Commander Zak'tar

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Main article: Spoils of Pandaria
MobCommander Zak'tar
Image of Commander Zak'tar
Title <Ace of the Set'thik>
Race Mantid (Humanoid)
Level ?? Elite
Class Ace
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Set'thik
Location Artifact Storage, Siege of Orgrimmar
Status Killable

Commander Zak'tar is a mantid in the Spoils of Pandaria encounter in Siege of Orgrimmar.


  • Inv misc bomb 05.png Set to Blow Important — Throws a pack of highly volatile bombs on the back of players. After 30 sec, these bombs will detonate, inflicting 214500 to 225500 Fire damage per remaning stack to all players within 10 yards. Players may use Throw Bomb to remove one of these bombs, dropping it on the ground instead. Bombs on the ground will detonate for 214500 to 225500 Fire damage when any player enters their proximity or after 30 sec.The damage from any of these bombs can chain to nearby ground bombs.
  • Spell holiday tow spicecloud.png Pheromone Cloud — Inflicts 30000 Nature damage every second while alive.

Patch changes

External links