2181 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Mokvar the Treasurer Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
2182 IconSmall NightElfDeathKnight Male.gif Lv. 90 Player Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Friendly
2183 IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Lv. 90 Player Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Friendly
2184 IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Lv. 90 Player Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Friendly
2185 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overseer Thathung Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
2186 IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Kozish Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hated
2187 IconSmall Troll Male.gif Doyo'da Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hated
2188 IconSmall Wolf.gif Bloodclaw Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
2189 IconSmall Wolf.gif Darkfang Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
2190 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Earthbreaker Haromm Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
2191 IconSmall Orc Female.gif Wavebinder Kardris Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Hostile
2192 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Runthak The Drag, Orgrimmar Hostile
2193 IconSmall Orc Male.gif General Nazgrim Ragefire Chasm, Orgrimmar Hostile
2194 IconSmall Dragonmaw Male.gif Malkorok Kor'kron Barracks, Orgrimmar Hostile
2195 IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Jun-Wei Artifact Storage, Orgrimmar Hostile
2196 IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Xiang-Lin Artifact Storage, Orgrimmar Hostile
2197 IconSmall Mantid.gif Commander Zak'tar Artifact Storage, Orgrimmar Hostile
2198 IconSmall Mantid.gif Commander Ik'tal Artifact Storage, Orgrimmar Hostile
2199 IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Zu Yin Artifact Storage, Orgrimmar Hostile
2200 IconSmall Devilsaur.gif Thok the Bloodthirsty The Menagerie, Orgrimmar Hostile
2201 IconSmall Orc Male.gif War Master Kragg Underhold Nexus, Orgrimmar Hostile
2202 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Aggron The Siegeworks, Orgrimmar Hostile
2203 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Goro'dan The Siegeworks, Orgrimmar Hostile
2204 IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Shanna Sparkfizz The Siegeworks, Orgrimmar Hostile
2205 IconSmall Shredder.gifIconSmall Goblin Male.gif Siegecrafter Blackfuse The Siegeworks, Orgrimmar Hostile
2206 IconSmall Mantid.gif Grand Master Alchemist Ki'xen Rough-Hewn Passage, Orgrimmar Hostile
2207 IconSmall Mantid.gif Windreaver Tar'rath Rough-Hewn Passage, Orgrimmar Hostile
2208 IconSmall Mantid.gif Gate-Crasher Sav'ah Rough-Hewn Passage, Orgrimmar Hostile
2209 IconSmall Kunchong.gif Kovok Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2210 IconSmall Mantid.gif Rik'kal the Dissector Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2211 IconSmall Mantid.gif Skeer the Bloodseeker Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2212 IconSmall Mantid.gif Hisek the Swarmkeeper Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2213 IconSmall Mantid.gif Ka'roz the Locust Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2214 IconSmall Mantid.gif Korven the Prime Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2215 IconSmall Mantid.gif Iyyokuk the Lucid Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2216 IconSmall Mantid.gif Xaril the Poisoned Mind Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2217 IconSmall Mantid.gif Kaz'tik the Manipulator Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2218 IconSmall Mantid.gif Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver Chamber of the Paragons, Orgrimmar Hostile
2219 IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream The Inner Sanctum, Orgrimmar Hostile
2220 IconSmall Gnome Male.gif Lv. 90 Player The Inner Sanctum, Orgrimmar Hostile
2221 IconSmall Lion.gif Lv. 90 Player The Inner Sanctum, Orgrimmar Hostile
2222 IconSmall WorgenDeathKnight Male.gif Lv. 90 Player The Inner Sanctum, Orgrimmar Hostile
2223 IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Lv. 90 Player The Inner Sanctum, Orgrimmar Hostile
2224 IconSmall ShaMedium.gif Lv. 90 Player The Inner Sanctum, Orgrimmar Hostile
2225 IconSmall ShaMedium.gif Lv. 90 Player The Inner Sanctum, Orgrimmar Hostile

Pit of Saron

No. Name Location Reaction
1057 IconSmall FleshGiant.gif Forgemaster Garfrost Forges, Pit of Saron Hostile
1058 IconSmall PlagueEruptor.gif Ick Fleshwerks, Pit of Saron Hostile
1059 IconSmall GnomeDeathKnight Male.gif Krick Fleshwerks, Pit of Saron Hostile
1060 IconSmall Frostbrood.gif Rimefang Scourgelord's Command, Pit of Saron Hostile
1061 IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Scourgelord Tyrannus Scourgelord's Command, Pit of Saron Hostile

Ragefire Chasm

No. Name Location Reaction
0005 IconSmall Trogg.gif Oggleflint Upper Level Room, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
0006 IconSmall Felguard.gif Taragaman the Hungerer Middle of Lake of Lava, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
0007 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Jergosh the Invoker Back Chamber, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
0771 IconSmall Satyr.gif Bazzalan Up the Ramps in Back, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
1647 IconSmall HellHound.gif Adarogg Down Main Path, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
1648 IconSmall ChaosOrc Male.gif Dark Shaman Koranthal Ritual Area Above, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
1649 IconSmall LavaWorm.gif Slagmaw Middle of Lake of Fire, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
1650 IconSmall Fel-sworn.gif Lava Guard Gordoth Back Room, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
2139 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Dark Shaman Xorenth Ragefire Core, Ragefire Chasm Hostile
2140 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overseer Elaglo Ragefire Core, Ragefire Chasm Hostile

Razorfen Downs

No. Name Location Reaction
0194 IconSmall CryptFiend.gif Tuten'kash The Caller's Chamber, Razorfen Downs Hostile
0195 IconSmall UndeadQuilboar Male.gif Plaguemaw the Rotting At the Idol, Razorfen Downs Hostile
0196 IconSmall Skeleton.gif Mordresh Fire Eye The Bone Pile, Razorfen Downs Hostile
0197 IconSmall Lich Male.gif Amnennar the Coldbringer Spiral of Thorns, Razorfen Downs Hostile
0198 IconSmall Abomination.gif Glutton Spiral of Thorns, Razorfen Downs Hostile

Razorfen Kraul

No. Name Location Reaction
0140 IconSmall Quilboar Female.gif Roogug Left Path of Entrance, Razorfen Kraul Hostile
0141 IconSmall Quilboar Male.gif Death Speaker Jargba Above further down Right Path, Razorfen Kraul Hostile
0142 IconSmall Quilboar Male.gif Overlord Ramtusk Further down Right Path, Razorfen Kraul Hostile
0143 IconSmall Quilboar Female.gif Charlga Razorflank Other Side of Tunnel in Building, Razorfen Kraul Hostile
1427 IconSmall Quilboar Male.gif Aggem Thorncurse Above further down Right Path, Razorfen Kraul Hostile
1428 IconSmall Boar.gif Agathelos the Raging Tunnel, Razorfen Kraul Hostile

Redridge Mountains

No. Name Location Reaction
0101 IconSmall Gnoll.gif Ribchaser Lakeridge Highway, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0102 IconSmall Boar.gif Bellygrub West of Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0144 IconSmall Gnoll.gif Yowler Redridge Canyons, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0145 IconSmall Gnoll.gif Lieutenant Fangore Galardell Valley, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0146 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Gath'Ilzogg Stonewatch Keep, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0147 IconSmall WhelpBlack.gif Singe Stonewatch Keep, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0148 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Tharil'zun Stonewatch Keep, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0150 IconSmall Gnoll.gif Ardo Dirtpaw Rethban Caverns, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0153 IconSmall Water.gif Seeker Aqualon Stonewatch Falls, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0154 IconSmall Human Male.gif Morganth Tower of Ilgalar, Redridge Mountains Hostile
0155 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Kazon Render's Camp, Redridge Mountains Hostile
1073 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Homurk Alther's Mill, Redridge Mountains Hostile
1074 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Murdunk Alther's Mill, Redridge Mountains Hostile
1075 IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Snarlflare North of Lakeridge Highway, Redridge Mountains Hostile
1683 IconSmall Rabbit.gif Flufftail Southern End of the Bridge, Redridge Mountains Friendly
1684 IconSmall Rabbit.gif Dipsy Southern End of the Bridge, Redridge Mountains Friendly
1685 IconSmall Rabbit.gif Flipsy Southern End of the Bridge, Redridge Mountains Friendly

The Ruby Sanctum

No. Name Location Reaction
1129 IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Saviana Ragefire Western Area, The Ruby Sanctum Hostile
2005 IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Baltharus the Warborn Eastern Area, The Ruby Sanctum Hostile

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

No. Name Location Reaction
0673 IconSmall SandReaver.gif Kurinnaxx Scarab Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0674 IconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Captain Qeez General's Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0675 IconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Captain Tuubid General's Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0676 IconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Captain Drenn General's Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0677 IconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Captain Xurrem General's Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0678 IconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Major Yeggeth General's Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0679 IconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Major Pakkon General's Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0680 IconSmall Qiraji Male.gif Colonel Zerran General's Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0681 IconSmall Qiraji Male.gif General Rajaxx General's Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0682 IconSmall ObsidianDestroyer.gif Moam The Reservoir, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0683 IconSmall Horusath.gif Ossirian Watchers' Terrace, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0684 IconSmall Silithid.gif Ayamiss the Hunter The Comb, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile
0685 IconSmall SilithidColossus.gif Buru the Gorger The Hatchery, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Hostile

Scarlet Halls

No. Name Location Reaction
1663 IconSmall Human Male.gif Commander Lindon Training Grounds, Scarlet Halls Hostile
1664 IconSmall Human Male.gif Houndmaster Braun Huntsman's Cloister, Scarlet Halls Hostile
1665 IconSmall Human Male.gif Armsmaster Harlan Hall of Champions, Scarlet Halls Hostile
1666 IconSmall Human Male.gif Flameweaver Koegler Athenaeum, Scarlet Halls Hostile

Scarlet Monastery

No. Name Location Reaction
0178 IconSmall Human Male.gif Interrogator Vishas Chamber of Atonement, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
0179 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Vorrel Sengutz Chamber of Atonement, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
0180 IconSmall SkeletalMage.gif Bloodmage Thalnos Honor's Tomb, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
0181 IconSmall Human Male.gif Houndmaster Loksey Huntsman's Cloister, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
0182 IconSmall Human Male.gif Arcanist Doan Athenaeum, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
0201 IconSmall Human Male.gif Herod Hall of Champions, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
0202 IconSmall Human Male.gif Scarlet Commander Mograine Crusader's Chapel, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
0203 IconSmall Human Female.gif High Inquisitor Whitemane Crusader's Chapel, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
0204 IconSmall Undead Male.gif High Inquisitor Fairbanks Crusader's Chapel, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
1667 IconSmall Human Male.gif Brother Korloff Chapel Gardens, Scarlet Monastery Hostile
1668 IconSmall Human Male.gif Commander Durand Chapel, Scarlet Monastery Hostile


No. Name Location Reaction
0257 IconSmall Succubus.gif Blood Steward of Kirtonos The Reliquary, Scholomance Hostile
0258 IconSmall Gargoyle.gifIconSmall Undead Male.gif Kirtonos the Herald Balcony, Scholomance Hostile
0259 IconSmall WhelpPlague.gif Plagued Hatchlings The Great Ossuary, Scholomance Hostile
0260 IconSmall BoneGolem.gif Rattlegore The Great Ossuary, Scholomance Hostile
0261 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Cultist Female.gif Jandice Barov Northern Basement, Scholomance Hostile
0262 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Marduk Blackpool The Viewing Room, Scholomance Neutral
0263 IconSmall SkeletalMage.gif Vectus The Viewing Room, Scholomance Neutral
0264 IconSmall Zombie.gif Lorekeeper Polkelt Hall of Secrets, Scholomance Hostile
0265 IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Doctor Theolen Krastinov Hall of the Damned, Scholomance Hostile
0266 IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Instructor Malicia The Coven, Scholomance Hostile
0267 IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Lord Alexei Barov Barov Family Vault, Scholomance Hostile
0268 IconSmall Wight.gif The Ravenian Vault of the Ravenian, Scholomance Hostile
0269 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Cultist Female.gif Lady Illucia Barov The Shadow Vault, Scholomance Hostile
0270 IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Darkmaster Gandling Headmaster's Study, Scholomance Hostile
0271 IconSmall Lich Male.gif Ras Frostwhisper The Laboratory, Scholomance Hostile
1660 IconSmall Lich Female.gif Instructor Chillheart The Reliquary, Scholomance Hostile
1661 IconSmall Unknown.gif Instructor Chillheart's Phylactery The Reliquary, Scholomance Hostile
1662 IconSmall MadScientist.gif Professor Slate The Viewing Room, Scholomance Hostile

Searing Gorge

No. Name Location Reaction
0301 IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Gravius Grimsilt Grimsilt Worksite, Searing Gorge Hostile
0302 IconSmall ThunderLizard.gif Margol the Rager Southeast, Searing Gorge Hostile
0303 IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Twilight Lord Arkkus The Slag Pit, Searing Gorge Hostile
0304 IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Overseer Maltorius The Slag Pit, Searing Gorge Hostile
0305 IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Dig-Boss Dinwhisker The Cauldron, Searing Gorge Hostile
0306 IconSmall BoundFire.gif Rasha'krak Pyrox Flats, Searing Gorge Hostile
0307 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Minister Letherio Firewatch Ridge, Searing Gorge Hostile
0308 IconSmall Broken Male.gif Minister Kiyuubi Firewatch Ridge, Searing Gorge Hostile
0309 IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Minister Finister Firewatch Ridge, Searing Gorge Hostile
0310 IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Lathoric the Black The Slag Pit, Searing Gorge Hostile
0311 IconSmall Golem.gif Obsidion The Slag Pit, Searing Gorge Hostile
0312 IconSmall DarkIron Female.gif Chambermaid Pillaclencher The Slag Pit, Searing Gorge Hostile
0313 IconSmall Lava.gif Smoldar The Slag Pit, Searing Gorge Hostile
0314 IconSmall Flamewaker.gif Archduke Calcinder The Slag Pit, Searing Gorge Hostile
1730 IconSmall WhelpGreen.gif Veridia Thorium Point, Searing Gorge Friendly
1731 IconSmall WhelpRed.gif Garnestrasz Thorium Point, Searing Gorge Friendly
1732 IconSmall WhelpBlack.gif Obsidion Thorium Point, Searing Gorge Friendly

Serpentshrine Cavern

No. Name Location Reaction
0842 IconSmall Water.gif Hydross the Unstable Southwest, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0843 IconSmall Kraken.gif The Lurker Below Center Ring in Water, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0844 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Leotheras the Blind First Northern Room, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0845 IconSmall Demonhunter.gif Shadow of Leotheras First Northern Room, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0846 IconSmall Naga Male.gif Fathom-Lord Karathress Second Northern Room, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0847 IconSmall Naga Female.gif Fathom-Guard Caribdis Second Northern Room, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0848 IconSmall Broken Male.gif Fathom-Guard Tidalvess Second Northern Room, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0849 IconSmall Naga Male.gif Fathom-Guard Sharkkis Second Northern Room, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0850 IconSmall SeaGiant.gif Morogrim Tidewalker Third Northern Room, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile
0851 IconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Lady Vashj Eastern End, Serpentshrine Cavern Hostile

Sethekk Halls

No. Name Location Reaction
0452 IconSmall WorgenDeathKnight Male.gif Lv. 57 Player Veil Sethekk, Sethekk Halls Friendly
0453 IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Lv. 57 Player Veil Sethekk, Sethekk Halls Friendly
0454 IconSmall Human Female.gif Lv. 58 Player Veil Sethekk, Sethekk Halls Friendly
0455 IconSmall Human Female.gif Lv. 57 Player Veil Sethekk, Sethekk Halls Friendly
0456 IconSmall Arakkoa.gif Darkweaver Syth Veil Sethekk, Sethekk Halls Hostile
0457 IconSmall Arakkoa.gif Talon King Ikiss Halls of Mourning, Sethekk Halls Hostile
0772 IconSmall RavenGod.gif Anzu Between Silence and Mourning, Sethekk Halls Hostile

Shado-Pan Monastery

No. Name Location Reaction
1834 IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Gu Cloudstrike Cloudstrike Dojo, Shado-Pan Monastery Hostile
1835 IconSmall CloudSerpent.gif Azure Serpent Cloudstrike Dojo, Shado-Pan Monastery Hostile
1836 IconSmall Pandaren Female.gif Flying Snow Snowdrift Dojo, Shado-Pan Monastery Hostile
1837 IconSmall Pandaren Female.gif Fragrant Lotus Snowdrift Dojo, Shado-Pan Monastery Hostile
1838 IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Master Snowdrift Snowdrift Dojo, Shado-Pan Monastery Hostile
1839 IconSmall Sha.gif Sha of Violence Sealed Chambers, Shado-Pan Monastery Hostile
1840 IconSmall TaranZhu.gif Corrupted Taran Zhu Grove of Falling Blossoms, Shado-Pan Monastery Hostile

Shadow Labyrinth

No. Name Location Reaction
0481 IconSmall Terrorguard.gif Ambassador Hellmaw The Arcanium, Shadow Labyrinth Hostile
0482 IconSmall Ogre Mage.gif Blackheart the Inciter The Refectory, Shadow Labyrinth Hostile
0483 IconSmall CultistOrc Male.gif Grandmaster Vorpil Sanctum of Shadows, Shadow Labyrinth Hostile
0484 IconSmall SoundLord.gif Murmur The Screaming Hall, Shadow Labyrinth Hostile
0746 IconSmall Mana.gif First Fragment Guardian The Screaming Hall, Shadow Labyrinth Hostile

Shadowfang Keep

No. Name Location Reaction
0103 IconSmall Worgen.gif Rethilgore Cells, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0104 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Deathstalker Adamant Cells, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0105 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Deathstalker Vincent Open Space, Shadowfang Keep Neutral
0106 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Baron Silverlaine Banquet, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0107 IconSmall Worgen.gif Razorclaw the Butcher Kitchen, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0108 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Commander Springvale Council Room, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0109 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Deathsworn Captain Walls of the Keep, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0110 IconSmall Worgen.gif Odo the Blindwatcher Wooden Structure, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0111 IconSmall Wolf.gif Fenrus the Devourer Main Study, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0112 IconSmall Worgen.gif Wolf Master Nandos Worg Room, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
0113 IconSmall Arugal.gif Archmage Arugal Ruins, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
1491 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Baron Ashbury Cells, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
1492 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Lord Walden Lower Observatory, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
1493 IconSmall Godfrey.gif Lord Godfrey Lord Godfrey's Chamber, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
2153 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Apothecary Hummel Courtyard, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
2154 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Apothecary Baxter Courtyard, Shadowfang Keep Hostile
2155 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Apothecary Frye Courtyard, Shadowfang Keep Hostile

Shadowmoon Valley

No. Name Location Reaction
0601 IconSmall PitLord.gif Morgroron Legion Hold, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0602 IconSmall Shivarra.gif Prophetess Cavrylin Legion Hold, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0603 IconSmall Succubus.gif Painmistress Gabrissa Illidari Point, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0604 IconSmall Dreadlord.gif Lothros Illidari Point, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0610 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Grand Commander Ruusk Eclipse Point, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0611 IconSmall Colossus.gif Corok the Mighty The Path of Conquest, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0612 IconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Chancellor Bloodleaf The Path of Conquest, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0613 IconSmall Broken Male.gif Haalum Netherwing Pass, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0614 IconSmall Man'ari Male.gif Illidari Lord Balthas Dragonmaw Base Camp, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0615 IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Overlord Mor'ghor Dragonmaw Base Camp, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0616 IconSmall Sintharia.gif Lady Sinestra Dragonmaw Base Camp, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0622 IconSmall DemonicHound.gif Uvuros Above Warden's Cage, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0623 IconSmall Broken Male.gif Eykenen The Fel Pits, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0624 IconSmall Abyssal.gif Kraator East of The Deathforge, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0625 IconSmall Man'ari Male.gif Warbringer Razuun The Deathforge, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0626 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Arakkoa.gif Asghar Sketh'lon Wreckage, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0627 IconSmall Naga Female.gif Lady Shav'rar Coilskar Point, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0628 IconSmall Broken Male.gif Lakaan East of Coilskar Point, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0629 IconSmall RockFlayer.gif Ravenous Flayer Matriarch Shattered Plains, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0630 IconSmall Satyr.gif Ambassador Jerrikar Ruins of Baa'ri, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0631 IconSmall Broken Male.gif Oronu the Elder Ruins of Baa'ri, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0632 IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Denath Altar of Sha'tar, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0633 IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Harram Altar of Sha'tar, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0634 IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Commander Arcus Altar of Sha'tar, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0635 IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Netharel Ruins of Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0636 IconSmall PitLord.gif Azaloth Ruins of Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0637 IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Alandien Ruins of Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0638 IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Theras Ruins of Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0639 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Varedis Ruins of Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
0640 IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Smith Gorlunk Ata'mal Terrace, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
1633 IconSmall FelOrc Male.gifIconSmall DrakeNether.gif Shadowlord Deathwail Ata'mal Terrace, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
1634 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Ruul the Darkener Netherwing Fields, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
1635 IconSmall DrakeNether.gif Ruul's Netherdrake Netherwing Fields, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
1636 IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Or'kaos the Insane Netherwing Ledge, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
1637 IconSmall Zuluhed.gifIconSmall DrakonidNether.gif Zuluhed the Whacked Dragonmaw Fortress, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
2252 IconSmall EarthFury.gif Quakefist Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
2253 IconSmall DireOrc.gif Gnaw Bloodseeker Eventide Landing, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
2254 IconSmall Elekk.gif Kuu'rat Drybone Hollow, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
2255 IconSmall Rylak.gif Amaukwa Moonflower Valley, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
2256 IconSmall VoidGod.gif Karnoth Teluuna Observatory, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
2257 IconSmall SavageWolf.gif Windfang Matriarch Embaari Village, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
2258 IconSmall DireOrc.gif Krull Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley Hostile
2259 IconSmall Naaru.gif K'ara Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley Friendly

The Shattered Halls

No. Name Location Reaction
0509 IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Grand Warlock Nethekurse Throne of the Damned, The Shattered Halls Hostile
0510 IconSmall Ogre Mage.gif Warbringer O'mrogg Warbringer's Ring, The Shattered Halls Hostile
0511 IconSmall KargathFel.gif Warchief Kargath Bladefist Hall of Blades, The Shattered Halls Hostile
0773 IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Blood Guard Porung Gauntlet of Flame, The Shattered Halls Hostile

Shattrath City

No. Name Location Reaction
0480 IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Adyen the Lightwarden Aldor Rise, Shattrath City Hostile
0497 IconSmall Mo'arg.gif Sal'salabim World's End Tavern, Shattrath City Friendly
0498 IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Raliq the Drunk World's End Tavern, Shattrath City Friendly

Shimmering Expanse

No. Name Location Reaction
1234 IconSmall Naga Male.gif Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar Damplight Chamber, Shimmering Expanse Hostile
1322 IconSmall SandCrab.gif Enormous Sand Crab Silver Tide Trench, Shimmering Expanse Hostile
1323 IconSmall NagaLord.gif Overseer Idra'kess IconSmall Vashj'irAncient.gif Nespirah, Shimmering Expanse Hostile
1324 IconSmall Kvaldir Male.gif Varkul the Unrelenting Nar'shola Terrace, Shimmering Expanse Hostile
1325 IconSmall Kvaldir Male.gif Hagrim Hopebreaker The Severed Span, Shimmering Expanse Hostile

Sholazar Basin

No. Name Location Reaction
0973 IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Meatpie Swindlegrin's Dig, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0974 IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Shredder.gif Foreman Swindlegrin Swindlegrin's Dig, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0978 IconSmall Saber.gif Shango Northwest of Bittertide Lake, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0979 IconSmall SilithidQueen.gif Sapphire Hive Queen Sapphire Hive, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0980 IconSmall Lion.gif Pitch Northwest of The Skyreach Pillar, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0981 IconSmall ProtoBlack.gif Broodmother Slivina North of The Savage Thicket, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0982 IconSmall Lich Male.gif Artruis the Heartless The Sundered Shard, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0983 IconSmall Cyborg.gif Bythius the Flesh-Shaper The Avalanche, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0984 IconSmall Plague-dog.gif Cerberon The Avalanche, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0985 IconSmall Plague-dog.gif Glonn The Avalanche, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0986 IconSmall FleshGiant.gif Urgreth of the Thousand Tombs The Avalanche, Sholazar Basin Hostile
0987 IconSmall FrostWyrm.gif Hailscorn The Avalanche, Sholazar Basin Hostile


No. Name Location Reaction
0661 IconSmall Human Female.gif Twilight Marauder Morna South of Staghelm Point, Silithus Hostile
0662 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Twilight Keeper Havunth Twilight Base Camp, Silithus Hostile
0663 IconSmall Human Female.gif Twilight Prophet Twilight Base Camp, Silithus Hostile
0664 IconSmall Human Female.gif Twilight Keeper Mayna Twilight Post, Silithus Hostile
0665 IconSmall Air.gif Huricanian Hive'Ashi, Silithus Hostile
0666 IconSmall Silithid.gif Rex Ashil Hive'Ashi, Silithus Hostile
0667 IconSmall Human Male.gif Vyral the Vile Twilight's Run, Silithus Hostile
0668 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Shade of Ambermoon Southwind Village, Silithus Hostile
0669 IconSmall Silithid.gif Zora Hive'Zora, Silithus Hostile
0670 IconSmall SilithidTank.gif Lapress Hive'Regal, Silithus Hostile
0671 IconSmall Scorpid.gif Deathclasp Near Bronzebeard Encampment, Silithus Hostile
0672 IconSmall Human Male.gif Twilight Keeper Exeter Twilight Outpost, Silithus Hostile
0696 IconSmall Anubisath.gif Setis The Scarab Wall, Silithus Hostile

Silverpine Forest

No. Name Location Reaction
0114 IconSmall Human Male.gif Thule Ravenclaw Fenris Keep, Silverpine Forest Hostile
0115 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Fenwick Thatros The Decrepit Ferry, Silverpine Forest Hostile
0116 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Astor Hadren Road, Silverpine Forest Hostile
1256 IconSmall Banshee.gif Nightlash Valgan's Field, Silverpine Forest Hostile
1257 IconSmall Worgen.gif Lost Son of Arugal North of Deep Elem Mine, Silverpine Forest Hostile

The Slave Pens

No. Name Location Reaction
0422 IconSmall Broken Male.gif Mennu the Betrayer Center of the Pens, The Slave Pens Hostile
0423 IconSmall Bogstrok.gif Rokmar the Crackler Right Side of Center, The Slave Pens Hostile
0424 IconSmall FungalGiant.gif Quagmirran At the End, The Slave Pens Hostile
1357 IconSmall Naga Male.gif Skar'this the Summoner Left Side of Center, The Slave Pens Hostile
1358 IconSmall FrostLord.gif Ahune Left Side of Center, The Slave Pens Hostile

The Steamvault

No. Name Location Reaction
0512 IconSmall Naga Female.gif Hydromancer Thespia First Area, The Steamvault Hostile
0513 IconSmall Pummeler.gifIconSmall LeperGnome Male.gif Mekgineer Steamrigger Leper Area, The Steamvault Hostile
0514 IconSmall Naga Male.gif Warlord Kalithresh Final Chamber, The Steamvault Hostile
0747 IconSmall Mana.gif Second Fragment Guardian The Cooling Pools, The Steamvault Hostile

The Stonecore

No. Name Location Reaction
1350 IconSmall Gnome Male.gif Millhouse Manastorm The Winding Halls, The Stonecore Hostile
1351 IconSmall Gyreworm.gif Corborus The Winding Halls, The Stonecore Hostile
1352 IconSmall DrakeStone.gif Slabhide The Overlook, The Stonecore Hostile
1353 IconSmall GemstoneColossus.gif Ozruk Chamber of Fanatics, The Stonecore Hostile
1354 IconSmall Cultist Female.gif High Priestess Azil Heart of Destruction, The Stonecore Hostile

Stonetalon Mountains

No. Name Location Reaction
0130 IconSmall Shredder.gifIconSmall Goblin Male.gif XT:9 Windshear Crag, Stonetalon Mountains Hostile
0159 IconSmall LeperGnome Male.gif Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle Cragpool Lake, Stonetalon Mountains Hostile

The Storm Peaks

No. Name Location Reaction
0988 IconSmall Gnoll.gif Gnarlhide Snowblind Hills, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0989 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Agnetta Tyrsdottar Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0990 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Warsmith Sigfinna Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0991 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Iva the Vengeful Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0992 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Thyra Kvinnshal Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0993 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Sigdis the Trader Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0994 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Astrid Bjornrittar Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0995 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Fylla Ingadottir Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0996 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Kari the Beastmaster Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0997 IconSmall NorthrendYeti.gif Kirgaraak Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0998 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Gretta the Arbiter Brunnhildar Village, The Storm Peaks Hostile
0999 IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Brijana Valley of Ancient Winters, The Storm Peaks Hostile
1000 IconSmall FireGiant.gif Fjorn Fjorn's Anvil, The Storm Peaks Hostile
1001 IconSmall Bear.gif Shardtooth Camp Tunka'lo, The Storm Peaks Hostile
1002 IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Ontak Camp Tunka'lo, The Storm Peaks Hostile
1003 IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Udoho Icerunner Camp Tunka'lo, The Storm Peaks Hostile
1004 IconSmall Taunka Female.gif Wabada Whiteflower Camp Tunka'lo, The Storm Peaks Hostile
1005 IconSmall SaberWorg.gif Gimorak Gimorak's Den, The Storm Peaks Hostile
1006 IconSmall Harpy.gif Sirana Iceshriek South of Valkyrion, The Storm Peaks Hostile

Stormstout Brewery

No. Name Location Reaction
1770 IconSmall WaterSpirit.gif Eddy Grain Cellar, Stormstout Brewery Hostile
1771 IconSmall Hozen.gif Jooga Stormstout Brewhall, Stormstout Brewery Hostile
1772 IconSmall Alemental.gif Fizzy Yellow Alemental The Great Wheel, Stormstout Brewery Hostile
1773 IconSmall Virmen.gif Hoptallus The Great Wheel, Stormstout Brewery Hostile
1774 IconSmall Alemental.gif Yan-Zhu the Uncasked The Tasting Room, Stormstout Brewery Hostile

Stormwind City

No. Name Location Reaction
0138 IconSmall Human Male.gif Lord Gregor Lescovar Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City Neutral
0139 IconSmall Human Male.gif Marzon the Silent Blade Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City Neutral
0152 IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dashel Stonefist Old Town, Stormwind City Neutral
1468 IconSmall Human Male.gif The Black Bishop Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City Hostile
1469 IconSmall FacelessShadoweaver.gif Samuelson Unmasked Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City Hostile

Stormwind Stockade

No. Name Location Reaction
0131 IconSmall Dragonmaw Male.gif Targorr the Dread Cell, Stormwind Stockade Hostile
0132 IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Kam Deepfury Cell, Stormwind Stockade Hostile
0133 IconSmall OgreMage.gif Hamhock Cell, Stormwind Stockade Hostile
0134 IconSmall Human Male.gif Bazil Thredd Cell, Stormwind Stockade Hostile
0135 IconSmall Human Male.gif Dextren Ward Cell, Stormwind Stockade Hostile
0387 IconSmall Human Male.gif Randolph Moloch Cell, Stormwind Stockade Hostile
0388 IconSmall Fire.gif Lord Overheat Cell, Stormwind Stockade Hostile

Strand of the Ancients

No. Name Location Reaction
1359 IconSmall Demolisher.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Lv. 80 Player Gate of the Yellow Moon, Strand of the Ancients Hostile
1360 IconSmall Troll Female.gif Lv. 84 Player Gate of the Yellow Moon, Strand of the Ancients Hostile
1361 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Lv. 83 Player Gate of the Yellow Moon, Strand of the Ancients Hostile
1362 IconSmall Orc Male.gif Lv. 84 Player Gate of the Yellow Moon, Strand of the Ancients Hostile
1363 IconSmall Orc Male.gifIconSmall Wolf.gif Lv. 84 Player Landing Beach, Strand of the Ancients Hostile
1364 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Lv. 82 Player Landing Beach, Strand of the Ancients Hostile
1365 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Lv. 81 Player Landing Beach, Strand of the Ancients Hostile
1366 IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Lv. 84 Player Gate of the Blue Sapphire, Strand of the Ancients Hostile


No. Name Location Reaction
1182 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Stratholme Courier King's Square, Stratholme Hostile
1183 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Fras Siabi King's Square, Stratholme Hostile
1184 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Hearthsinger Forresten Market Row, Stratholme Neutral
1185 IconSmall Wraith.gif The Unforgiven Between Market and Festival Lane, Stratholme Hostile
1186 IconSmall Ghoul.gif Timmy the Cruel Market Row, Stratholme Hostile
1187 IconSmall Ghost.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Postmaster Malown Market Row, Stratholme Hostile
1188 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Commander Malor The Scarlet Bastion, Stratholme Hostile
1189 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Willey Hopebreaker The Hoard, Stratholme Hostile
1190 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Risen Hammersmith The Hoard, Stratholme Hostile
1191 IconSmall Undead Male.gif Instructor Galford The Scarlet Bastion, Stratholme Hostile
1192 IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Balnazzar The Crimson Throne, Stratholme Hostile
1193 IconSmall SkeletalWarrior.gif Black Guard Swordsmith The Gauntlet, Stratholme Hostile
1194 IconSmall Banshee.gif Baroness Anastari The Gauntlet, Stratholme Hostile
1195 IconSmall Gargoyle.gif Stonespine The Gauntlet, Stratholme Hostile
1196 IconSmall CryptFiend.gif Nerub'enkan The Gauntlet, Stratholme Hostile
1197 IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Maleki the Pallid The Gauntlet, Stratholme Hostile
1198 IconSmall Wight.gif Magistrate Barthilas The Gauntlet, Stratholme Hostile
1199 IconSmall Abomination.gif Ramstein the Gorger Slaughter Square, Stratholme Hostile
1200 IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall SkeletalHorse.gif Lord Aurius Rivendare The Slaughter House, Stratholme Hostile

Sunstrider Isle

No. Name Location Reaction
1654 IconSmall Wretched.gif Felendren the Banished Falthrien Academy, Sunstrider Isle Neutral

Sunwell Plateau

No. Name Location Reaction
0950 IconSmall Kalecgos.gif Kalecgos Apex Point, Sunwell Plateau Hostile
0951 IconSmall Dreadlord.gif Sathrovarr the Corruptor Inner Veil, Sunwell Plateau Hostile
1142 IconSmall Brutallus.gif Brutallus The Dead Scar, Sunwell Plateau Hostile
1143 IconSmall FelDragon.gif Felmyst The Dead Scar, Sunwell Plateau Hostile
1144 IconSmall Man'ari Female.gif Grand Warlock Alythess Witch's Sanctum, Sunwell Plateau Hostile
1145 IconSmall Man'ari Female.gif Lady Sacrolash Witch's Sanctum, Sunwell Plateau Hostile
1146 IconSmall Naaru.gif M'uru Shrine of the Eclipse, Sunwell Plateau Hostile
1147 IconSmall VoidGod.gif Entropius Shrine of the Eclipse, Sunwell Plateau Hostile
1148 IconSmall Kil'jaeden.gif Kil'jaeden The Sunwell, Sunwell Plateau Hostile

Swamp of Sorrows

No. Name Location Reaction
0234 IconSmall BogBeast.gif Mire Lord Misty Valley, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
0328 IconSmall FacelessOne.gif Hr'nglth the Lost Stagalborg Cave, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
0329 IconSmall ForestTroll Female.gif Priestess Udum'bra Chamber of Blood, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
0330 IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Gomora the Bloodletter The Butchery, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
0331 IconSmall Troll Male.gif Jammal'an the Prophet Hall of Bones, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
0332 IconSmall LostOne.gif Lost One Cook Fallow Sanctuary, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
0333 IconSmall DrakeGreen.gif Jade South of The Harborage, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
0334 IconSmall Saber.gif Duskfang Misty Valley, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile
1149 IconSmall SpawnGreen.gif Captain Wyrmak Hall of Masks, Swamp of Sorrows Hostile