Professor Slate

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MobProfessor Slate

Professor Slate.jpg

Professor Slate Brutish Force.jpg

Title <Potions Master>
Gender Male
Race Undead (Undead)
Level 16-31 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Viewing Room, Scholomance
Status Killable
Professor Slate from Hearthstone.

Professor Slate is a mad scientist found in the Viewing Room in the Scholomance. During the fight, he changes form.


  • Inv inscription inkgreen03.png Toxic Potion 40 yd range — Deals 120 Nature damage to all enemies within the acid. Lasts 10 sec. 2 sec cast. Puts a pool of acid on the ground that ticks for 120 Nature damage. (2 sec cooldown)
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Fire Breath Potion — Deals 8434 to 8446 Fire damage to enemies in front of the caster. 2 sec cast. Hits for ~77 Fire (2 sec cooldown)
  • Ability gouge.png Rend Melee range — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy every 3 sec. for 15 sec. Instant
  • Inv potion 37.png Potion of Brutish Force — Quaffs a potion, increasing size and Physical damage done by 50% for 2 min. 2 sec cast. Cast at 30% health.


Polyformic Acid Potion on Slate's table after his defeat

This is a very straightforward fight. The only ability non-tanks need to be aware of is the Toxic Potion he throws on the ground every ~15 seconds or so that lasts for 10 seconds. Simply move out of it and keep damaging the boss. At roughly 30%, he will quaff a potion, increasing his size and damage dealt, but that damage increase is only used against the tank. He will keep throwing toxic potions while buffed, but otherwise the fight is as it was.

Once he has been defeated, interact with the  [Polyformic Acid Potion] on his table to gain an hour-long buff: "Your attacks and spells have a chance to cause additional Nature damage to the Darkmaster's minions. WARNING: Results unpredictable in event of imbiber's death."



  • Currently Slate will only drop the vial once per type of dungeon (heroic and normal), if you accidentally delete the vial you must enter the other version to get another.
  • With his title, he is likely a reference to Professor Snape from the Harry Potter series.

Patch changes

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