Kil'sorrow Fortress

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For the location from an alternate universe, see Mar'gok's Overwatch.
MobKil'sorrow Fortress
Kil'sorrow Fortress.jpg
Type Fortress
Leader(s)  Giselda the Crone
Race(s) OrcOrc Orc
Shivarra Shivarra
Affiliation(s) Kil'sorrow clan, Shadow Council
Location Southeastern Nagrand
Status Active

Kil'sorrow Fortress is a large fortress in southeastern Nagrand near the border with Terokkar Forest. It is inhabited by the Kil'sorrow clan,[1] who are agents of the Shadow Council. The area is well-defended, its wooden walls protecting a stronghold, a great hall, a kennel, and several watch towers.

It is named after the great demonlord of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden.



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