Temple of Atal'Hakkar

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This article is about the revamped location. For the original instance, see Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Classic).
"The Lost Temple" redirects here. For the Broken Shore subzone, see Lost Temple.
The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
Sunken Temple, Temple, ST
Temple of Atal'Hakkar loading screen.jpg
Location Pool of Tears, Swamp of Sorrows
Race(s) Green dragon Green dragon
IconSmall SpawnGreen2 Male.gifIconSmall SpawnGreen2 Female.gif Green dragonspawn
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
Undead trollUndead troll Undead troll
End boss IconSmall DragonGreen.gif Shade of Eranikus
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 20-30
Classic lvl 50-60
Player limit 5
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed

The Temple of Atal'Hakkar (also known as the Sunken Temple) is a shrine to the nefarious Blood God Hakkar the Soulflayer that was erected by the Atal'ai trolls led by their master Jammal'an the Prophet. Believing that this was the intended site for Hakkar's reentry into Azeroth, the great Dragon Aspect Ysera and her green dragonflight sunk the temple into the depths of the Swamp of Sorrows. However, this actually helped the Atal'ai by ensuring their efforts to summon Hakkar went on undisturbed.


The Chamber of Blood.


Over a thousand years ago, the powerful Gurubashi Empire was torn apart by a massive civil war. An influential group of troll priests, known as the Atal'ai, attempted to bring back an ancient blood god named Hakkar the Soulflayer. Though the priests were defeated and ultimately exiled, the great troll empire buckled in upon itself. The exiled priests fled far to the north, into the Swamp of Sorrows. There they erected a great temple to Hakkar - where they could prepare for his arrival into the physical world. The great dragon Aspect, Ysera, learned of the Atal'ai's plans and smashed the temple beneath the marshes. To this day, the temple's drowned ruins are guarded by the green dragons who prevent anyone from getting in or out. However, it is believed that some of the fanatical Atal'ai may have survived Ysera's wrath - and recommitted themselves to the dark service of Hakkar.[1]

Modern times

At some point, the goblin Marvon Rivetseeker entered the temple and barely escaped.[2] Explorers' League was also interested in its tablets,[3] and Warchief Thrall sent a group of orcs to investigate the strange happenings at the Temple of Atal'Hakkar.[4]

The green dragon watch was subtly being affected by the Emerald Nightmare. The descendants of the Atal'ai trolls returned to the Sunken Temple and found its guardians disoriented and vulnerable. Both the Nightmare and trolls dragged the dragons down into the depths of madness and corruption. In firm control of the temple, the Atal'ai began their gruesome rituals to summon Hakkar into Azeroth again. Itharius asked the Cenarion Circle for help, and they sent an Alliance force to cleanse the temple. These champions slaughtered many Atal'ai adherents and put an end to their rituals.[5] The night elf Lelior and the dwarf Ciarin once fought against Atal'ai priests,[6] and it might have been during the Alliance raid.

According to Archmage Khadgar's book written after the reawakening of the Dragon Isles, the Shade of Eranikus remains within the sunken Temple of Atal'Hakkar to this day and is best avoided by those unprepared to face the might of a green dragon.[7] The archmage also warns that those who trespass the altars of Hakkar risk more than mere death. Madness stalks the shadowed halls, threatening to entrap the souls of unbelievers while their vessels are given as sacrifices to the Loa of Blood. Whether dragon, dwarf, or orc, the essence of the fallen fuels the winged serpent's return, heralding the end of all life on Azeroth.[8]

Adventure Guide

Thousands of years ago, the Gurubashi empire was plunged into a civil war by a powerful sect of priests, the Atal'ai, who sought to summon to Azeroth an avatar of their god of blood, Hakkar the Soulflayer. The Gurubashi people exiled the Atal'ai to the Swamp of Sorrows, where the priests built the Temple of Atal'Hakkar. Ysera, Aspect of the green dragonflight, sank the temple beneath the swamp and assigned wardens to ensure that the summoning rituals never be performed again.


Maps and subregions

Map of the Sunken Temple of Atal'Hakkar.


Removed (with the Shattering):


Bosses Monsters



Entering the dungeon

Swim through the flooded depths of the Broken Hall, then follow the passageway to the right to find the Hall of Masks. The instance portal is here. In the passageway outside this room, the hallway proceeds to the left and the right. To the right, it goes down to the Chamber of Blood. To the left is The Butchery. Proceeding through the Den of the Caller, to the left through the Hall of Ritual, then down, you will find the Hall of Bones. Upon entering the instance portal, you will find yourself with Itharius, a green dragon, and you will be in the central room filled with corrupt dragonkin.

Jammal'an the Prophet

Main article: Jammal'an the Prophet

Jammal'an must be killed before heading to Shade of Eranikus. You can reach him by heading through the southeastern passage of the room, to the eastern part of the dungeon known as the Lair of the Chosen. The whole room must be cleared before engaging the boss, or they will join in the fight. These packs may fear, so pull them into a corner. Each of these mobs, when killed, will create an aggressive spirit that is immune to all damage and abilities; however each will die automatically after a few seconds. These spirits have very high melee damage, so move away from them until they disappear. After clearing the entire room, you can take on Jammal'an the Prophet and Ogom the Wretched. Kill Jammal'an first, as he has the ability to turn one party member against the rest.

Wardens of the Dream

Main article: Wardens of the Dream

Before awakening the final boss, you'll have to defeat his children, four large green dragons. If not killed, they will join the fight later on. First, take out Dreamscythe and Weaver, pulling them back to a spot away from other dragonkin. Keep these drakes turned away from the group, as they have acid spit that can spread across all five members. Through hallway to the south, the final boss is protected by two more large drakes, Hazzas and Morphaz.

The Dreamer

Main article: Shade of Eranikus

Shade of Eranikus is sitting alone in a large room. Simply tank Shade like any other dragon, to one side so melee DPS is standing at his stomach and ranged is safely away from his face and tail. This fight may be tricky as the boss casts two stuns. The first, Deep Slumber, makes the target invulnerable and stunned for 8 seconds. The second is [War Stomp] which will stun all enemies in melee range for 4 seconds. When the tank becomes stunned, it is helpful for a melee to taunt or to take aggro on the boss so he does not destroy the rest of the group.

Avatar of Hakkar

Main article: Avatar of Hakkar

The Avatar of Hakkar is an optional boss which may be taken in any order the party wishes. A party member must have the  [Egg of Hakkar] to summon this boss, from the quest N [20-30D] The Blood God Hakkar. After completion of this quest, the player keeps the egg, so that the Avatar may be summoned in the future any number of times. Head to the west wing of the dungeon, known as the Sanctum of the Fallen God. Click the Shrine of the Soulflayer to summon the Avatar of Hakkar. Once summoned, gates at each side of the room will fall, and remain until the boss is killed.



Main article: Temple of Atal'Hakkar loot


In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The area is known as the Lost Temple. This temple is located underneath the middle of the Swamp of Sorrows, where the monsters are the thickest. Also known as the Sunken Temple, trolls built it many centuries ago, using it to focus demonic arcane magic. They fell to its corrupting influences and since the Green dragonflight has taken over the area. They are attempting to cleanse the temple, but the dragons frequently fail and lose some of their number in the attempt. Now they see it as their duty to guard the temple from others who may be controlled by the power inside.

Several orcs have explored this area while keeping clear of the green dragons on watch. Some were even able to question surreptitiously the less intelligent of the green dragons and pull some information about the area from them. Long ago, the trolls here attempted to summon and control Hakkar, an old god of theirs. Eranikus the Green, a powerful dragon, was sent in to contain Hakkar's evil and cleanse the temple. Although he sunk the temple below the waters, over time Eranikus went crazy. That's the story, anyway, but no one has come close enough to the temple to verify it.[9]


  • With patch 4.0.3a all floors below the top and the bosses they contained have been removed. In the original version, upon pressing a snake statues in the Pit of Refuse in the proper order, the dire troll boss Atal'alarion spawned in the middle of the pit. In addition, in order to kill Jammal'an, you had first to kill Gasher, Hukku, Loro, Mijan, Zolo, and Zul'Lor, who were standing on the six ledges overlooking the Pit of Sacrifice. Once all six are dead, the shield protecting Jammal'an faded, and he was reachable.


Patch changes

  • Legion Hotfix (2016-08-02): Fixed a bug that caused the map to be unviewable in Temple of Atal'hakkar
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): All floors below the top and the bosses they contained have been removed. Level range raised to 52-55.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Level range reduced from 50-56 to 45-50.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.4.0 (2005-04-19): The minimum level requirement on the Temple of Atal'Hakkar Meeting Stone has been properly assigned.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Capped at ten players.
  • Test-inline.png Patch 0.10 (2004-09-18): The Drakes in Sunken Temple have had their drop rates increased. New items have been added to their loot tables as well.
  • Test-inline.png Patch 0.8 (2004-07-07): Opened and itemized.


External links

Temple of Atal'Hakkar Swamp of Sorrows