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Razorclaw the Butcher

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For the Classic boss fight, see Razorclaw the Butcher (Classic).
Main article: Baron Silverlaine
MobRazorclaw the Butcher
Image of Razorclaw the Butcher
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Undead)
Level 8-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shadowfang pack
Location Shadowfang Keep
Status Killable

Razorclaw the Butcher, having already been killed in the past, has a chance to be summoned as a ghost worgen by Baron Silverlaine when his health is brought to ~25%.


Prior to being killed, Razorclaw inhabited the former kitchen of Shadowfang Keep. He slaughtered many innocent humans in Shadowfang Keep when brought in by his master Arugal, hence his nickname.


  • Ability creature poison 01.png Spectral Ravaging — Pins an enemy to the ground, stunning them and tearing at their flesh to deal 1942 damage every 0.5 sec for 3 sec.
  • Trade engineering.png Spectral Rush — Leaps at an enemy target, knocking them down and ravaging them with razor-sharp claws.


Patch changes

See also

External links