Aggem Thorncurse

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For the Classic boss encounter, see Aggem Thorncurse (Classic).
Main article: Warlord Ramtusk
MobAggem Thorncurse
Image of Aggem Thorncurse
Gender Male
Race Quilboar (Humanoid)
Level 12-32 Elite
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Death's Head tribe
Location Razorfen Kraul[56.1, 31.1]
Status Killable

Aggem Thorncurse is a quilboar ghost found in Razorfen Kraul as part of the Warlord Ramtusk encounter.


  • Spell arcane blast.png Arcane Shot Healer Alert — Fires a well-aimed Arcane Shot at a random enemy's head, inflicting high Arcane damage creating a zone of Arcane damage at their feet for 9 sec.
  • Ability marksmanship.png Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.


Patch changes

External links