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Image of Stonespine
Race Gargoyle (Undead)
Level 51 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Stratholme Service Entrance
Status Killable

Stonespine is an elite rare mob gargoyle that occasionally spawns as a replacement to the Rockwing Gargoyles or Rockwing Screechers in Stratholme. This means Stonespine is patrolling the area that those gargoyles would be patrolling, as all gargoyles found in Stratholme are patrolling the same area. The clearest threat is the danger that Stonespine might aggro while already in combat with other mobs. Stonespine's main source of damage is stacking a bleed, which deals substantially more damage as it stacks. Stonespine can usually be identified as a larger and more gray-colored gargoyle when compared to the other gargoyles.


  • Ability gouge.png Vicious Rend — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy every 3 sec. for 15 sec.


Inv gauntlets 11.png [Gargoyle Shredder Talons] Inv misc cape 19.png [Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape]
Inv boots 08.png [Verdant Footpads]

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