Lady Illucia Barov

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BossLady Illucia Barov
Image of Lady Illucia Barov
Gender Female
Race Ghost (Undead)
Level    Retail: 15-30 Elite
Classic: 60 Elite
Class Necromancer
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Occupation Scholomance Instructor
Location The Shadow Vault, Scholomance
Status Deceased (lore)[1]
Relative(s) Alexei (husband),
Alexi and Weldon (sons), Jandice (daughter)

Lady Illucia Barov is a ghost mini-boss found in Scholomance. She was the wife of Lord Alexei Barov and formerly one of the six mini-bosses who had to be killed in order to summon Darkmaster Gandling.


She uses only shadow spells, so a shadow resistance buff or aura will do great here.

  • Spell shadow curseofsargeras.png Curse of Agony — Curses nearby enemies with agony, inflicting Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 30 sec. Only one curse per warlock can be active on any one target.
  • Spell shadow shadowworddominate.png Dominate Mind — Takes control of a humanoid enemy up to level 25 for 15 sec.
  • Spell shadow possession.png Fear — Strikes fear in an enemy, causing it to flee in terror for 4 sec. Only 1 target can be feared at a time.
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Shadow Shock — Instantly lashes an enemy with dark magic, inflicting Shadow damage.
  • Spell holy silence.png Silence — Silences nearby enemies, preventing them from casting spells for 10 sec.


Lady Illucia Barov has a chance to drop one of the following items. It is not guaranteed, however, that she will drop anything at all.

Inv weapon bow 08.png [Ancient Bone Bow] Inv belt 23.png [Bloodmail Belt]
Inv boots 01.png [Bloodmail Boots] Inv gauntlets 26.png [Bloodmail Gauntlets]
Inv chest leather 05.png [Bloodmail Hauberk] Inv pants 06.png [Bloodmail Legguards]
Inv shoulder 05.png [Burial Shawl] Inv chest leather 03.png [Cadaverous Armor]
Inv belt 16.png [Cadaverous Belt] Inv gauntlets 15.png [Cadaverous Gloves]
Inv pants 07.png [Cadaverous Leggings] Inv boots 05.png [Cadaverous Walkers]
Inv chest chain 15.png [Deathbone Chestplate] Inv gauntlets 28.png [Deathbone Gauntlets]
Inv belt 12.png [Deathbone Girdle] Inv pants 04.png [Deathbone Legguards]
Inv boots 01.png [Deathbone Sabatons] Inv jewelry ring 15.png [Dimly Opalescent Ring]
Inv pants 02.png [Ghoul Skin Leggings] Inv hammer 13.png [Hammer of the Vesper]
Inv relics libramofhope.png [Libram of Divinity] Inv boots 05.png [Necropile Boots]
Inv bracer 07.png [Necropile Cuffs] Inv pants 08.png [Necropile Leggings]
Inv shoulder 02.png [Necropile Mantle] Inv chest cloth 43.png [Necropile Robe]
Inv relics totemoflife.png [Totem of Sustaining] Inv jewelry talisman 12.png [Corruptor's Scourgestone]
Inv misc shadowegg.png [Skin of Shadow]

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Illucia Barov's living form appears as a legendary Priest card in the Scholomance Academy expansion for Hearthstone. Her abilities switch both players' decks and hands for a turn, and her flavor text reads: ""…and that's how I ended up with a Murloc Cultural Studies major.""


Patch changes


External links